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Single Slice Spiral - Helical CT

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1 Single Slice Spiral - Helical CT
Oh no, not more physics…

2 Spiral CT Incentives for development New technology required
Shorter study times Improved 3D imaging New technology required Slip ring Allows continuous gantry rotation

3 Conventional (Non-spiral) CT
Tube rotates once around patient Table stationary data for one slice collected Table increments one slice thickness Repeat Tube rotates opposite direction

4 Volume Scanning Data collected continuously Table moves continuously
Focal spot traces spiral path with respect to patient

5 Helical Reconstruction Complication
Patient moves as gantry rotates No two fan beams at same z coordinate “z” direction

6 As Gantry Rotates, Fan Angles Repeat
Distance between repetitions is movement of table during one rotation “z” direction

7 Data Acquisition Challenges
Projection data not confined to single slice Streak artifacts caused by motion special algorithms required Position at start of rotation Position at start of rotation Position of interest

8 Calculating Fan Beams at Odd Locations using Interpolation
No complete data set for any single z location Use 2 closest beams in correct orientation Calculate beam attenuation by interpolating between adjacent beams “z” direction

9 Spiral Reconstruction Algorithms
Uses interpolation for input projection data output slice attenuation data Slice can be calculated at any position from raw projection data = real data point coordinate of interest Interpolated data

10 Disadvantage of Interpolation
Trust me, interpolation is a guess Can increase effective slice thickness Calculation averages data measured at many z values “z” direction

11 Data Acquisition Challenges
No single slice defined by acquisition geometry slice localization more difficult Different slice volume geometry conventional: cylinder spiral: wafer with radial crack Slight increase in effective slice thickness slice thickness influenced by fan beam thickness speed of table motion

12 Table Moves During Helical Scanning
table increment during one rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness Slice thickness Table Increment

13 Table Moves During Helical Scanning
Slice thickness determined by collimation Table motion per revolution determined by table speed table motion during one rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness Slice thickness Table Increment

14 Single-Slice Detectors
Many detectors rotate around patient Single row in z-direction Slice thickness determined by collimation Slice Thickness Z-Axis

15 Beam positions when tube directly above patient
Pitch = 1 Pitch = 1 means patient moves exactly one slice thickness per revolution of tube table motion during one tube rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness Beam positions when tube directly above patient

16 Beam positions when tube directly above patient
Pitch <1 Pitch < 1 means patient moves less than a slice thickness during one tube rotation Can improve visualization of objects table motion during one tube rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness Beam positions when tube directly above patient

17 Beam positions when tube directly above patient
Pitch >1 Pitch > 1 means patient moves further than slice thickness during one tube rotation table motion during one tube rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness Beam positions when tube directly above patient

18 Beam position when tube directly below patient
Pitch >1 No gap in image coverage when viewing study table motion during one tube rotation Slice Pitch = slice thickness No Gap Beam position when tube directly below patient

19 Spiral vs. Conventional CT & Patient Dose
Dose is strongly dependent on pitch Please explain. Inquiring minds wanna know

20 Pitch = 1 equivalent dose to non-spiral

21 Pitch >1 lower dose for spiral Table moves faster
Table increment per tube rotation > one slice thickness

22 Pitch <1 higher dose for spiral Table moves slower
table increment per tube rotation < one slice thickness

23 Pitch & Dose Dose inversely proportional to pitch
Pitch = 0.5 => Dose doubles Pitch = 2 => Dose cut in half

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