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Year 2 Individual Student Score Reports

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1 Year 2 Individual Student Score Reports
Information for Educators and Parents Facilitator, this information can be used for use in Networking meetings for State Assessment in a Balanced Assessment System. Bitlys were created or the actual picture can be clicked and it will take you to the ISBE webpage. There are many hyperlinks to sites that support the documents. It will be important to hover over pictures or titles to determine if the slide will take you to an actual website to support what is needed to better understand the Score Reports. The last slide of this deck, contains active links to the ISBE Assessment page as well as the ISBE PARCC page. Of note is a link to the PARCC website for score report information. Notable differences between last year and this year is the movement from color score reports to the gradients of “PARCC Purple”. IISBE Foundational Services

2 Quality Standards Aligned Curriculum
Quality Standards Aligned Instruction Demonstration of Learning and Knowledge Transfer Through the Summative Assessment: PARCC This slide leads to the explanation of Evidence Centered Design and the “Evidence, Claims, and Tasks.” 2016

3 By the end of this Networking Session you should be able to…
communicate the meaning of the PARCC individual score. identify and access assessment-related resources, non- summative assessment tools, and professional development tools that can be used to support classroom instruction. These two statements are the goals of networking sessions. Depending on the intent and purpose of this slide deck is to support a better understanding of score reporting as well as understand resources that are available to support parental and educator understanding of the many score reports. The new Evidence statements/table score reports will be defined in a few more slides further into the presentation. The value of these reports will help educators better understand areas of strength and limitations in student progress in meeting their grade level standards.

4 Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) Assessment
Claims Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want students to know , understand and do. Evidence In order to support claims, we must gather evidence of student learning. Tasks Tasks are designed to elicit specific evidence from students in support of claims. The Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want to make about students. In order to support claims, we must gather evidence. Tasks are then designed to elicit the specific evidence from students that supports the claims. PARCC utilizes Evidence-Centered Design to inform the development of the summative assessments. ECD is a deliberate and systematic approach to assessment development that will help to establish the validity of the assessments, increase the comparability of year-to year results, and increase efficiencies/reduce costs. To the facilitator: we will step through the model content frameworks next. These delve into the standards and attempt to get to the beginning point for making claims. We will then address evidence statements and tasks. It is helpful to spend some time with each of these activities as they may elicit comments and can also serve as great instructional resources. To understand the process of developing the assessments these websites support the documents that are used to support the life cycle of a test item. ELA : Math: ECD is a deliberate and systematic approach to assessment development that will help to establishes the validity of the assessments and increase the comparability results. Confidential - Not for Distribution

5 Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) Assessment
Claims Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want students to know, understand and do. Evidence In order to support claims, we must gather evidence of student learning Tasks Tasks are designed to elicit specific evidence from students in support of claims. The Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want to make about students. In order to support claims, we must gather evidence. Tasks are then designed to elicit the specific evidence from students that supports the claims. PARCC utilizes Evidence-Centered Design to inform the development of the summative assessments. ECD is a deliberate and systematic approach to assessment development that will help to establish the validity of the assessments, increase the comparability of year-to year results, and increase efficiencies/reduce costs. To the facilitator: we will step through the model content frameworks next. These delve into the standards and attempt to get to the beginning point for making claims. We will then address evidence statements and tasks. It is helpful to spend some time with each of these activities as they may elicit comments and can also serve as great instructional resources. To understand the process of developing the assessments these websites support the documents that are used to support the life cycle of a test item. ELA : Math: Confidential - Not for Distribution

