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2 It is used by Assemblies of God
Why Vimeo? It is used by Assemblies of God It is a reputable video service, less commercial It is a rival to Youtube Has a better presentation record It dovetails with other webservices It provides a stream for Bethel Christian Fellowship It also provide a ‘channel’ for Bethel Christian Fellowship It provides greater coverage and therby exposure It reaches audiences that you may not reach via Youtube It connects with professional profile sites and some schedulers* * Ascheduler is a program or application that allows content to be posted at a later date

3 How will we use Vimeo? Primarily to showcase and inform:
Short introductory Video Important videos/ key information Probably only one video per calendar month As an outlet promoting the christian benefit of our courses, blogsite, and other activities

4 Other site integration
VIMEO structure Add a video to FB and other sites, Comment in statuses Other sites, ViaDeo profile etc Other site integration

5 Browser History Metatags The video plays, likes and other web actions
Build a picture which vimeo may use to build A portfolio for suggesting other videos. Active ‘likes’ also clearly define categories Therefore we need to source as much good Quality Christian media as possible and +1, Favourite, scoop-it, ‘Like’ etc. The video description, Title, And any category/ descriptive tags should reflect the top Search tags and queries… Good SEO practice is needed.

6 Bethel Christian Fellowship corporate internet identity
An essential part of any business or public venture is that it must be able to be recognised for its name. Unfortuantely “Bethel”, “Christian Fellowship” and its variants and abbreviations are already popular on the internet. It is also larger than 20 letters long which causes problems for some profiles & sites As a consequence we have had to use a number of variants: these include BethelFellwshpChurch BethelChristianFellowshipUK BethelChristianfell0wship BCF BCFHastings* BCFHastingsAOG Bethel_C_F BethelCF

7 Bethel Christian Fellowship corporate internet identity
We have been clear on 1)Pentecostal 2) Church 3) AOG 4) Hastings UK 5) our links to the AOG and internet directories e.g. free listings Churches UK To clarify our church identity, we have a LOGO, to be used in all video LOGO QRCode/ barcode navigation

8 Jim Harrison, for Bethel Christian Fellowship

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