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University’s Expectations of Managers

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1 University’s Expectations of Managers
Rob Allan Director of Human Resources March 2016

2 University Managers What is a manager?
There are managers of people, projects, finances, equipment. I will focus on managers of people. What is “the University”? Easy to blame this corporate entity “the University” – but what is it? It is us – from the VC down to the cleaner

3 Managers Expectations
- No handbook that details what we require or expect of managers - Some references in job descriptions, but variable in content and detail. - Some indication in objectives? My thoughts - consistent with those of senior colleagues (hopefully!)

4 Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.

5 University Managers A positive leader (L’boro style)
Gives clear direction & feedback Corporate A teacher A student Committed to continuous improvement Fair and Consistent Accessible

6 University Managers Take Responsibility Decisive and timely
Can be trusted Effective and positive communicator Know when to seek help/advice Loyal Tolerant Resilient

7 Accepting Responsibility

8 Support for Managers HR Finance Planning Staff Development
Policies/Procedures/Guidance documents (Recruitment & Selection; PDRs; Grievance; Disciplinary; Bullying & Harassment; Sickness; Reward Review; Overtime; Pay progression etc)

9 Employment Contracts Offer Acceptance Consideration Oral or Written
Express and Implied Terms Custom & Practice

10 Recruitment & Selection
The Aim is simple: Select the best person for the job So, is it unlawful to discriminate?

11 Dismissal Occurs When the contract is brought to an end by the employer (with or without notice) When a fixed term contract expires and is not renewed under the same contract When the employee ends the contract in circumstances where the conduct of the employer entitles him to do so.

12 Fair Reasons for Dismissal
Capability or Qualifications Conduct Redundancy Where continued employment would contravene a statute Some other substantial reason sufficient to justify dismissal

13 Disciplinary Procedures
the means by which the organisation’s rules are observed and standards are maintained provides a method of dealing with any shortcomings in conduct or performance

14 Disciplinary Procedures
Give right to be accompanied Ensure that except for gross misconduct no employee is dismissed for first offence Ensure that disc. action is not taken until case has been fully investigated Ensure explanation is given of penalty imposed Provide right of appeal and process

15 Disciplinary Rules Rules set standards of conduct at work
They should be fair, reflect the needs of the organisation and be written in a way that everyone understands

16 Disciplinary Actions Verbal/oral warning Written warning
Final written warning Downgrading Dismissal with notice Summary Dismissal (ie without notice)

17 Fairness - Key Tests Judged on the facts known to the employer at the time of the dismissal Judged on the facts which managers ought to have known before the decision to dismiss

18 Poor Performance Raising the issue of poor performance
Constructive counselling Use of appraisal systems (PDR) Seeking explanations Provision of training Monitoring & supervision Warnings Alternative employment? Dismissal - the final step!

19 Ensuring Understanding

20 Capability One of the fair reasons for dismissal identified
in section 98(2) is CAPABILITY 98(3) ‘Capability’ means capability assessed by reference to skill aptitude, health or any other physical or mental quality.

21 Grievances A Grievance is…
… a problem or concern an employee has about their work, working conditions or relationships with colleagues

22 “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right."
Grievance? “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right." Brian Clough

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