6 Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) Assessment
Claims Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want students to know, understand and do. Evidence In order to support claims, we must gather evidence of student learning. Tasks Tasks are designed to elicit specific evidence from students in support of claims. The Design begins with the inferences (claims) we want to make about students. In order to support claims, we must gather evidence. Tasks are then designed to elicit the specific evidence from students that supports the claims. This slide will lead to the Master, Major and Sub Claims of the standards for ELA and math. It is important to help educator understand that the design of curriculum and instruction and assessment go hand in hand. PARCC utilizes Evidence-Centered Design to inform the development of the summative assessments. ECD is a deliberate and systematic approach to assessment development that will help to establish the validity of the assessments, increase the comparability of year-to year results, and increase efficiencies/reduce costs. To the facilitator: we will step through the model content frameworks next. These delve into the standards and attempt to get to the beginning point for making claims. We will then address evidence statements and tasks. It is helpful to spend some time with each of these activities as they may elicit comments and can also serve as great instructional resources. To understand the process of developing the assessments these websites support the documents that are used to support the life cycle of a test item. ELA : Math: Confidential - Not for Distribution

7 Walk participants through the progress of the Master, Major and Sub Claims of what the Standards and the Assessment are designed to accomplish. The outcome of the ELA standards are inevitably in the purple area. That students “transfer” all of their learning to present their knowledge in the applications of real life situations.

8 Take a few minutes to highlight the master, and sub claims of the math structured claims.

9 Purpose of PARCC Results
Summarize student achievement Describe student performance relative to meeting standards Support school improvement planning, ex. prioritize professional learning resource decisions, advise program alignment with academic standards, reflect on the effectiveness of school overarching initiatives. This slide supports the interpretation of the results in purposeful bulleted points. This slide should be one of the reasons that networking would be needed. This slide will also be repeated once again during the session (labeled as Use of PARCC Scores) as a reminder of what the score reports share and how districts can use the reports.

10 Evidence Statement Tables and Statements
Evidence Statement Tables and Evidence Statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to the Common Core State Standards. Evidence Statements include information on "Clarifications, Limits and Emphasis," and other information intended to ensure appropriate variety in tasks, related "Mathematical Practices," and "Calculator Designations."

11 Foundations of PARCC Assessment Literacy
Each picture is hyperlinked to specific page for ELA and Math These websites will set the pace as to how the assessment designed is aligned with the standards. They also show the transparency created by PARCC to assess the Illinois Learning Standards aka Common Core.

12 Score Wrappers As the presentation continues the this slide moves you from the design of the assessment to how the scores are transferred into data that reports students understanding of grade level standards. 2016

13 This is the cover letter for the State Superintendents cover letter for the Score Wrappers. Please note that I highlighted and placed arrows next to areas of focus. PARCC emphasizes critical thinking. This statement dovetails with the “Work Force Demands” activity found in the Classroom Assessment Foundational Services presentation.

14 PARCC Score Wrappers. Providing a more “in-depth explanation” of students performance.
By clicking on the picture, the hyperlink will take you to a sample of the score wrapper for each grade level. Although most schools have distributed scores to parents, it is of benefit to the AC’s and SP’s to have a more clear understanding of the materials that were available to districts as well as the “language” of the assessment and its accompanying literature.

15 Grade Level Score Wrappers Score Interpretation Guide http://www. isbe
Picture is hyperlinked to reveal the grade level choices of the Score Wrappers. Go to the ISBE Assessment page and demonstrate its value to visit often. The hyperlinked picture will take you right to the score wrappers but other links can be accessed as well. News and Updates are a valuable link. Information on the right hand “Resources” are a quick link to the Illinois Assessments. THE SCORE INTERPRETATION GUIDE IS INTRODUCTED DURING THIS SLIDE BUT IS FURTHER DISCUSSED LATER IN THE PRESENTATION.

16 This is the grade level information provided for ELA in the first page of the Score Wrappers. It will be important to share that each grade level has its own Score Wrapper, Grades 3-11. Each Performance Level Descriptor PLD, Level 2-5 has an explanation.

17 Unlike the ELA explanation, there is no Background information paragraph for mathematics. Each grade level has their own Score Wrapper and follows the ELA explanation.

