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Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2014/15 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) 4 JULY 2014 BRIEFING TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON POLICE Parliament

2 Overview On Strategic Direction and Priorities
PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE BRIEFING Overview On Strategic Direction and Priorities Presented By Mr Robert McBride Executive Director

3 Programme 1 – Administration
INDEX Overview Budget Programme 1 – Administration Programme 2 – Investigation and Information Management Programme 3 – Legal Services Programme 4 – Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management Conclusion

4 OVERVIEW Focus Legislative Mandate
Investigation of all matters in terms of Section 28 of the IPID Act Less focus on non-core Allocation of resources on core business Cut down on non core spending pattern Implementation of cost cutting measures Process followed in drafting of plans Cogniscance of Annual Report, Auditor Generals’ report and the engagement with Portfolio Committee on 23 April Aligned also with FOSAD instructions, NDP, MTSF, Legislative imperatives; IPID internal deliberations; In-house document; No involvement of consultants; Valuable Inputs from Portfolio Committee and Ministry; 3 Drafts of APP; 3 Drafts of ENE; Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 submitted to National Treasury, AG and DPME on 31 August 2013, 30 October 2013 and 31 January 2014; Approval of Strategic Plan and APP by former Minister.

Aim During the period 2014 to 2019, the capacity of the Directorate will be strengthened to improve performance. This process will include: Alignment of the Directorate’s functions and priorities in line with the principles enshrined in the Constitution and the IPID Act; Internalising the values and ethos contained in the IPID Act; Engaging in a process of organisational renewal or re-engineering and re-organisation; Integrating the Directorate’s systems, programmes and structures to enhance service delivery; Alignment of the Directorate’s planning, budgeting and reporting processes; Concerns of Portfolio Committee on capacity and lack of expansion.

The IPID has identified Strategic Priorities for 2014/15. Although some may not be achieved in the financial year 2014/15, they will remain priorities in the MTEF period. Transformation of Satellite concept to Full Complement Status concept; Expansion Strategy; Establishment of a Consultative Forum (Section 15 of the IPID Act); Establishment of the Integrity Management Unit; Establishment of the National Specialised Investigation Team (Protection Unit); Training and capacity building of investigators; Attain an unqualified Audit; Review of the delegation of functions in terms of Human Resources and Finance; Identification and investigation of systemic corruption cases.

Inadequate coverage of IPID; Increasing workload, inadequate capacity and increasingly complex investigations; Violent protests; Unrealistic expectations by general public and other state institutions; Misunderstanding on the role of IPID vis-à-vis other institutions.

8 CHALLENGES AND RISKS F High staff turn over (especially at lower levels); Insufficient funding of activities; Lack of uniformity in applying investigative procedures; The IPID does not comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act; Inadequate Physical Security; Ability to recover from catastrophic events.

9 PROGRAMMES 2014/15 Programme 1: Administration
Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management Programme 3: Legal Services Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management

10 Presented by Ms Lindokuhle Ngcongo Chief Financial Officer
ENE BUDGET ALLOCATIONS Presented by Ms Lindokuhle Ngcongo Chief Financial Officer

11 Briefing by the Chief Financial Officer
Budget 2014/15 BUDGET ESTIMATES OF NATIONAL EXPENDITURE Vote 23: Independent Police Investigative Directorate

12 Introduction Budget 2014/15 Purpose of ENE: sets out planned expenditure and performance at the time of tabling the budget; Aligned to the National Development Plan 2030 and outline IPID’s contribution to governments Outcome 12 and the key service delivery goals; Performance, personnel and finances are discussed in each Programme, in respect of the impact they have on each Programmes plans; Aligned to the current approved Budget Programme Structure of the IPID.

