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The Renaissance Art and Culture 1450-1670.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance Art and Culture 1450-1670."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance Art and Culture

2 What the Renaissance was Not
“The essence of the Renaissance lay not in any sudden rediscovery of classical civilization but rather in the use which was made of classical models to test the authority underlying conventional taste and wisdom” - Europe, by Norman Davies

3 Renaissance c A period from the early 1300’s to roughly when there was a renewed interest in history literature and art. Renaissance = “Rebirth” Europe’s economic recovery Renewed study of ancient Greece and Rome

The term is used to describe a MOBILIZATION OF IDEAS which is primarily ARTISTIC LITERARY CULTURAL The Renaissance as an “INTELLECTUAL” reality, not as a “PHYSICAL” one

5 Why Italy? Revival of commerce and town building was more intense in Italy Cities were industrial power houses Trade - Venice & Genoa Feudalism had less on a grip in Italy Presence of antiquity was stronger in Italy than elsewhere in Europe

6 Why Florence? One of the wealthiest places in Italy Trade route
Manufacture of woolen cloth Dyed with Alum Monopoly given to the de Medici's The de Medici's

7 The de Medici's - Cosimo 1389-1464 Represented the Medici bank
Managed the papacy's finances & became the wealthiest man of his time Never held office but controlled Florence through his wealth Hugely important patron of Renaissance art

8 The de Medici's - Lorenzo
Lorenzo the Magnificent Regime was "that of a benevolent tyrant in a constitutional republic" The Pazzi conspiracy Loss of resources - focus on power Patron of the arts Son became pope

9 Girolamo Savonarola Christian preacher, reformer and martyr. Spoke in prophecies Thought humanistic paganism corrupted manners, art, poetry, religion. Cause of corruption of the highest levels of clergy Spoke out against the Medici After death of Lorenzo he was the sole leader of Florence and set up a democratic government

10 How is this representative of the Renaissance?
Filippo Brunelleschi The Duomo and Santa Croce How is this representative of the Renaissance?

11 Changes in Artwork During the Middle Ages, art & learning were centered on the church and religion By the 14th C people became more interested in thinking about themselves, their surroundings and everyday life

12 Madonna and Child in Glory
1360-5 Halos Hieratic Scale Gold Background Madonna and Child in Glory

13 Miraculous mass of St. Martin of Tours (Franconian School)

14 Madonna and Child with St. John
1523/1525 Use of Oil Paint Landscape

15 Adoration of the Shepherds
1510 Giovanni Agostino da Lodi

16 The Adoration of the Magi

17 The Bean Eater 1582 Latest Work we examined

18 Middle Ages or Renaissance?
Group Work Middle Ages or Renaissance? You determine


20 Michelangelo Pieta

21 Michelangelo David

22 Michelangelo - Sistine Chapel

23 Creation of Adam

24 Leonardo Da Vinci

25 Raphael School of Athens

26 Raphael Transfiguration

27 Donatello

28 Did the Renaissance Exist?
Yes or No?

29 Humanism Emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual
People are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness Emphasized the value of the Greek and Latin classics for their own sake, rather than for their relevance to Christianity Collection and translation of classical manuscripts Inspired by Plato (Aristotle inspired medieval scholarship) Centered around education Attempted to develop the character and intelligence of pupils by a general literary study of the ancient classics

30 Humanism Salutati Man is responsible for his good or bad deeds
God does not control a man’s will or morality It is better to benefit others by living an active public life than to live as a monk, which does not benefit anyone other than the monk -Rejected medieval view of humanity and focused on the goodness of mankind

31 Humanism Bruni Medieval values of piety, humility, and poverty not important Pagan elements introduced into Christian culture

32 Renaissance Renaissance Writers

33 Characteristics of Renaissance Writing
An interest in the nature of this life Rediscovery of Greco-Roman culture – art of imitation Discovery of the Americas – spirit of exploration Interest in the world Urban influences Tendency toward perfection Celebrating individuality Excitement and variety of contemporary life Bringing unknown settings to life

34 Read your primary source & state how it is an example of Renaissance Writing *Hint* Look at characteristics Group Work When done, go around the classroom asking students to explain their examples and fill out your chart.

35 William Byrd English Composer Listen while you work 

36 Desiderius Erasmus Dutch humanist The Praise of Folly
Beginnings of the Protestant reformation Protestant reformation & Catholic counter reformation Remained Catholic but exposed the abuses of the church

37 Sir Thomas More English humanist Wrote Utopia
Social satire Fictional island Became lord chancellor of England Executed by Henry VIII when he did not sign document to recognize Henry as head of the church in England

38 Influence of Machiavelli’s The Prince

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