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Migrant Boats.

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1 Migrant Boats

2 Given Data EncounterCoords: Where the migrant boat was intercepted or where it landed, in LONG-LAT Format RecordType: Interdiction (the Coast Guard intercepted them) or Landing (the boat made it ashore) EncounterDate: Date when the boat was interdicted or landed Passengers: Number of passengers in the migrant boat USCG_Vessel: Name of the Coast Guard cutter involved in the interdiction RecordNotes: Any additional information. Usually a list of passenger names. NumDeaths: Number of migrant deaths LaunchCoords: Where the boat left the Island, if known, in LONG-LAT Format VesselType: Type of boat used by the migrants, either a “Go Fast”, a Raft, or a Rustic vessel.

3 2005 2006 2007 No of Records 152 299 466 No of Interdictions 105 170 200 No of Landings 47 129 266 No of Launch from Isla Del Island that got interdicted (143) 32 52 59 No of Launch from Isla Del Island that Landed US (133) 14 40 79

4 Question - Answer Boat-1 Characterize the choice of landing sites and their evolution over the three years. Successful landing sites Shifts upwards and downwards from the cone shape area of interdiction as the interdiction in certain area happens more over years. Boat-2  Characterize the geographical patterns of interdiction over the three years Moves farther from the Island and covers larger area. Boat- 3 What is the successful landing rate over the time period?

5 Interdiction sites Landing sites

6 Pattern There is also pattern that migrants tried over years to land if got interdicted in past years. That’s interesting pattern. And surprisingly there looks connection b/w type of the boat and their landing pattern. Ex. Eduardo Catalano, Jesus Vidro interdicted in 2005/06 in Go Fast vessel but landed in 2007 on Rustic vessel type.

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