13 Historic Budget Allocations: MTEF Baseline – 2010/11 – 2013/14
Budget Summary Budget 2014/15 Historic Budget Allocations: MTEF Baseline – 2010/11 – 2013/14 R million 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 128.4 153.5 197.9 217.0 Current Budget Allocations: MTEF Baseline – 2014/15 – 2016/17 R million 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 234.7 247.2 262.3

14 Goals and Contribution to NDP and Government Outcomes
Budget 2014/15 Overarching Goal To contribute towards ensuring a police service that is trusted by the community and operates in line with the spirit of the Constitution Contribution to Outcome 12 Contribution to National Development Plan All people in South Africa are and feel safe Police service is trusted by the community Combating corruption within the justice, crime prevention and security cluster Fighting corruption in order to contribute to a capable state Deterrence against crime

15 Budget Overview Budget 2014/15 Spending Focus
To achieve the performance target, the Directorate has realigned its budget with its plans to increase the number of investigators over the medium term. The spending focus over the medium term will continue to be on enhancing the Directorate’s investigative capacity to conduct successful and high quality investigations within the target period. The Directorate plans to appoint an additional 44 personnel over the medium term, mainly Investigators, thus increasing the approved establishment from 349 posts to 393* in 2016/17. Skills development Increased focus on improving the skills of Investigators to enable them to execute the extended mandate in terms of Section 28 of the IPID Act. Budget Allocations growth over the MTEF period Budget allocations increased from R128.4 million in 2010/11 to R217.0 million in 2013/14 at an average growth rate of 19.1 %. Over the medium term, expenditure is expected to grow to R262.3 million at an average growth rate of 6.5 % due to annual salary adjustments.

16 MTEF Budget Allocations
MTEF Baseline: 2014/ /17 Programmes 2014/15 R`000 2015/16 2016/17 Administration 73.2 72.4 73.9 Investigation & Information Management 151.1 164.7 177.0 Legal Services 5.7 5.8 6.7 Compliance Mon. & Stakeholder Management 4.7 4.3 Total 234.7 247.2 262.3

17 2014/15 Appropriation per Programme
Budget 2014/15 PROGRAMMES APPROPRIATION AVERAGE % Administration 73.2 31% Investigation & Inf. Management 151.1 64% Legal Services 5.7 3% Compliance Mon. & Stakeholder Man. 4.7 2% TOTAL 234.7 100%

18 2014/15 Appropriation per Economic Classification
Budget 2014/15 PROGRAMMES Economic Classification R`000 Administration Investigation & Inf. Man. Legal Service Compliance Monitoring Stakeholder Compensation of Employees 39 241 5 135 3 619 Goods & Services 32 626 34 874 564 878 Transfers & Subsidies 487 9 Machinery & Equip 859 1 842 13 219 TOTAL 73 213 5 712 4 716

19 Programme 1 Administration
Budget 2014/15 Purpose Provide the overall management of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate and support services, including strategic support to the Directorate. PROGRAMME 1 2013/14 Allocation R’000 2014/15 Increase / (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 41.665 39.241 (6%) Goods and services 45.497 32.626 (29%) Departmental Agencies (Transfers) 137 487 28% Machinery and Equipment 1.147 859 (26%) Total for Programme 1 88.446 73.213 (18)%

20 Programme: 2 Investigation and Information Management
Budget 2014/15 Purpose Coordinate and facilitate the Independent Police Investigative Directorate’s processes, and develop policy and strategic frameworks that guide and report on investigations. PROGRAMME 2 2013/14 Allocation R’000 2014/15 Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 84.644 35% Goods and services 35.166 34.874 (1%) Transfers and Subsidies 3 9 33% Machinery and Equipment 1.432 1.842 28% Total Programme 2 24%

21 Programme 3 Legal Services
Budget 2014/15 Purpose Manage and facilitate the provision of investigation advisory services, and provide legal and litigation advisory services. PROGRAMME 3 2013/14 Allocation R’000 2014/15 Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 3.553 5.135 44% Goods and services 869 564 (36)% Machinery and Equipment 28 13 (46)% Total for Programme 3 4.451 5.712 28%

22 Programme: 4 Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management
Budget 2014/15 Purpose Safeguard the principles of cooperative governance and stakeholder management. PROGRAMME 4 2013/14 Allocation R’million 2014/15 Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 2.039 3.619 44% Goods and services 484 878 81% Machinery and Equipment 326 219 (33%) Total for Programme 4 2.849 4.716 40%

23 Unfunded Mandates Budget 2014/15 Integrity Management (Section 22(3) of the IPID Act); Investigation Information Processing Unit (Section 9(d)); National Specialised Investigation Team (Protection Unit); Specialised Training for Investigators; Systemic Corruption investigation; Specialised investigation equipment; Expansion Strategy/Plan.

