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User Interface and Experience Development for Craigslist, Boston

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1 User Interface and Experience Development for Craigslist, Boston
Mansi Boriya Mayy Alamin Srinithya Dasari Ghazal Shambayati CSYE7280 User Experience Design/Testing  Professor Vishal Chawla TA: Gaurang Deshpande 03/14/2016

2 Why Craigslist?

3 Overview The area of focus in order to improve the website are:
Discovery which involves building on the idea, documentation and the analytics. User Design which includes the color coding, the appeal, the designs, the graphics and the overall look of the website. User Experience which involves the change and reforms in the functionality of the website in order to make it easier to navigate. Validation which involves the user testing, the key wire frames and budget discussion.

4 Website Building The building of a website starts with planning.
For convenience purpose, the website building is done in the terms of layers Each layer is designed individually and carefully to make an efficient website. Each layer is further subdivided for a meaningful purpose of the plane.

5 Strategy Plane for Craigslist
This is the first step to designing a website is the Strategy Plane. Here, two most important questions are answered : What do we get out of this product? What does the user get out of this product?

6 Strategy Plane for Craigslist
User Needs Seller profile and verification Product information Contact Seller Button An Active and Updated Blog Chat options in the Website Product Objectives Building a website which makes the buyer connect the seller seamlessly Nationwide connectivity Provide a platform where the buyer can trust the seller

7 Scope Plane for Craigslist
Scope plane defines the Functional Requirements and the Content Requirements This plane answers - What are we building? What are we not building?

8 Scope Plane for Craigslist
What are we building? A User friendly Website with more detailed and simplified functionalities than the current version. A website which saves time for the user in understanding how the website works. A dynamic website. What are we NOT building? It is not where Buyer and Seller meet directly and the website is no way involved in the transaction

9 Scope Plane for Craigslist
Content Requirements Details of each item posted for sale. Descriptions of the event/job/housing. Contents on the About Us part of the website. Blogs

10 Structure Plane for Craigslist
Structure plane defines Interaction Design and the Information Architecture Interaction Design is how the user moves from one step in a process to the next Information Architecture is how the user moves from one content element to the next.

11 Structure Plane for Craigslist
Interaction Design The two elements in Interaction Design are : The Conceptual Model and Error Handling Conceptual Model is the how the user will perceive the interactive components created by the developers Error Handling deals with the prevention, managing and/or correcting the errors

12 Conceptual Model for Craigslist

13 Error Handling On Craigslist, we came across many bugs and decided to handle it by changing a few functions. The ‘Mobile’ link tends to redirect you to a shabby representation of a screen responsive website Instead, we made a new mobile website for when it is opened through mobile and discarded this option from the desktop site

14 Craigslist’s Mobile

15 Now Becomes This

16 Information Architecture
Information Architecture is basically how the information will be processed by people. The information architecture of our website is more simplified than the original website and follows the top-down approach.

17 Information Architecture

18 Craigslist Home Page

19 Sign In/Sign Up Form

20 iPad Home Page with Menu

21 Phone Home Page with Menu

22 Phone Home Page with More Options

23 Clothing Category Page

24 Clothing Category Page with the Filter

25 iPad Clothing Category page

26 Phone Clothing Category Page

27 Project Team Roles The roles for this project are divided as follows:
Mansi Boriya- Plane Layout Mayy Alamin- Information Architecture Srinithya Dasari- Wireframes Ghazal Shambayati- Wireframes

28 Questions?

29 Thank You.

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