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Art of the Renaissance.

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1 Art of the Renaissance

2 Objective Describe developments in Italy and Northern Europe during the Renaissance period with respect to humanism, arts and literature, intellectual development, increased trade, and advances in technology.

3 Art in the Middle Ages The Middle Ages saw art focusing on the church and religion Paintings included people wearing halos Important people were larger than others Saints and God’s family Common for background to be gold (representing heaven) Attempts at representing space looked “off”

4 Madonna and Child in Glory
Jacopa di Cione 1360/1365

5 Art in the Renaissance People became more interested in themselves and their surroundings A Humanist approach to art and science began The study of human nature Saints and ordinary people looked more realistic Halos began to disappear Landscape in paintings was earth instead of heaven

6 Art in the Renaissance Math was used to create space and perspective in paintings Oil paints were created No longer had to use egg tempera paints

7 Miraculous Mass of St. Martin of Tours
Franconian School About 1440

8 What Differences Do You See?

9 Madonna and Child with St. John
Guiliano Bugiardini 1523/1525

10 What Differences Do You See?

11 The Arnolfini Marriage Portrait
Jan Van Eyck Flemish painter 1434 One of the first oil paintings

12 What Differences Do You See?

13 The Adoration of the Magi
Albrecht Durer 1504

14 The Bean Eater Annibale Carraci 1582/1583

15 What Differences Do You See?

16 Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci 1505 Wife of a silk merchant Leonardo


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