ADMINISTRATION By Chief Director Corporate Services (Ms Nomkhosi Netsianda)

25 PURPOSE FOR PROGRAMME 1 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Purpose Provide for the overall management of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate and support services, including strategic support to the Directorate. The programme consists of the following sub-programmes: DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT This subprogramme provides strategic leadership, overall and management and strategic reporting to the Directorate and ensures overall compliance with all relevant prescripts. This sub-programme is coordinated through the following functions and/or components: Executive Support This component provides strategic administrative support to the Executive Director of the IPID.

26 PURPOSE FOR PROGRAMME 1 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Corporate Governance This component will also focus on the monitoring and evaluation of performance, and reporting on the attainment of strategic objectives. It ensures constant assessment of high quality management practices as a mechanism of enhancing the ability of the Directorate to deliver on its core mandate. It also provides risk-management services and ensures compliance with laws, regulations and other prescripts.

27 PURPOSE FOR PROGRAMME 1 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
CORPORATE SERVICES It provides support services to the Directorate through the following corporate services sub sub-programmes: Human Resources Management and Development Services This component provides human resources management and development services through development of human resource policies and strategies. It ensures the alignment of the organisational structure to the Strategic Plan. It is responsible for the rendering of efficient and effective human resource administration services. It promotes the development and utilisation of human resources and manages labour relations and co-ordinates the employee health and wellness programme. Security Management The component provides security management services by developing and supporting the implementation of security policies, systems and procedures. It provides access security and physical security.

28 PURPOSE FOR PROGRAMME 1 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Information Communication Technology This component provides communication services by developing, implementing and maintaining Information Communication Technology strategy and advisory services. It is responsible for development and implementation of a master system plan and strategy for Information System Security. It develops, manages and co-ordinates website, intranet and integrated ICT infrastructure. Communication and Marketing It provides communication and marketing services by developing, implementing and maintaining policy framework for knowledge management and communications. It provides learning and knowledge management services, co-ordinates and manages the distribution of information to stakeholders, provides internal and external communications, library services and promotes public awareness on the IPID.

29 PURPOSE FOR PROGRAMME 1 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Auxiliary Services This component provides record management services; fleet management services render switchboard operation services, messenger services and oversee the rendering of cleaning services. FINANCE SERVICES This sub-programme provides effective and efficient financial management, supply chain and asset management services.

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 INTERNAL AUDIT It provides internal audit services by conducting compliance and performance audits and facilitating internal forensic investigations. OFFICE ACCOMMODATION It provides services related to activities and costs of office accommodation for the Directorate as a whole. This includes managing service level agreements with the Department of Public Works regarding the renting of new property and maintenance of existing property.

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS 1 Number of media statements released annually 40 Media Statements 2 Number of responses to media enquiries released annually 120 Media Responses 150 Media Responses 180 Media Responses

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 Number of performance monitoring and evaluation reports submitted to ensure attainment of strategic objectives 13 2 Number of financial and strategic reports submitted within the prescribed dates for reporting 22

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 CAPACITY BUILDING: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 % vacancy rate per year Below 10% 2 % of females employed by the Directorate at senior management level 50% 3 % of staff complement consisting of people with disabilities 2% 4 Approved retention policy Approved policy -

OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 ICT PLAN AND GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK 1 Develop ICT plan LAN refresh & upgrade ICT Continuity plan implemented EDMS Implemented 2 Produce ICT governance quarterly Reports 4 REALIGNMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES Number of reviews of Organisational Structure conducted per year Number of environmental assessment studies conducted per year 10


IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Purpose: Programme 2 strengthen oversight role over the police service by conducting investigations within the powers granted to the Directorate by the IPID Act. It also makes recommendations on investigations conducted and ensures efficiency in registration and investigation of cases. The programme will achieve the above through the following three sub programmes: Investigations Management This subprogramme develops and maintains investigation systems, procedures, norms, standards and policies in line with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Act number 1 of 2011. Information management This component manages information and knowledge management services through the development and maintenance of a case flow management system, a database and the analysis and compilation of statistical information. It also conducts trend analysis based on available data and make recommendations to the SAPS. Investigation Services The subprogramme manages and conducts investigations in line with the provisions in the IPID Act no1 of

