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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATION AND EMOTION"— Presentation transcript:

Allameh Tabatabae’I University Winter 2017

2 01:00 Session one Chapter 1, Reeve’s book

3 Questions Psychology Motivation Emotion
Are there different types of motives? Are some people more motivated than others? What are the sources of motivation? Are motives permanent or temporal? can we help people become more motivated or it depends their genes? What is the difference between motivation and emotion?

4 Zahra valitabar


6 Exam Reference Lectures Readings

7 Homework Chapters from Reeve’s book Reading Writing
Presentation a theory Note: for taking notes use cornel taking note style

8 Scoring 12…………………...exam 8………………………class participant + homework + midterm (session 6) 2………………………for being present all the sessions Negative point….for not obeying rules

9 During and after exam Time: 30 minutes Multiple choice test
Don’t ask questions Sit down until the end of exam Send your protest only through university website

10 00:45

11 What is the purpose of psychology?
Like other sciences Rigorous descriptive of causal variables of Human behavior and mental processes

12 Levels of description Law Theory Hypothesis Effect Doctrine Principle

13 Law the strongest and most rigorous what is it?


15 Law of gravity

16 Theory why is it? No theory, whatever its qualities, is ever final, even though all the predictive statements made from it have been verified perfectly. There always remains the possibility that any given theory will be replaced by another theory that is simpler, more general, or more consistent with relevant theories

17 Theory of relativity

18 Hypothesis Explain a small or limited set of facts
whereas a theory attempts to encompass a broad range of facts and may even include several hypotheses

19 Hypothesis Theory Law

20 Effect An event that invariably follows a specific other phenomenon as in causal relationship; a result

21 Doctrine Principle established through past decisions and interpretations; a principle of faith; dogma; tenet of belief supported by a teacher, as school, or a sect

22 Principle “a general inference that is derived from empirical studies but that cannot be stated unequivocally as a law

23 Examples in psychology
00:30 Examples in psychology Achievement motivation theory facial feedback hypothesis Learned helpless effect Principle of attachment

24 What is the purpose of psychology?
Some philosophers argued that all sciences can ultimately be reduced to one basic science (a future, idealized physics), unified in one theoretical structure; if so then laws about complex events (like human behavior, politics economics) can be deduces from general basic laws

25 So we need a theory ….

26 Motivation Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It gives the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa.

27 Motivation Root  motive


29 Avicenna Ibn Sīnā ابن سینا
Mayl Avicenna made a distinction between the inclination (tendency to motion) and force of a projectile, and concluded that motion was a result of an inclination (mayl) transferred to the projectile by the thrower, and that projectile motion in a vacuum would not cease. He viewed inclination as a permanent force whose effect is dissipated by external forces such as air resistance. Avicenna Ibn Sīnā  ابن سینا

30 Historical concepts of motivation
WILL Instinct Drive Descartes Darwin Woodworth

31 Motivation (1) What causes behavior?
00:20 Motivation (1) What causes behavior? (2) Why does behavior vary in its intensity?

32 Sources of motivation

33 Emotions • Feelings—subjective, verbal descriptions of emotional experience. • Physiological preparedness—how our body physically mobilizes itself to meet situational demands. • Function—what specifically we want to accomplish at that moment. • Expression—how we communicate our emotional experience publicly to others.

34 Expressions of motivation
Behavior Engagement Brain Activations and Physiology Self-report

35 Behavioral Expressions of Motivation

36 Engagement

37 Brain and Physiological Activity as Expressions of Motivation

Motivation benefits adaptation. Motives direct attention and prepare action. Motives vary over time and influence the ongoing stream of behavior.

• Types of motivations exist. • Motivation includes both approach and avoidance tendencies. • Motivation study reveals what people want. • To flourish, motivation needs supportive conditions.



42 Outline Chapters Theories Introduction Initial theories Needs
Cognitions Emotions Unconscious motivations Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 12 Chapter 14 Will Instinct Drive Drive theory Set-point theory Cognitive evaluation theory Self-determination theory Flow theory Atkinson’s theory Goal-setting theory Reactance theory Learned helpless theory Self-perception theory Cognitive dissonance theory James–Lange Theory Differential Emotions Theory Lazarus theory Weiner’s attribution theory of emotion Dual-Instinct Theory Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory Object relations theory

43 Homework session 1 Chapter 1 from Reeve’s book Reading: none
00:10 Homework session 1 Chapter 1 from Reeve’s book Reading: none Writing: what is your theory? What makes you motivated? Theories Will Instinct Drive Freud Drive Hall Set-point theory

44 Books

45 Books

46 Articles Kleinginna, P. R., & Kleinginna, A. M. (1981). A categorized list of motivation definitions, with a suggestion for a consensual definition. Motivation and emotion, 5(3), Elliot, Andrew J., and Martin V. Covington. "Approach and avoidance motivation." Educational Psychology Review 13.2 (2001):

47 Journals Motivation and Emotion Impact Factor1.612

48 Movies MIT open course, emotion Lecture 15: Emotion & Motivation
Lecture Slides (PDF - 4.6MB) subtitle: MITOCW | MIT9_00SCF11_lec15_300k.mp4 – MIT Open Courseware Open Yale course Online courses on motivation and emotion Related movies on YouTube

49 Relevant sites Paul Ekman's website



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