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Marketing Report 2015.

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1 Marketing Report 2015

2 Introduction The following data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

3 Traditional Admissions Recruitment Events
During the month of December, traditional admissions representatives spent much of their time visiting high schools, meeting with students individually and providing campus tours for prospects and their families. December is also a time when new transfer students interested in coming to UMO for the spring term meet with admissions and faculty members to complete a spring term schedule.

4 Cappex Outreach to Traditional Students
The Cappex campaign, which is an outreach online program that messages traditional students to introduce them to UMO, reached out to over 182,075 new prospects in December. During this month, 246 prospects became inquiries to UMO via this messaging format. We also picked up 88 inquiries in our target segments which include core states, biology and physical sciences, business administration, and music/art/graphic design.

5 1st Time Contacts to Traditional Admissions: Dec 2015
There were 984 first time contacts made to traditional admissions in December The majority of these high school students are undecided about a major, so many (822) are listed as undeclared. The chart below demonstrates the large categories of academic preferences in the inquiry pool. ART/MUS 9 EDUCATION 16 ALL OTHERS SCIENCE/MATH 19 RLS ALL BUSINESS 41 PSYCH/CJC 42 UNDECLARED 822 TOTAL 984

6 How Trad Admissions Prospects Learned about UMO: Dec 2015
There are many ways traditional high school students learn about UMO. In December 2015, there were 813 unique first time contacts who learned about UMO via college fairs in NC, SC, VA, NJ, MD, and FL. The greatest number of prospects coming from a single point of interest were over 300 inquiries generated from the Cappex website. See the graph below for details.

7 December 2015 Trad Applicant Profile
The December trad applicant profile looks much like other recent monthly profiles, with more females than males, more NC residents than out of state or out of country, and more students planning to live on campus than commute. Many are undecided about their college major. See the next few graphs for details.

8 Curriculum Interest of Trad Applicants: Dec 2015
There were 715 traditional applicants to UMO in December 2015, with the largest number having no declared major as of yet. Criminal justice, business management, RLS, psychology and biology were the top mentions for the month. See the graph below for details.

9 Trad Applicant Profile: December 2015

10 December Applicant Profile: Traditional Admissions

11 Trad Applicant Profile: December 2015

12 Nontraditional Recruitment Activities
Admissions representatives and other location staff complete recruitment activities in their communities to help generate leads for enrollment. These visits include presentations to employee groups, table presence at career fairs and expos, chamber of commerce events, board memberships, community college transfer fairs and classroom presentations, parades and festival presence and many others depending on the region of location. See graph on next page for this activity for December.

13 Nontrad Recruitment Activities at Locations

14 Hobson’s Nontrad Marketing Program
The Hobson’s nontrad marketing campaign is a strong tool for recruiting adult students. It is more successful in some UMO markets than others.

15 Hobson’s Nontrad Program: March 2014 to December 2015
The Hobson’s program has been in place, in various phases, since March 2014, and it has driven over 2,300 prospects to UMO. December 2015 leads were much greater than those received in December 2014.

16 1st Time Contacts to Nontrad Locations by Curriculum Interest: Dec 2015
There were 340 first time contacts to the nontrad locations in December, with the greatest interest being in business management, general studies, ECE, CJC and HCM. The graph demonstrates these preferences.

17 Top Information Sources for Nontraditional Prospects: Evening College
There were 80 unique 1st time contacts to Evening College in December 2015, with the majority coming from Hobson’s Nontrad as the source of information. Other sources included TV and radio ads, material from admissions reps, and word of mouth. The graph below shows the variety of sources.

18 Source Information for Jacksonville: Dec 2015
The Jacksonville location received 22 unique 1st time contacts with Hobson’s nontrad being the largest source mention. Billboards and TV also contributed, as well as word of mouth.

19 Source Info for New Bern Programs: Dec 2015
Source information for the New Bern location in December included word of mouth, TV, radio and magazine ads, as well as other sources.

20 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to Online Programs: Dec 2015
Online program prospects got their information from billboards, Hobson’s nontrad, college fairs, radio and tv ads and word of mouth conversations.

21 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to RTP: Dec 2015
RTP 1st time contacts got their info about UMO via Hobson’s nontrad, TV and radio ads, billboards and admissions presentations.

22 Source Info to SJ Location: Dec 2015
The Seymour Johnson AFB location receives a lot of walk in traffic, and word of mouth is a strong source of info also.

23 Sources of Info for 1st Time Contacts to Washington: Dec 2015
The Washington location received the most of its first time contacts via Hobson’s and various other sources.

24 Info Sources of 1st Time Contacts to Wilmington: Dec 2015
The Wilmington location received 1st time contacts from many sources: word of mouth, UMO faculty, TV and radio ads, college fairs and admissions presentations. Hobson’s Nontrad was the source of the greatest number of 1st time contacts.

25 Applications to Nontrad Locations: December 2015
There were 281 applications to the locations during December, despite the holiday closing. The online programs received the largest number.

26 UMO Phone Calls There were over 800 unique callers to the switchboard and admissions offices from July to December The majority of the calls (1037) came to the receptionists, who then forwarded them to the appropriate location.

27 Web Analytics Traffic to came via search engines like Google, direct traffic to the site and referrals from other websites. Google continues to drive the most traffic to

28 Search Engine Traffic to
Google drives the most searches to with Yahoo, Bing and others providing some traffic also.

29 December is typically a slow month in the admissions world; however December 2015 was better than December 2014 in terms of numbers of first time contacts or leads and applications. The economy has turned upward in some areas, and it seems to have had an impact on interest in UMO. University status may also be a factor in name recognition. There were 340 1st time contacts to nontraditional locations in Dec 2015 vs. 198 in December There were 281 applications to nontraditional locations in December 2015 vs. 252 in December 2014. The important issue here is to make sure these prospects and applicants are cultivated to enroll, stay enrolled and finish. These are challenges for the UMO nontrad program. Hobson’s Nontrad leads went from 60 in December 2014 to 133 in December 2015! Some good work to edit the program, on the part of our marketing director and the Hobson’s team, helped to bring this about. There were 175 applications to the traditional program in December 2015 vs. 130 in December After a record number of contacts and applications in November, this is quite a surprise! Online programs continue to grow in enrollment.

30 Thanks to Jennifer Merritt, Georgette Prichard, Ken Davis and UMO admissions representatives for their help in compiling the information for this report. Thanks to all employees for making UMO a friendly, caring place for students.

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