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 (Strategic objective): THE IPID PROCESSES CASES EFFICIENTLY Outputs: Case Management System: A system for the registration, allocation, tracking, management and reporting of investigations, the generation of reliable statistical information and the provision of general business intelligence. Completed Investigations of cases in line with the provisions of the IPID Act, Regulations and Executive Director Guidelines. Recommendation Reports to the SAPS regarding possible disciplinary steps and to the Prosecuting Authorities regarding possible criminal prosecution.

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of receipt 98% of cases received 99% of cases received 100% of cases received 2 Number of statistical reports generated on the number and type of cases investigated, recommendations made and the outcomes thereof 18

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 COMPLETED INVESTIGATIONS 1 Percentage of investigations of deaths in police custody completed within 90 days 65% of cases completed within 90 days 66% of cases completed within 90 days 67% of cases completed within 90 days 2 Percentage of investigations of deaths as a result of police action completed within 90 days 3 Percentage of investigations of discharge of an official fire arm by a police officer completed within 90 days 55% of cases completed within 90 days 56% of cases completed within 90 days 57% of cases completed within 90 days 4 Percentage of investigations of rape by a police officer completed within 90 days 60% of cases completed within 90 days 61% of cases completed within 90 days 62% of cases completed within 90 days 5 Percentage of investigations of rape while in police custody completed within 90 days

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 COMPLETED INVESTIGATIONS 1 Percentage of investigations of deaths in police custody completed within 90 days 65% of cases completed within 90 days 66% of cases completed within 90 days 67% of cases completed within 90 days 2 Percentage of investigations of deaths as a result of police action completed within 90 days 3 Percentage of investigations of discharge of an official fire arm by a police officer completed within 90 days 55% of cases completed within 90 days 56% of cases completed within 90 days 57% of cases completed within 90 days 4 Percentage of investigations of rape by a police officer completed within 90 days 60% of cases completed within 90 days 61% of cases completed within 90 days 62% of cases completed within 90 days 5 Percentage of investigations of rape while in police custody completed within 90 days

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 COMPLETED INVESTIGATIONS 6 Percentage of investigations of torture completed within 90 days 50% of cases completed within 90 days 51% of cases completed within 90 days 52% of cases completed within 90 days 7 Percentage of investigations of assault completed within 90 days 8 Percentage of investigations of corruption completed within 90 days 55% of cases completed within 90 days 56% of cases completed within 90 days 57% of cases completed within 90 days 9 Percentage of investigations of other criminal and misconduct matters referred to the Directorate in terms of section 28(1)(h) and 35(1)(b) of the IPID Act completed within 90 days

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 COMPLETED INVESTIGATIONS 10 Number of cases of systemic corruption identified for possible investigation approval, within a financial year 18 11 Percentage of approved systemic corruption investigations of torture completed within 12 months 20% 4 of 18 12 Percentage by which backlog investigations are reduced annually (excluding systemic corruption) 50% reduction of the backlog cases 50% reduction of the backlog cases

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 RECOMMENDATION REPORTS 1 Disciplinary recommendation reports referred to SAPS/MPS within 30 days of completion of relevant investigations 80% of relevant completed cases 100% of relevant completed cases 2 Criminal recommendation reports referred to NPA within 30 days of completion of relevant investigations

44 By Acting Chief Director: Legal Services
PROGRAMME 3 STRAGEIC PRIORITIES PROGRAMME 3 LEGAL SERVICES By Acting Chief Director: Legal Services (Mr Matthews Sesoko)

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Purpose: Legal Services manages and facilitates the provision of investigation advisory services and provide litigation advisory service. The programme consist of the following components: Legal Support and Administration The subprogramme manages the Directorates legal obligations. It develops and maintains systems and procedures, norms and standards to support guide and direct legal support within the Directorate. Litigation advisory services The subprogramme is responsible for coordination of civil and labour litigation as well as coordination of the granting of policing powers. The subprogramme other key activities and outputs include finalization of received contracts and service level agreements. Investigation advisory services The subprogramme provides support during and after investigations. It provides legal advice and guidance to investigators, and ensures that all cases that are forwarded for prosecution comply with the requirements of the prosecution process.

