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By Amber Thomas 7P Design technology Totoro.

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Presentation on theme: "By Amber Thomas 7P Design technology Totoro."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Amber Thomas P Design technology Totoro

2 Winnie the Pooh and Totoro
Eyore Kanga Chibi Piglet Chu Rabbit Tigger Pooh Bear Design Ideas! Winnie the Pooh and Totoro

3 Scale sketch Final design choice!

4 I got my piece of 1900mm wood and I transferred my design onto it.
I then got a coping saw and used it to cut out the details on Totoro as well as cutting out the stand/tail. After cutting it all out, because the edges were all rough, I had to use a file to get all of the ridges out of the edges. Then to smoothen it out more, I used sandpaper to finish to edges off. Now I had to drill the holes for the pencils to go in. I drew crosses for where I wanted to make the holes. I did three holes in each side adding up to six holes all together. This step was fun but scary too! What I had to do was use the wood burner to burn in add of the details on the front. When I was doing the eyes I accidentally made a mistake! The were all wonky! When I got more into it I got more and more better at it. This was the final step! Before I started decorating I stuck on the tail. I did it the previous lesson so that it would dry better. I finally got to start decorating. I only wanted simple decorations. For the painting I mixed some purple with grey and then mixed it with water to make a waterwash. I painted almost all of Totoro with this and then left the rest as a natural wood. Now all that was left to do was stick the eyes on. I got large googly eyes and stuck them on over the mistake I made with the eyes I did with the wood burner. After I finished making the whole thing I realised that the tail was on wonky! So I had to use a big electric sander to smooth out the bottom and then I was done!

5 This is a coping saw. It is used to cut curved shapes on wood
This is a coping saw. It is used to cut curved shapes on wood. The edge is very thin, sharp and delicate. When cutting you need to remember not to push too hard and keep your hands away from the blade. This is a bench/pedestal drill. I used this to drill all of the holes into my pencil holder to keep the pencils in. Before using this I had to take an onguard test. It is a really big drill! This is a hot glue gun. I tis used to stick things down using melted glue. It can get very hot while melting the glue so a precaution to take is to stay away from the tip as well as the glue while it is drying. This is a wood burner. I used it to burn all of the details into my Totoro pencil holder. As it is very hot I had to be careful while using it and I had to try and keep my hands away from the end .

6 Equipment Risks Control Bench/pedestal drill Burns on the drill Dust in your eyes Stay away from the drill bit and wear safety glasses. Hot glue gun Burns Do not touch the glue while melted. Wood burner Stay away from the hot tip of the wood burner. Coping saw Cuts Do not touch the blade bit.

7 I collected eight picture for my research. I made four sketches.
Activities Score (1 = low; 5 = high) 1 2 3 4 5 Explain your score Investigation  I collected eight picture for my research. Drawings & Sketches I made four sketches. Your safety work practices  I did lots of the safety tests on onguard. Quality of finished work  My pencil holder ended up really well! I love it. Meets original design  My original sketch and my finished product are the same. Effective use of your time  Every lesson I have been completely focused. Comments (How do you feel about your work? It was really fun to learn some new skills and to do new things. I am really proud of what I have achieved this term!


9 1 – Well Below Expectations 2 - Below Expectations
Attribute 1 – Well Below Expectations 2 - Below Expectations 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Above Expectations 5 – Well Above Expectations Score Research and Investigation Provide evidence of research Some images shown 7 images shown 7 images and annotation shown 11 images and annotation shown +11 images and annotation shown and presented well Initial idea sketches Some sketches drawn Up to 4 Sketches drawn 4 Sketches drawn 4 Sketches drawn with some annotation At least 4 sketches drawn with relevant and concise annotation Final Design / Preferred option Some attempt to create a scale drawing has been made and validation for the preferred option Scale drawing has been drawn with most dimensions to scale and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale with most measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale with all measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option Attribute 1 – Well Below Expectations 2 - Below Expectations 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Above Expectations 5 – Well Above Expectations Score Research and Investigation Provide evidence of research Some images shown 7 images shown 7 images and annotation shown 11 images and annotation shown +11 images and annotation shown and presented well Initial idea sketches Some sketches drawn Up to 4 Sketches drawn 4 Sketches drawn 4 Sketches drawn with some annotation At least 4 sketches drawn with relevant and concise annotation Final Design / Preferred option Some attempt to create a scale drawing has been made and validation for the preferred option Scale drawing has been drawn with most dimensions to scale and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale with most measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option Drawing is to scale with all measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option Production On Guard Safety Tests Complete all relevant on Guard Tests Risk Assessment A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and most of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and most controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed, with a labelled drawing of used tools Understanding of equipment operation and limitations Equipment used in a fundamentally wrong manner Some conceptual errors in usage of equipment Equipment used properly Innovative and proper usage of equipment and tools Innovative and proper usage of specialised equipment Performance of work Requires constant supervision while performing work Requires substantial supervision while performing work Performs work with limited teacher assistance Performs work with minimal teacher assistance Performs work without teacher assistance Evaluation Self-evaluation Not attempted Attempted but not completed Adequately completed with explanations of answers with explanations of answers and relevant comments Completed with modifications mentioned Completed with modifications validated Manage personal learning Documentation of Personal Learning Maintain records of PLP Expected learning Reflections Maintain accurate records of all PLP Expected learning and Reflections Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of PLP, Expected learning and Reflections. Show links to personal growth Acknowledges personal growth Ability to complete set tasks to the required standard Needs attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent Follow-up learning Home work Work conducted outside class time Seeing teacher outside class time Behaviour Working with others Co-operation in group and team settings Respect shown for differences in others Managing conflict Orderly behaviour Follows teacher’s instructions Adhering to rules Respect shown for learning environment

10 Complete all relevant on Guard Tests
Production On Guard Safety Tests Complete all relevant on Guard Tests Risk Assessment A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and most of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and most controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed, with a labelled drawing of used tools Understanding of equipment operation and limitations Equipment used in a fundamentally wrong manner Some conceptual errors in usage of equipment Equipment used properly Innovative and proper usage of equipment and tools Innovative and proper usage of specialised equipment

11 Requires constant supervision while performing work
Performance of work Requires constant supervision while performing work Requires substantial supervision while performing work Performs work with limited teacher assistance Performs work with minimal teacher assistance Performs work without teacher assistance Evaluation Self-evaluation Not attempted Attempted but not completed Adequately completed with explanations of answers with explanations of answers and relevant comments Completed with modifications mentioned Completed with modifications validated Manage personal learning Documentation of Personal Learning Maintain records of PLP Expected learning Reflections Maintain accurate records of all PLP Expected learning and Reflections Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of PLP, Expected learning and Reflections. Show links to personal growth Acknowledges personal growth

12 Ability to complete set tasks to the required standard
Needs attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent Follow-up learning Home work Work conducted outside class time Seeing teacher outside class time Behaviour Working with others Co-operation in group and team settings Respect shown for differences in others Managing conflict Orderly behaviour Follows teacher’s instructions Adhering to rules Respect shown for learning environment

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