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Cognitive Perspective on Learning?

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0 A Cognitive Perspective on Integrated STEM (iSTEM) Learning
Eli M. Silk (University of Michigan) Christian D. Schunn (University of Pittsburgh) September 27, 2011 Presentation of a draft commissioned report for the National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council’s committee on determining the value of integrated K-12 STEM (iSTEM) education in the United States.

1 Cognitive Perspective on Learning?
Find learning limited by constraints on the mind Knowledge helps, especially organized knowledge Tradeoffs between situated and general knowledge Value mechanisms explaining what is difficult Factors that affect how learner encodes (interprets, stores) experiences Factors that affect how learner retrieves (connects, applies) experiences Focus on measures of understanding and learning Controlled experimental contrasts Rich descriptions of students’ progression of ideas Outside our scope but interesting: interest, self-efficacy, value Too much text? iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

2 iSTEM Empirical Patterns
Overall small positive learning benefit of iSTEM (d~=.3) Deep level conceptual change is rare (vs. how-to knowledge) Some asymmetry between disciplines (e.g., Science d > math d) iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

3 Useful Theoretical Frameworks
Knowledge Integration Perspective Knowledge as a “repertoire of ideas” Learning as connecting, sorting, reprioritizing Easy to add normative ideas, hard to reorganize around them Structure Mapping Theory Knowledge as objects, features, relations Learning as attending to deep structure Surface features compete with deep features iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

4 Implications 1 Various organizations of past meta-analyses may not be the best ways to assess iSTEM efforts May be large variation dependent upon details of implementation What instructional scaffolds are in place for … … connecting disciplinary ideas with experience-based ideas? … attending to the deep structure of richly-contextualized problems? iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

5 Implications 2 Suggestions Outcomes measures (DVs) Predictors (IVs):
(more consistently) Separate measures for learning each discipline Measure basic knowledge plus deep concepts and transfer Predictors (IVs): Level of integration between experience and discipline 0 – normative ideas only 1 – evoke experience-based ideas 2 – evoke and reinterpret experience-based ideas using normative, disciplinary ideas Role of abstract and concrete details (cross-disciplinary?) 0 – abstract ideas + practice 1 – concrete problems w/ heavy detail 2 – concrete problems w/ light detail 3 – moves back and forth between abstract and concrete iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

6 Eli M. Silk Christian D. Schunn
Thank You Eli M. Silk Christian D. Schunn

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8 iSTEM - 9/27/11 Silk & Schunn

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