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Outputs: Management of the Directorate’s legal obligations, negotiation of contracts, memorandums of understanding and service level agreements. Legal advice and guidance to investigators during and after the completion of investigations and the granting of policing powers to investigators. Civil and labour litigation for and against the Directorate.

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Management of the Directorate’s legal obligations, negotiation of contracts, memorandums of understanding and service level agreements 1 Percentage of contracts and service level agreements finalised within 30 working days of request 90% of contracts and SLA’s finalised within 30 days 2 Percentage of legal opinions provided to the Directorate within 21 working days of request 90% of legal opinions provided within 21 days 3 Percentage of policies reviewed for legal compliance within 21 working days of request 90% of policies reviewed within 21 days

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Legal advice and guidance to investigators during and after the completion of investigations and the granting of policing powers to investigators. 1 Number of practice notes and directives (bulletin) produced and issued 4 2 Percentage of legal advice provided to investigators within 24 hours 90% of legal advice provided within set time 3 Percentage of legal written advice provided within 48 hours of request Percentage of applications for policing powers processed within 5 working days of request 100% of applications processed 5 Percentage of Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request processed and finalised within 30 days 100% of applications finalised

IPID Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Civil and labour litigation for and against the Directorate. 1 Percentage of legal and civil litigation attended to 90% of matters 2 Percentage of legal and labour litigation attended to 100% of matters


Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Purpose: To safeguard the principles of cooperative governance and stakeholder management though on-going monitoring and evaluation of the quality of recommendations made to the South African Police Service and Municipal Police Service and also reporting on the police service’s compliance with reporting obligations in terms of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act (2011). The programme consist of the following sub-programmes: Compliance Monitoring The sub-programme monitors and evaluates the quality of recommendations made and responsiveness received from the SAPS, MPS and NPA in compliance with the reporting obligations in terms of the IPID Act (2011)

52 OUTPUTS FOR PROGRAMME 4 Stakeholder Management
Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Stakeholder Management The sub-programme manages relations and liaison with the Directorate’s key stakeholders, such as the SAPS, MPS, SAPS, MPS, Civilian Secretariat, NPA, SIU, Public Protector, State Security Agency, civil society organizations in line with the requirements of the IPID Act (2011). It also coordinates and liaise with the Parliamentary Committees and the other stakeholders. Established and coordinate the activities of the Consultative Forums as per section 15 of the IPID Act.   It is also responsible for creating enabling mechanisms for community participation in the achievement of the IPID objectives. .

53 OUTPUTS FOR PROGRAMME 4 Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Outputs: Monitoring and Evaluation of the quality of IPID recommendations to SAPS, MPS and NPA; Monitoring of responsiveness of the SAPS, MPS and NPA to the IPID recommendations as well as reporting on SAPS/MPS compliance with reporting obligations in terms of the IPID Act (2011); Organising campaigns that increase public awareness of the provisions of the IPID Act, the Directorate’s functions and the utilisation of it’s services; Regular engagements with and reports to key stakeholders, including SAPS, MPS, CSP and other government and Civil Society Organisations.

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Monitoring of IPID Recommendations Reports and Compliance monitoring 1 Number of reports on the evaluation of the quality of IPID recommendations 4 2 Number of reports on the implementation of IPID recommendations 3 Number of reports on evaluation of SAPS/MPS compliance with reporting obligations in terms of the IPID Act

Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Public Awareness Campaigns and Stakeholder Management 1 Number of community outreach events conducted 306 2 Participation in Community Policing Forum 40 3 Number of formal engagements (National) with key stakeholders held annually 12 4 Number of formal engagements at Provincial level with key stakeholders held annually 108

56 CONCLUSION The present IPID complement is inadequate for the Directorate to fulfill its mandate; The Expansion Strategy/Plan requires the support of the Portfolio Committee; The IPID needs to intensify the training of investigators – in extent, depth and complexity; The management of IPID is committed to deliver on its mandate as per the Constitution, the IPID Act and all the relevant Legislation, programmes and plans of Government.

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