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DHIS2 platform Knut Staring, PhD.

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1 DHIS2 platform Knut Staring, PhD

2 DHIS History 1997: DHIS1 in Western Cape Province, South Africa
2000: DHIS1 becomes national system in South Africa 2006: First DHIS 2 implementation in Kerala, India 2010: First national online DHIS2 implementation in Kenya 2012: PSI adopts DHIS 2 Multi-country systems 2013: MSF adopts DHIS 2 External contributions, dev team collaboration 2013: PEPFAR adopts DHIS 2 Partner reporting, data approval 2015: NGO adoption taking off

3 DHIS 2 is a Platform, not a system
Supports capture, management and analysis of information Flexible data platform. Each organization build their OWN system on top of it (similar to e.g. Salesforce, SAP etc) Open source => local ownership and control, capacity building, and community support Extensible through APIs and apps

4 Supporting national scale systems

5 12 academies worldwide in 2015
DHIS2 Academy 2 master level courses 12 academies worldwide in 2015 - Capacity building for Super users and Developers, - Sharing of experiences 677 participants Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Goa, India Lagos, Nigeria Lomé, Togo Oslo, Norway Manesar, India Livingstone, Zambia Da Nang, Vietnam Bloemfontein, SA

6 DHIS 2 Academy Regional workshops Share experiences across countries
Learn about new functionality and advanced use Basic DHIS 2 Academy, Vietnam February 2014

7 DHIS2 Country Team Effective use of information depends upon a good and solid design of indicators and other metadata, especially as requirements are bound to change over time, in order to ensure sustainability and interoperability. To make sure countries build up the necessary technical capacity to successfully coordinate run and maintain DHIS2 over time, we suggest the establishment of DHIS2 Country Teams (DCTs).

8 Enabling the innovation cycle
Beyond capacity building at educational level Open source software development done in a global network Enable App development for local innovation

9 Open and Interoperable Platform
Expert Tools DHIS 2 Analytics DHIS 2 Data Repository Web APIs Mobile Collection eMedical Records Human Resource DHIS 2 Data Capture Apps Transactional Systems

10 Extensibility through Apps
Extend with specific features Utilize external development resources Create features without forking core system Installed Apps Core Apps DHIS 2

11 KISS and scalability Ubiquity Scope network effects National Platforms + Regional/Global FB, Google, Twitter

12 Three types of Apps Web App Integrations Android App (offline)
(desktop or mobile) Integrations Android App (offline)

13 DHIS 2 Data Types Aggregate data Events Tracking
Immunization doses given People trained in FP Refugees supported Facility assessments Clinical visit Educational event Provider follow-up Maternal health Equipment, drugs

14 DHIS 2 Data Capture DHIS 2 SMS USSD Android Desktop

15 Tabular Capture User Interface follows paper registers Tabular DE app

16 Case listing

17 Integrated Analysis of Data & Events
DHIS 2 Analytics Routine data Events Tracking

18 Flexible, Do-it-Yourself Configuration

19 Custom Web Connector [YouTube]

20 GIS: External layers

21 Self-service Dashboards & Analysis

22 Surveillance functionality
Predictors for generating future data Scheduled validation jobs Alerts and notifications on SMS & Events for outbreak management

23 Used / supported by global / regional / US organizations
World Health Organization - Malaria, DQA tool Global Fund - Support in 10+ countries PEPFAR - DATIM CDC - Global Health Security USAID - Nigeria PEPFAR reporting UNAIDS - National HIV programs UNICEF - Data use in countries East African Community (EAC)

24 Implemented in 60+ countries (national standard in 20)
HMIS countries Health programs - HIV, TB, Malaria Facility surveys - SA Core Standards, WHO SARA Disease surveillance - CDC Global Health Security IDSR - Tanzania, Nigeria Case-based registers - Ghana, Kenya Water and sanitation - Zambia, DRC Tracking of pregnant women and children - Uganda, India Tracking of TB patients - Rwanda Facility registry - OpenHIE Licensing of medical doctors - Vietnam

25 Partners Pilot/early phase Scaling up Nation-wide rollout
DHIS 2 Adoption Partners Pilot/early phase Scaling up Nation-wide rollout

26 Customization without programming
Organization hierarchy - any number of levels Specify forms Define indicators User roles and groups for sharing Dashboards, including charts, tables, maps ++ Define analysis and reports with custom dimensions

27 3 core development teams
16 core developers 2 technical writers 3 core development teams Vietnam India US Norway

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