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Citizen Advocacy
Does Vision Zero Make Sense Here?
33 ADDITIONAL people die, each year
The Vision Zero Coalition
…and growing
Vision Zero Workshop 1 What is Vision Zero – National Expert
Action Track Teams – Breakout Brainstorming Paint Saves Lives pop-up street design interventions One Message, Many Voices communications and engagement Consistent & Fair Enforcement The Future Will Not Be Like the Past roadway design standards and culture change Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety”
Vision Zero Workshop 1 Results
Paint Saves Lives Candidate Locations/Crowdsourcing Potential Partners One Message, Many Voices Choosing and Sharing the Message Storytelling – engaging victims loved ones Consistent & Fair Enforcement and Environment Safety Messaging Coordination among Walk/Bike/Motorists Safety Groups The Future Will Not Be Like the Past Design Strategies & Opportunities/Challenges and Obstacles Speed Kills! Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety”
Vision Zero Workshop 2 On-Street Audit
Jan. 31 by “Consistent & Fair” Team On-Street Audit Action Track Teams – Refine Action Plan Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety” Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety”
Vision Zero Workshop 2 Results
DATA, DATA, DATA Fatal & Severe Crashes by Causal Factor Speeding, Intoxication, No lighting, Aggressive Driving, Mid-block, hit & run, vehicle turning errors Percent of Total Fatal & Severe by Crash Mode Auto, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Other Cause of Death by Age and Mode MAPS, MAPS, MAPS Countywide heat maps Severe crashes (all modes) Severe vehicle crashes Severe crashes where no lighting is a factor Severe crashes where aggressive driving is a factor All bicycle crashes overlaid with severe bicycle crashes All pedestrian crashes overlaid with severe pedestrian crashes Severe motorcycle crashes Severe crashes where intoxication is a factor Severe crashes where speed is a factor
What does the data tell us about our county?
For every 1 fatal crash, there are 8 incapacitating injury crashes. Altogether ~1500 /year. 75% of fatal crashes occur on roads with posted speeds 40 mph +, whether they involve pedestrians, cyclists, or are strictly vehicular. 75% of fatal & incapacitating injury crashes occur on only one-third of our roads. 33% of fatal crashes involve aggressive driving. (It’s 42% of fatal vehicular crashes.) 24% of fatal crashes involve lack of lighting. (It’s 39% of fatal pedestrian crashes.) 23% of fatal crashes involve intoxication. Pedestrian crashes that include injuries are more severe: one-third result in death or incapacitation. We average more than one pedestrian injury crash every day. In the US, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young people <35 yrs.
Vision Zero Workshop 3 Paint temporary green bike lane
Apr. 25 by “Paint saves lives” Team Paint temporary green bike lane Draft Action Plan – prioritize strategies Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety”
Action Plan Development -One Message Many Voices
Goal 1: Increase awareness of Vision Zero to influence safer behaviors on our roadways UNDERWAY Create and sustain a Facebook page to broaden reach of VZ Meet with influential people to recruit support Create an asset map of traffic safety coalitions to share resources & consistent messaging Hold a Tampa Bay Safe Streets Summit NEXT STEPS Develop broad-based marketing with powerful messages Create a speakers-bureau LONGER TERM Incorporate Vision Zero into Neighborhood University Curriculum
Action Plan Development - One Message Many Voices
Goal 2: Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families to provide them a support system & a platform for their voices to be heard UNDERWAY Create a Families for Safe Streets Chapter NEXT STEPS Hold a press conference with families of victims of traffic violence LONGER TERM Hold a march in remembrance of those who lost their lives to traffic violence Work with media and hospitals to identify methods for learning about the victims Create a webpage or Facebook page remembering “Traffic violence doesn’t discriminate”
Action Plan Development – Future Not Like The Past
Goal 1: Update policies, standards and procedures to foster a culture of safety in the planning and design of the transportation system SPECIFIC ACTIONS Enhance requirements in local land development codes and technical manuals related to safety and connected design Revisit and update Maintenance of Traffic policies related to walking and cycling mobility Provide professional training opportunities for safe, context supportive & flexible road design Institute context classifications & target speeds within identified Vision Zero corridors Goal 2: Create a safe multimodal transportation through good design, lighting, and connected facilities Install LED lighting in corridors with high crash occurrences under dark or unlit conditions Improve safe access to high activity bus stops with high severe crashes Construct new bikeways in locations with high severe bicycle crashes and no bikeways Construct new walkways in locations with high severe bicycle crashes and no walkways
Action Plan Development – Paint Saves Lives
Goal 1: Use high-visibility markings on the transportation network to raise driver awareness of walking and cycling travel zones SPECIFIC ACTIONS Install crosswalk markings where missing or in poor condition Install intersection murals at high-crash intersections near schools Install green bike lane markings along high-crash corridors in communities of concern Goal 2: Implement low-cost treatments to improve the safety of the roadway particularly for vulnerable users Integrate roadway safety into resurfacing or reconstruction projects (bikeways) Engage interested community groups to hold events around pop-up traffic calming Add leading pedestrian intervals to signalized intersections Narrow vehicular travel lanes in high severe crash corridors, and/or reduce the number of vehicular travel lanes, if supported by traffic volumes consistent with FDOT’s Complete Streets policy
Action Plan Development – Consistent & Fair
Goal 1: Leverage the capabilities & existing resources of the CTST as a community law enforcement partnership SPECIFIC ACTIONS Engage CTST in Vision Zero initiative Develop & implement media plan to announce CTST/VZ initiative and publicize enforcement activities Expand the data-driven approach to address more topics in traffic law enforcement Support legislation that strengthens consistent and fair enforcement of traffic laws Goal 2: Establish Vision Zero “Consistent & Fair” Corridor Program Employ a data-driven approach to analysis of historical crash data to identify 10% worst corridors Ensure VZ Corridors are sensitive to concerns among minority communities re. policing practices Develop a signing strategy to identify VZ Corridors Announce designation of VZ Corridors Conduct targeted enforcement details
Top 20 Severe-Crash Corridors
63 miles of roadway (only 4% of our roads) 1030 severe crashes in five years (not fender benders)
Vision Zero Workshop 4 Aug. 22 Location TBD “One message, many voices” Team Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families Approve Final Action Plan Emily Lopez, 17 Eugene Fischer, 65 Ernest Kelly, 12 LaMour Welch, 29 Tampa Bay Times, February 1, 2017: “Hillsborough planners take to streets to study pedestrian safety”
Top 20 Pedestrian and Bike Crash Corridors
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