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Matthew Dig Site 18 Red Level Questions.

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1 Matthew Dig Site 18 Red Level Questions

2 Who asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” (27:11)
Herod The High Priest The governor

3 Who asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” (27:11)
Herod The High Priest The governor

4 What did Jesus say when Pilate asked, “Are you the king of the Jews
“No.” “You have said so.” “Why do you want to know?”

5 What did Jesus say when Pilate asked, “Are you the king of the Jews
“No.” “You have said so.” “Why do you want to know?”

6 When Jesus was accused by the chief priests and elders, what did He do
Said, “I am the son.” Gave no answer Cut off a guard’s ear with a sword

7 When Jesus was accused by the chief priests and elders, what did He do
Said, “I am the son.” Gave no answer Cut off a guard’s ear with a sword

8 How did Pilate feel when Jesus did not reply to a single charge
Satisfied Sad Amazed

9 How did Pilate feel when Jesus did not reply to a single charge
Satisfied Sad Amazed

10 What custom did the governor have at the festival? (27:15)
Releasing a prisoner Putting someone in jail Crucifying someone

11 What custom did the governor have at the festival? (27:15)
Releasing a prisoner Putting someone in jail Crucifying someone

12 What was the name of the well-known prisoner Pilate offered to release
Barabbas Barnabas Bernard

13 What was the name of the well-known prisoner Pilate offered to release
Barabbas Barnabas Bernard

14 What prisoners did Pilate present to the crowd? (27:17)
Barabbas and Peter Jesus and Barabbas Judas and Jesus

15 What prisoners did Pilate present to the crowd? (27:17)
Barabbas and Peter Jesus and Barabbas Judas and Jesus

16 Why did the people hand Jesus over to Pilate? (27:18)
Because of joy Because of hatred Because of self-interest

17 Why did the people hand Jesus over to Pilate? (27:18)
Because of joy Because of hatred Because of self-interest

18 Who told Pilate to have nothing to do with Jesus? (27:19)
Pilate’s wife An angel of the Lord Mary, Jesus’ mother

19 Who told Pilate to have nothing to do with Jesus? (27:19)
Pilate’s wife An angel of the Lord Mary, Jesus’ mother

20 Who said “I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him”? (27:19)
Judas’ servant Jesus Pilate’s wife

21 Who said “I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him”? (27:19)
Judas’ servant Jesus Pilate’s wife

22 Who persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released? (27:20)
Judas The chief priests and elders Jesus’ disciples

23 Who persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released? (27:20)
Judas The chief priests and elders Jesus’ disciples

24 What did the crowd tell Pilate to do with Jesus? (27:22)
“Crucify him!” “Stone him!” “Release him!”

25 What did the crowd tell Pilate to do with Jesus? (27:22)
“Crucify him!” “Stone him!” “Release him!”

26 After Pilate tried to defend Jesus, how did the crowd react? (27:23-24)
They started an uproar. They started a feast. They started gathering stones.

27 After Pilate tried to defend Jesus, how did the crowd react? (27:23-24)
They started an uproar. They started a feast. They started gathering stones.

28 What did Pilate do to prove his innocence? (27:24)
Washed his feet Washed his hands Washed Jesus’ feet

29 What did Pilate do to prove his innocence? (27:24)
Washed his feet Washed his hands Washed Jesus’ feet

30 Who said “His blood is on us and on our children!”? (27:25)
The chief priests and elders Pilate and Herod The crowd condemning Jesus

31 Who said “His blood is on us and on our children!”? (27:25)
The chief priests and elders Pilate and Herod The crowd condemning Jesus

32 Where did the governor’s soldiers take Jesus? (27:27)
The prison The Praetorium The Arena

33 Where did the governor’s soldiers take Jesus? (27:27)
The prison The Praetorium The Arena

34 Who said “Hail, king of the Jews”? (27:27-29)
The governor’s soldiers The Jews The palace servants

35 Who said “Hail, king of the Jews”? (27:27-29)
The governor’s soldiers The Jews The palace servants

36 What color was the robe the soldiers had Jesus wear? (27:28)
Navy Scarlet White

37 What color was the robe the soldiers had Jesus wear? (27:28)
Navy Scarlet White

38 What were two items the soldiers put on Jesus before He was crucified
A crown of thorns and a pair of shoes A crown of thorns and a necklace A crown of thorns and a scarlet robe

39 What were two items the soldiers put on Jesus before He was crucified
A crown of thorns and a pair of shoes A crown of thorns and a necklace A crown of thorns and a scarlet robe

40 What did the soldiers do right before they took Jesus to be crucified
Stepped on Him Spit on Him and struck Him on the head Dragged Him around Jerusalem

41 What did the soldiers do right before they took Jesus to be crucified
Stepped on Him Spit on Him and struck Him on the head Dragged Him around Jerusalem

42 Finish this verse: “What shall I do, then, with …” (Matthew 27:22a)
“… Judas the betrayer?” “… Jesus who is called the Messiah?” “… Jesus who is called the Son of Man?”

43 Finish this verse: “What shall I do, then, with …” (Matthew 27:22a)
“… Judas the betrayer?” “… Jesus who is called the Messiah?” “… Jesus who is called the Son of Man?”

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