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Let’s Play Cards… Everyone will get one card, face down. DO NOT look at your card. Stand up. Flip the card up onto your forehead with the face of it pointing.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Play Cards… Everyone will get one card, face down. DO NOT look at your card. Stand up. Flip the card up onto your forehead with the face of it pointing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Play Cards… Everyone will get one card, face down. DO NOT look at your card. Stand up. Flip the card up onto your forehead with the face of it pointing away from you. Go to the furthest point from your desk. Slowly walk back to your desk. You must interact with each person you come across. Treat them differently based on their card.

2 Let’s Play Cards… How were you treated based on your card?
What kinds of things that we see at HRMS could these cards symbolize? What are some consequences of treating people a certain way based on arbitrary reasons?

3 Beyond Bullying… the daily dilemma

4 To This Day…
Shane Koyczan: Canadian poet, performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.  His poems have helped many overcome depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts

5 Side Effects What are potential side effects of bullying?
Of being the bully? Of being the bystander?

6 Bullying defined Discrimination vs Bullying & harassment
Any act that unreasonable and unfavorably differentiates treatment of others based solely on their membership in a socially distinct group or category such as race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, physical appearance, or disability. This may be intentional OR unintentional

7 Bullying Defined, cont’d.
Bullying & Harassment (NC LAW) A pattern (REPEATED) of 1 or more of the following: Gestures Communications Verbal Written Physical act Threatening Communication AND

8 Bullying Defined, Cont’d.
1 or more of the following Damage to property Places student in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his/her person Creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits by: Student subjectively views & Outsider objectively views and agrees that it is bullying behavior

9 What is bullying motivated by?
Race Color Religion Ancestry National origin Gender SES Academic status Gender identity Physical appearance Sexual orientation Mental, physical, developmental, or sensory disabilities

10 Types of bullying Physical Relational Cyber-bullying

11 Physical Bullying Hitting, punching, kicking, fighting, physically intimidating gestures, spitting, damaging property of others etc.

12 Relational/Emotional Bullying
VERBAL Bullying: using name calling to hurt and control others. Ex. Taunting, threatening, laughing, isolating & excluding, teasing, comments regarding race or sexual orientation, etc.

13 Cyber-bullying The willful and repeated use of electronic means by a child, pre-teen, or teen to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate , embarrass, or otherwise target another child, pre-teen, or teen.

14 Bystander vs. Upstander
someone who witnesses the bullying taking place and may be afraid to get involved Upstander someone who witnesses the bullying taking place and takes a step to STOP the bullying or support the victim in some way Why isn’t everyone an upstander?

15 Empathy: The path to being an Upstander 
What is Empathy? The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

16 How can we help? What can we do as a school, as friends, and individuals to make people feel supported? Loved? Included? Protected?

17 What can you do? Support the victim Ask if they are ok?
Say what happened was not ok Talk to an adult Write an anonymous note Anonymously make a bullying report online

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