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Clinical quality: in pursuit of the holy grail?

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical quality: in pursuit of the holy grail?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical quality: in pursuit of the holy grail?
ACPOHE Conference 2014 "Building confidence in your competence" Clinical quality: in pursuit of the holy grail? Dr Sally Coomber FFOM FRCP Consultant Occupational Physician, Public Health England FOM Clinical Lead for SEQOHS, NICE Fellow Hilary Winch Head of Nursing and Quality, Syngentis OH Nurse Manager, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital 16th -17th May 2014 Austin Court IET, Birmingham

2 Overview of session Quality – background and beginnings in OH
SEQOHS – key concepts OH Physio pilot – update Personal view - what good quality OH looks like The ‘holy grail’ challenge & pledge

3 Clinical quality & ACPOHE
What does it mean to this audience? 11 mentions of ‘quality’ in Oct 2012 version of Competency framework

4 Competency Framework Overview: By maintaining strong links between clinical & academic settings, physiotherapists inform & respond to developments in practice, education or research to deliver high quality innovative services that are accessible, effective & efficient. 11 mentions of ‘quality’ in Oct 2012 version of Competency framework

5 Competency Framework Domain2 - Knowledge...”of a quality to satisfy peer merit publication” Communicating with stakeholders... “develops quality assurance...across the team” Ensuring quality...”recognise where quality of an OHS may be compromised” “critically reflect on practice in the context of quality” 11 mentions of ‘quality’ in Oct 2012 version of Competency framework


7 QI in OH: 2008 onwards 2008 saw the challenge from Dame carol Black about the quality of OH in the UK Response was the FOM SEQOHS Standards, published jan 2010 and SEQOHS launched Dec 2010 by RCP

8 Peer review against agreed OH standards
Accreditation Peer review against agreed OH standards

9 This is what good looks like


11 Standards: 6 domains Standard A – Business probity: conduct business with integrity and financial propriety Standard B – Information governance: adequate OH records, backed up; protect confidentiality of patients and intellectual property of organisation Standard C - People: competent staff, appropriate supervision and escalation Standard D – Facilities and equipment: safe, accessible; medicines management Standard E – Relationship with purchasers: customer focussed, fair dealings Standard F - Relationship with workers: fair, respectful, involved NHS standard

12 The accreditation QI journey

13 On a personal level it might feel like your OHS going from this, which is very normal (you can see much of what’s there, but bulging cupboard, range of storage in use, not too easy to find what you want or what’s missing)

14 To this Tidy, ordered, well stocked, easy access

15 The OH Physio service pilot
Aim is to establish how well the FOM standards and RCP process map across to OH Physio practice

16 Aim is to establish how well the FOM standards and RCP process map across to OH Physio practice

17 Volunteers

18 Training and debate Rapid exploratory application of standards, evidence submission by end of June, conclusions by Septemeber 2014

19 Library of good practice
Use the SEQOHS resources of KMS Library

20 What does a good quality OHS look like?

21 Good Quality Service

22 Audit Website Deferral Reasons Visit Preparation Embedded in culture

23 1975 movie by the Monty Python team

24 http://www. google. co. uk/imgres

25 Tool Kit Consistency Standards QI Programmes Monitoring
Monitoring QI Programmes

26 The Bridge of Death Challenge

27 Sir Lancelot, the Brave

28 Sir Robin, the not quite so brave as Sir Lancelot

29 The bridge of death

30 The brave Knights of Austin Court...
Coat of Arms, Birmingham 1889

31 The Six questions... Clinical Quality

32 The Bridge of Death....risk assessed
The bridge of death

33 Question 1 If I was a new staff member in your team – how would I know what to do for acupuncture? Standing Operating Procedure as part of Induction

34 Question 2 Describe the vision for your service?
Does all the team know where your leader is taking you……?

35 Question 3 What was an improvement action from the last audit you / your service undertook? Is audit a learning tool?

36 Question 4 Can you name 2 ways your customers give feedback on your service? Do you listen to your customers / act on findings

37 Question 5 Who is your data controller?
DPA requires a register of data controllers – people responsible for how personal data is processed / used……

38 Question 6 What was the last OH risk assessment that you reviewed?
Are all risks for staff properly assessed?

39 Quality Pledge

40 > ‘Castle Arrgh’ where they find the holy grail, filmed at Castle Stalker a restored medieval keep which sits on an islet at the edge of Loch Laich, Appin, between Oban and Fort William

41 Thank you

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