18 PARCC 2015-2016: Score reports Illinois State Board of Education
This is a full view of the Score Report. The following slides will provide a more broken down version of the front and back of the report. They look similar in mathematics. Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

19 English Language Arts/Literacy Side 1-Introductory Text
The following slides are a break down of the full report. They will share as Side 1 and Side 2 of the Parent report.

20 English Language Arts/Literacy Side 1- Overall Score & Performance Level
ELA This slide shares the over all scores. Point out 1. Where the child scored, How they compared to the State and look in the lower left corner how the school, district, state and cross state averages compared to the child.

21 English Language Arts/Literacy Side 1- Growth and Probable Range
ELA, comparing growth from year to year. (Explained more fully on following slide. Your child got a 700 last year and then looks at how they performed this year. This student did not do as well as the example shares. Did not score as well as his or her peers.

22 Student growth percentiles
Illinois State Board of Education Student growth percentiles A basic overview: Student Growth Percentages, SGPs show how a student’s achievement at the end of the year compares with that of other students who started the year at the same level. For example, if Adele scored 263 on last year’s test, her score at the end of this year would be compared with the scores of all the other students who scored a 263* last year. Adele’s SGP would be her percentile rank (from 1 to 99) within this group of similar peers. If Adele’s SGP is 50, it means that her growth in test scores is right in the middle: Half of the similar students who scored 263 last year scored higher than she did this year, and half of them scored lower. Source: Student Growth Percentiles 101: Using Relative Ranks in Student Test Scores to Help Measure Teaching Effectiveness. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

23 English Language Arts/Literacy Side 2 – Sub-scores and Sub-Claim Indicators
This ELA slide has a double click and the red box will highlight different areas in the score report. It will important to discuss the legend at the bottom lower right corner. Of note, this report shares the students PARCC Reading and Writing Scores. There are also reports that share the students Mathematical Scores.

24 English Language Arts/Literacy Side 2-Added information for Score Interpretation
The information in this lower portion of Side 2 is added by ISBE to support the definition of the PARCC Assessment.

25 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of students at level 4 or above. Grade reports across the consortium or the State.

26 Mathematics Side 1- Introductory Text
This is the beginning of a few slides that like ELA, will share the breakdown of sections of the mathematics score report.

27 Mathematics Side 1- Overall Score and Performance Level
This slide shares the over all scores. Point out 1. Where the child scored, How they compared to the State and look in the lower left corner how the school, district, and state averages compared to the child. Math

28 Mathematics Sub-Claim Explanation Information for Score Interpretation
Performance with legend

29 Mathematics Side 1- Growth and Probable Range

30 Mathematics Added Information for Score Interpretation
Added information to better understand the scores.

31 Preliminary Mathematics scores 2015 to 2016

32 PARCC Sub-Group Data By clicking on the title, the hyperlink will take you to the PARCC subgroup data. As the presentation continues the this slide moves you from the design of the assessment to how the scores are transferred into data that reports students understanding of grade level standards. 2016

33 PARCC Educators Score Report Interpretation Guide http://bit
Facilitators should spend time reading and reviewing this document. Clicking on the picture will take facilitator to the ISBE website and the documents will be displayed. Bitly on the right side is also active and will take you to the site. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT PEARSON CREATED AN ADDITIONAL SCORE INTERPRETATION DOCUMENT THAT IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE HAVING THE USER NAME AND PASSWORD. ALL FOUNDATIONAL FACILITATORS WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THIS DOCUMENT SO THE ADDITONAL SCORE REPORTS SUCH AS THE EVIDENCE TABLE REPORTS CAN BE MORE FULLY EXPLAINED AND INTERPRETED.

