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All about roman soldiers

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Presentation on theme: "All about roman soldiers"— Presentation transcript:

1 All about roman soldiers

2 The roman army The average weight the romans carried was at least 90 pounds and had to march 20 miles a day. During war the soldiers use their shiny shields to protect themselves

3 What do romans wear Romans clothes are made out of wool spun into cloth by the woman in the family The ancient male romans used to wear togas. Togas are a loose flowing outer garment worn by the citizens of ancient Rome made of a single piece of cloth and covering the whole body apart from the right arm.

4 Where do romans live The ancient romans lived in the roman empire . the capital of the roman empire was the city of Rome.

5 Roman joke What was Camelot A place were you park your camel

6 ending Thank you for listening to my presentation I hope you enjoyed
By : Janna Khdeir

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