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Presentation on theme: "Bearings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bearings

2 Bearings 1. Measured from North. 2. In a clockwise direction.
3. Written as 3 figures. N S E W 315o 145o 230o 315o 230o 145o

3 A 360o protractor is used to measure bearings.
Use the protractor to measure the bearing of each point from the centre of the circle. N S E W 090o 360/000o 270o 180o NW NE SW SE

4 Bearings B A Measuring the bearing of one point from another.
To Find the bearing of B from A. B A 060o N 1. Draw a straight line between both points. 2. Draw a North line at A. 3. Measure the angle between.

5 An aeroplane pilot is lost in the sky
An aeroplane pilot is lost in the sky. All he knows is that he is on a bearing of 045o from Liverpool airport and 290o from Manchester airport. How can he find out whereabouts in the sky he is? Manchester Liverpool

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