34 A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information
C. Number of Students D. Percentage of Students at each Performance Level E. Description of Performance Level Graphics F. Average overall Scale Score G. Reporting Category H. Performance by Scale Score I. Subclaim Category J. Subclaim Performance Indicators STUDENT ROSTER, ELA Each letter on the left is indicative of its relating letter on the student roster. (Facitators, each click will take you through two of the interpretive indicators on the student roster. Letter K has its own slide. These are more fully explained in the PARCC Educator, Pearson supplement and Parent Resource Material Guides.

35 K. Description of Subclaim Performance
An up arrow for the specified subclaim indications that the student Met or Exceeded Exceptions. Students are academically well prepared to engage in further studies in the subclaim content area and may need instructional enrichment. (Levels 4 or 5) A bidirectional arrow for the specified subclaim indicates that the student Approached Expectations for the subclaim. Students in this subclaim likely need academic support to engage successfully in further studies in the subclaim content area. (Level 3) A down arrow for the specified subclaim indicates that the student “Did Not Yet Meet or Partially Meet Exceptions,” Students in this subclaim category are likely not academically well prepared to engage successfully in further studies in the subclaim content area. Students likely need instructional interventions to increase achievement in the subclaim area. (Level 1 or 2) K. Description of Subclaim Performance This description of the Performance levels is an important slide that provides a visual view of students attainment of the Standards.

36 A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information
C. Number of Students D. Percentage of Students at each Performance Level E. Description of Performance Level Graphics F. Average overall Scale Score G. Reporting Category H. Performance by Scale Score I. Subclaim Category J. Subclaim Performance Indicators STUDENT ROSTER, MATHEMATICS Each letter on the left is indicative of its relating letter on the student roster. (Letter K has its own slide.) These are more fully explaned in the Educator and Pearson Explanation materials.

37 A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information C
A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information C. Number of Students D. Percentage of Students at Performance Levels E. Performance Level Descriptors F. Over all Scale Score G. Reporting Category H. Average Scale Score I. Subclaim Category J. Subclaim Performance Categories. DISTRICT SUMMARY OF SCHOOLS Each letter is described at the side of the slide. Compare across PARCC states, Illinois, District and schools within the district.

38 A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information C
A. Identification Information B. Assessment Information C. Number of Students D. Percentage of Students at Performance Levels E. Performance Level Descriptors F. Over all Scale Score I. Subclaim Category J. Subclaim Performance Categories. DISTRICT SUMMARY OF SCHOOLS Each letter is described in the side notes. Letter K has the same description as the Student rosters.

39 Clicking on the title will take you to the Score Interpretation Report
Clicking on the title will take you to the Score Interpretation Report. Scroll down to the bottom to the Appendix and the Grade Level Performance Scores

40 Performance Level Descriptors
Click on pictures to take you to PARCC site: Click on the words Performance Level Descriptors to go to AVOCET: Performance Level Descriptors

41 Performance Level Descriptors, Mathematics
Subclaims Evidences Performance level descriptors describe what a typical student at each level should be able to demonstrate based on his/her command of grade-level standards. PARCC reports according to five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 1: Did not yet meet expectations, Level 2: Partially met expectations, Level 3: Approached expectations, Level 4: Met expectations, Level 5: Exceeded expectations Performance Levels

42 Pearson Avocet Performance Report Information
Going to the link and them following the arrows for Results reporting and Performance Level Descriptors will take participants to information ELA and Math. This can also be accessed through the PARCC website however this website provides a plethora of information including Parent score reports in multiple languages.

43 How Evidence Statements can be used to Inform Instruction
District, School and Student level Data, Subgroup Data, Item Analysis using Evidence Statements Use PARCC reports to review evidence and tables. Use student performance and mastery of standards. PARCC Data Evidence Tables Instructional Alignment Review of the standards and determine what it looks like in the curriculum framework and instruction Standards Curriculum, Instruction, Framework, Formative Assessment, Data, and Reflection What materials will a district need to unpack the Evidence Statement Analysis Reports with staff ? (This slide has been adapted from the Maryland presentation on score interpretation.)

