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Water Sensitive Cities – delivering water efficiency in London

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1 Water Sensitive Cities – delivering water efficiency in London
Aaron Burton Thames Estuary Partnership Annual Forum 16 November 2016 @AaronBH2O @Waterwise #SustainableThames

2 Water will be used wisely, every day, everywhere

3 Why improve water efficiency?

4 In May 2016 London ranked 34 out of 50 major cities for water efficiency – progress to be made on leakage, water charges, metering, and water reuse

5 use and disposal are mostly due to water use in the home
The CO2 emissions associated with water abstraction, treatment, conveyance, use and disposal are mostly due to water use in the home Environment Agency and EST (2009)

6 Talk about water and fuel poverty here also…

7 London Sustainable Drainage Action Plan (2015)

8 Reducing water use to protect the environment…

9 water efficiency in London?
How can we improve water efficiency in London?

10 Amphiro – include photo etc

11 Thames Smarter Home Visits
Tucker (2016)

12 Barriers to behaviour change
Lewis (2016)

13 Water efficiency = reduced charges
Incentivise Water Efficiency through reduced developer charges Water efficiency = reduced charges Southern Water and Waterwise are working with Eastleigh Council to trial incentives for developers to increase water efficiency.  Developers in Eastleigh are being offered a 50% discount in their water infrastructure connection charge for new builds if they use fittings rated A or B under the European Water Label. The incentive is simple and easily verifiable, it uses market incentives to reward developers for environmental improvements. It means that developers can improve environmental standards at no cost and with almost no administrative burden, householders get higher quality fittings and lower running costs, there are benefits to the aquatic environment and improved water security. The discount is funded by Southern Water but this should be offset by the water effieicny savings generated. This trial is a good example of public, private and third sector organisations working together to develop solutions that work for everyone. This is a truly sustainable approach. This is the first time this type of approach has been tested and the results will be fully evaluated and the potential for wider roll-out will be assessed.

14 Competition in the Water Sector – opportunities and risks for water efficiency!
Water efficiency for businesses New semi-autonomous water companies Retail competition for non-households = experience from Scotland Creation of new water companies to provide innovation and resilient water supplies to new developments in London

15 SaveWater South East is a partnership with six water companies in the South East, the Environment Agency and Waterwise It was set up to to increase the awareness of water as a finite resource and create a water saving culture by working together via joint communications and projects   It is also looking to work together with other stakeholders interested in water efficiency  For more information log onto or Thames

16 Open Water Days

17 1 Regenerative Water Services
2 Water Sensitive Urban Design 3 Basin Connected Cities 4 Waterwise Communities

18 Thanks @AaronBH2O @Waterwise
Thanks @AaronBH2O @Waterwise #SustainableThames

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