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Flinders University Leadership Project

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1 Flinders University Leadership Project
Dr. Sneha Kirubakaran School of Medicine FULP, November 2016

2 My Project To lead a multi-disciplinary, voluntary team of health professionals In running an international course on spirituality in health care To set up an on-going local base for this course in South Australia

3 My Team A junior doctor from the RAH/Adelaide Uni
Helped with the teaching A dietician from the community/Flinders Uni Took care of the logistics A lab technician from the QEH Helped with the role-play

4 The Course ‘The Saline Process’ 5 Questions: 12 participants, 8 hours
Why is faith important in healthcare? What are the opportunities and barriers? What is my part? What tools will help me? Where do I go from here? 12 participants, 8 hours

5 The Process Recruit the team (July - October)
Get officially trained (Sydney, August) Team meetings (Sept, Oct) Flyer design & advertising (Sept – Oct) Logistics & preparation (Oct) Run the course (Oct 15th) Follow-up activities (since then) Plan the next one (April/May 2017)

6 How will this improve my leadership?
Potentially minimally! Small team, Simple task, Miniscule budget Had to be pro-active! Attended 2 leadership seminars Barcelona: Essential Leadership Skills for Emerging Leaders in Medical Education Adelaide: Relational Lenses on Leadership Requested feedback from my team



9 Leadership Challenges
vs. The flyer design! Delegating vs. Directing Am I a ‘visionary’? How can a volunteer venture be made sustainable?

10 Any questions, comments, suggestions?
Thank you! Any questions, comments, suggestions?

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