44 Evidence Statement Analysis Report
❖ General results not individual student or subgroup results ❖ Does not show percentage scores or number of test items ❖ Evidence Statement Analysis table does not show writing evidence statements or standards ❖ Evidence Statement Analysis report is only one measure of student performance with regard to curriculum and standards taught The Evidence Statements reports do have a few limitations when using them to discuss performance on test items, evidence statements, and standards.

45 School Evidence Statements
A. District and School Information Reports are provided at a district level as well as for each school associated with that district for the district and school listed on the report. B. Description of Report The description of the content area (English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics) assessed, grade level/course assessed, and assessment year is located in this area. C. Students with Valid Scores The report presents the average percent correct by evidence statement for students who have PARCC reportable Summative Scale Scores in the Spring administration. Reportable scores are those records that have met attempted, are non- voided records, and are without suppression codes that have excluded them from aggregations. These new score reports need some deeper level review by school personnel. They are fully explained in the score report guide from Pearson. They truly support the areas of strength and limitations of students attaining grade level standards as well as the instructional practices that support standards alignment.

46 Evidence Analysis D. Graph
The average percent correct by each item, combined at an evidence statement level is represented on the chart at a PARCC consortium level, state level, district level, and for the school report, at a school level. A legend is provided to show which lines represent each level shown. PARCC and State symbols are connected with a solid line. District and school symbols are not connected. District and school symbols are not connected because, depending on the form assignment selection taken at the school and district, all evidence statements may not be represented. If an evidence statement is not represented at a school or district level, there will not be a symbol on the chart for that evidence statement listed. If a symbol is on the chart at zero percent, this indicates that evidence statement group had 0% achieved out of the max points possible for that school or district. This information is fully explained and easier to read in the score interpretation guide document. AT THIS POINT IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO RECEIVE A ZERO IN AN EVIDENCE STATEMENT. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE FACTORS FOR THAT INDICATOR. AN OUT PLACED STUDENT TOOK THE ASSESSMENT IN A DIFFERENT FORM THAN THE HOME SCHOOL A STUDENT TAKING A DIFFERENT FORM OR AN ALTERNATIVE FORMATE SUCH AS PENCIL AND PAPER WHEN THE SCHOOL OR GRADE LEVEL TOOK THE ASSESSMENT ONLINE. THUS, WHEN A ZERO IS AN INDICATOR IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE PERSON INTERPRETING THE DATA INVESTIGATE THE CURRCUMSTANCES OF THE SCORE.

47 Evidence Table and Statement Breakdown English Language Arts
On Evidence Tables, you will find the Standards for ELA in Informational or Literary texts as well as the corresponding evidence statements . The Evidence Statement clearly defines what the student should be able to do as they demonstrate their knowledge and mastery on each standard. ELA standards for Informational and Literary texts ELA evidence statements for Informational and Literary texts

48 Evidence Table and Statement Breakdown Math
On Evidence Tables, you will find the Standards for Math as well as the corresponding evidence statements . The Evidence Statement clearly defines what the student should be able to do as they demonstrate their knowledge and mastery on each standard. Corresponding Math evidence statements Mathematical Practices and standards

49 Evidence Statement Tables and Statements
Evidence Statement Tables and Evidence Statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to the Common Core State Standards. Evidence Statements include information on "Clarifications, Limits and Emphasis," and other information intended to ensure appropriate variety in tasks, related "Mathematical Practices," and "Calculator Designations." Defining what the Evidence statements and tables are and how they relate to the standards

50 Evidence Statement Analysis Report
Name of assessment grade,and time of test Test items in descending order ELA or Math Domains ​The difficulty order (also the order across the bottom of the chart, not shown) is based on PARCC.  This part is actually covered some in the Interpretation Guide as well.  It's based​ on the max points possible for that bucket and the average points achieved at a PARCC level. Common Core Standard identifiers Evidence Statement identifiers

51 Materials for unpacking Evidence Statement Analysis Reports with your District Staff
Use Evidence Statements for ELA and Mathematics as well as Performance Level Descriptors for ELA and Mathematics review the Standards and evidence needed to demonstrate performance of the Standards. Partnership Resource Center with released items from PARCC assessment District and School Evidence Statement Analysis Reports from Pearson Access Next District curriculum and/or pacing guides for a particular grade level What materials will a district need to unpack the Evidence Statement Analysis Reports with staff. All underlined words are hyperlinked to websites as a review when and if necessary.

