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Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

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Presentation on theme: "Display Screen Equipment (DSE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Are you or your staff members DSE users? to find out keep watching…

2 Are you a DSE “Employee”
A DSE “Employee” is a staff member who*: has no choice but to use DSE to carry out her/his work, or normally uses DSE for continuous periods of more than one hour per day, or generally uses DSE on a daily basis If you are a DSE “Employee” Read On…. *Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007

3 Potential Health Issues
Annually millions of workers are affected by work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which include: pain/injury repetitive strain injuries symptoms in the upper and lower limbs and spine Physical causes include: handling of loads poor posture repetitive movements Organisational causes can include the pace and monotony of work

4 Potential Health Issues cont’d
Lower back disorders include hernias, muscle and soft tissue injuries Backs deteriorate with age, but poor working environments can also contribute to lower back problems in a healthy back or accelerate deterioration in a damaged back Problems, which may arise from lifting, twisting and bending of the back, awkward or static postures, are hard to label - 95% of lower back problems are termed 'non-specific'

5 Potential Health Issues cont’d
Work-related neck and upper limb disorders (WRULDs) tend to develop over time as a result of repetitive actions, such as typing They can affect the neck, shoulders and upper limbs In order to reduce the risk we would recommend that you... Get Up and Move!

6 How to keep safe Your manager is responsible for analysing your workstation and implementing controls to address identified risks Controls may include correct workstation setup, and Information and training on the use of equipment and on correct manual handling techniques

7 Advice for Managers Complete the HSELanD e-learning training programme
With your staff complete the DSE analysis/risk assessment Implement any control measures identified through risk assessment If required seek further assistance Once control measures are in place continue to review and monitor to ensure the effectiveness of controls

8 Advice for Employees Log-on to HSELanD and complete the e-learning programme available at Complete your workstation analysis with your Manager Talk to your Manager about any problems Talk to your safety representative Talk to your doctor, or workplace occupational health staff as appropriate

9 Introduce periods where you get up and move, do other work activities e.g. go to the photocopier or store room If required seek further assistance from the health & safety helpdesk

10 For more information Please log your health & safety request at or go to if you have already registered with this site then please go to: for automatic log on. Alternatively contact the National Health & Safety Helpdesk on between 10:30-12:00 and 14:00 –

11 THANK YOU The National Health & Safety Function
Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, HR Division.

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