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Psychology of Emotion Revision

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1 Psychology of Emotion Revision 2013-14

2 Revision Reading: Lecture notes, Moodle, textbooks and papers Exam format: 2 hours Answer 2 questions from a choice of 6. Specimen paper on following slide

3 Specimen Critically evaluate the importance of the primacy debate.
Critically evaluate the evidence for guilt being classed as a tertiary emotion. With reference to the relevant research, outline the role of appraisal in emotion generation. Critically evaluate the relationship between personality and emotion Critically evaluate Schachter and Singer’s contribution to the field of emotion Compare and contrast the effectiveness of two methods for measuring emotion.

4 Exam Technique Adequate Preparation
Prepare to answer a range of questions. This generally means knowing more than two things! Adopting a question-spotting technique is NOT a good idea as you will be under-prepared if the specific questions you pick do not come up. It’s best to be prepared to answer any question on a number of topics. Attempt two questions Allocate time appropriately Answer the question set (not the questions you were anticipating!) Plan & structure your answer. Take time to read it through.

5 A Good Essay Structured: introduction, discussion, conclusion
Directly Answer the Question Organised Structured: introduction, discussion, conclusion Relevant Content- focus on question set Coherent Argument Theoretical & Empirical evidence (properly referenced) Objective & Analytical (evaluate, don’t just describe) Well Written & Evidence of wider reading Thoughtful evaluation of empirical evidence

6 Answering a Question WHAT (do you know?)
Information you know about topic HOW (do you know it?) Research evidence Examples of specific studies Evaluate, compare and contrast findings WHY (does it happen?) Theory Specific examples, evaluate with respect to research evidence. How has theory developed? Compare with other theories?

7 Things to Avoid Unnecessary detail in description of research
Descriptive rather than evaluative answers “Here’s everything I Know” too much detail and often fails to answer question. Misunderstanding or not directly answering the question

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