52 Use of PARCC Results Summarize student achievement
Describe student performance relative to meeting standards Support school improvement planning, ex. prioritize professional learning resource decisions, advise program alignment with academic standards, reflect on the effectiveness of school overarching initiatives. This slide supports the interpretation of the results in purposeful bulleted points. This slide should be one of the reasons that networking would be needed.

53 Partnership Resource Center (PRC)
Title and link are the same hyperlink

54 Claims, Evidence and Tasks of the Standards.
Supportive Resources The following resources provide multiple venues to review PARCC Score Reports, as well as provide a more clear understanding of PARCC Score Reports. Additional resources are provided to develop alignment and attainment of the Claims, Evidence and Tasks of the Standards.

55 Assessment Based on Standards
The philosophy that “Standards” are the means by which we lead educational best practice. Regardless of the product used, alignment to the standards are what The word “Standards” is hyperlinked to the Classrooms in Action website that will take you to a grouping of PDF as well as ebooks of ALL grade level standards. As the screen shot reads, it also includes the New Fine Arts Standards.

56 Clicking on picture will take you to PARCC Place
Clicking on picture will take you to PARCC Place. This site will so show social media Twitter Feeds.

57 Understand the Score
Clicking on picture will take you to Understanding the Score Understand the score is a sponsorship of and 5 other sponsors. This shares the transparency of the assessment and confidence in this assessment to measure the trajectory to college and career readiness.

58 District User Name and Password will provide Support Pearson Services
PearsonAccessnext serves as the entry point to all Pearson services used by school districts participating in the PARCC consortium. Access is currently limited to PARCC participation in the operational assessment

59 Additional Released Item Resources
Lessons from the Test Achieve the Core Lessons From the Test and Achieve the Core resources can be used for data discussions and to enhance instructional practices.

60 ELA/Literacy Lesson Bank Math Focus Documents ELA/Literacy Assessments
Coherence Map ELA/Literacy Lesson Bank Math Focus Documents ELA/Literacy Assessments Student Writing Samples This update supports the areas of focus of the Mathematics and ELA Standards. Each numbers title on the left side is hyperlinked to the resource on the Achieve the Core websit.e

61 Great Schools. Support for Interpretation of Test Scores http://www
Picture is hyperlinked to the Illinois Page.

62 Access to Parent Score Report Interpretation, 2016 http://bit
Clicking on the picture will take facilitator to the ISBE website and the documents will be displayed. Bitly on the right side is also active and will take you to the site.

63 Where can I find out about the reports?
Illinois State Board of Education: Assessment Website Home Page: ISBE PARCC specific information as well as updated assessment information: PARCC Website for Score Results by State. results/2016-score-reports PARCC Place: Facilitators, It will be very important for AC’s and SP’s presenting this information to understand the many valuable informational links as well as joining the Assessment List Serve to get informational updates current issues pertaining to State Assessments. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT SCHOOLS HAVE ACCESS TO PARCC ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE. NO SLIDES HAVE BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS WEBSITE HOWEVER AS A FACILITATOR OF THIS NETWORK IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS SOURCE OF INFORMATION. THIS IS A PASSWORD PROTECTED WEBSITE SO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THIS AS A RESOURCE, SAMPLE INFORMATION CAN BE ACCESSED USING THIS USERNAME: AND PASSWORD: SAMPLE2016.

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