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The Potential of UKPSF at NU

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1 The Potential of UKPSF at NU

2 Ambitions and Drivers Ambition
To articulate in simple ways how the University promotes, supports and confirms that professional standards for teaching and supporting learning are met To review how NU can best deliver initial and CPD for colleagues involved in supporting and delivering the student learning experience Drivers Students should be at the ‘heart of the system’ Competition, de-regulation and reformulation of fee regime Partnership collaborations / enablers at home and overseas New QAA Code of Practice  CPD for continuous development Publication of the revised UKPSF in 2011

3 Initial Thinking Working group developed Discussion initially around:
Celebrate and promote the current strength of NU QA processes and procedures Note and publicize the confirmatory comments from students, external examiners and institutional reviewers on what we deliver, how we deliver it and with the results that we achieve Rest easy that we deliver for ECRs / ECAs an accredited PGCert However Wish to describe our 'offer' in a language that was understood across the sector Wanted to ensure that our current practices operated at the standards that we felt they were. Thus we wanted both a confirmatory and developmental model Especially in the context of a University ‘Vision 2025’  

4 UKPSF and NU Early on the working group acknowledged the potential of the UKPSF   Why? Because the UKPSF: Has a focus on continuous improvement Aligns to continuous professional development of all involved in the development and delivery of learning and teaching Promotes securing a high quality student learning and experience Offers an opportunity to maximize external reputation and recognition within a nationally recognized framework Opportunities for a UKPSF accredited institutional CPD framework

5 Other HEIs and the UKPSF
The launch of the revised UKPSF in 2011 created new incentives for universities to develop accredited institutional CPD schemes We looked at other models, such as Exeter’s ASPIRE in developing our own PSF A number of elements were interesting to us: The potential for linking individual professional development with institutional goals through alignment of accreditation with: Peer Support Engagement with student feedback Engagement with the University’s CPD programme As we develop our approach towards UKPSF accreditation we will seek to incorporate these elements

6 Development Report Progress to date:
Review of UKPSF and its ‘fit’ to NU Examination of UKPSF as both a ‘benchmarking’ tool against the sector whilst supporting a continuous improvement model within the organization with particular focus on: Our provision of L&T CPD and related Our QA and enhancement activities Our commitment to developing the student learning experience We also became convinced that the UKPSF allows for formal external recognition and reward for our practice. That is, we could align NU professional values and practices with nationally recognised standards in LTA.  

7 Opportunities What we have therefore done to date is develop a 1st draft model that: Maps the UKPSF 3 dimensions of practice and 4 descriptors Identifies the ways in which current QA policies, procedures and practices are able to evidence that NU student learning experience is in line with UKPSF (and to identify areas for development) Identifies the ways in which the current L&T CPD opportunities available at NU map against UKPSF (and to identify areas for development) Thus the UKPSF offers, in our view: Identification of values and expectations across NU around excellence in LTA – providing a shared language for talking about professional standards aligned with nationally recognised standards for excellence in LTA Creating an environment in which professional standards in teaching and learning are institutionally recognised, supported and upheld, and give access to a nationally recognised qualification

8 Next Steps Next steps are to consult with colleagues at all levels of the University and externally: Academic and support staff NU HR to align NUFPS with personal development External examiners As well as: Review QA practices with NU Academic Quality Examine CPD and related activity and its developmental opportunities Examine Peer Support mechanisms in learning and teaching Develop UKPSF accredited NU CPD framework UKPSF provides a pathway for recognition as it will provide the basis for an accredited CPD framework that will give access to HEA fellowship from Associate through to Principal Fellow status for all staff at NU from support staff to those leading L&T – aim to have accreditation in place by September.

9 Discussion Any observations regarding how we are proposing to approach Professional Standards at NU? How has your institution approached the development of a model of Professional Standards? With what impact?

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