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Fulford School Valencia CF

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1 Fulford School Valencia CF
– Football Development Tour 2017

2 What's it all about!

3 Hotel - 4* Hotel Mas Camarena

4 You should hand in: Passports EHIC card Money for football match
On the morning or day before: Medication asthma –inhaler on you one with us.

5 Departure times Meet 2.00am on Friday 7th April 2017
Coach will leave from school –please be quiet to avoid noise We aim to leave York at about 2.15 am and head for Liverpool Airport Check in at 4.55 am Liverpool – flight to Alicante southern Spain Flight number FR9886 Ryanair

6 Return time Arrive in Manchester Tuesday 11th April flight number EZY1918 – Easy Jet Back at school approx – will send a group text

7 Baggage allowances Checked baggage
Each passenger has an allowance of 15kilos. Ryanair does not accept carriage of any individual item with combined dimensions of more than 81cms (height), 119cms (width) and 119cms (depth). Hand Luggage Strictly one item of cabin baggage per passenger weighing up to 10kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cms is permitted, plus 1 small bag up to 35 x 20 x 20cms. Liquids in hand baggage There are a number of rules to remember about what to put in your hand baggage and what to leave at home. For example: lip balm, lip sticks, hand creams, deodorant, and hair spray are all considered liquids in this context. The rules: - The liquid is in a container with a maximum volume of 100ml - All containers must comfortably fit into a transparent, re-sealable 1 litre plastic bag, measuring no more than 20 x 20cm - This plastic bag must be removed from the hand baggage and shown separately to airport security

8 Food You may wish to bring a pack up for traveling – no drinks.

9 Kit List Be sensible – you will have to carry what you bring – we are there for five days NOT five weeks! Take into consideration the climate – warmish during the day, cold at night (we will be out doing things in the evenings!)

10 Must bring: Underwear, 5 pairs football socks 5 normal socks
Underwear, 5 pairs football socks 5 normal socks At least 3 pairs of football shorts At least 5 t-shirts in which you can play football 2 pairs of trackies Casual wear for evenings – jeans, jumper, shirt maybe? Favourite football shirt of your team, Girls – no vest tops to play football in – must have sleeves! Trainers / comfortable shoes, Football boots (clean) – Astro or Moulded NOT metal studs! Bring these in a spare boot bag that you can put them back into each day.

11 Other items: Sun cream SPF 30 at least Sun Hat Sunglasses
Sun cream SPF 30 at least Sun Hat Sunglasses A pair of shin-pads A named water bottle Towel Toiletries Money in a secure wallet (Pounds and Euros)

12 If you wish you can bring:
Electrical items (Phones, IPods, Cameras etc.) - these are your own responsibility, Any relevant medication - let us know that you have it and fill in the relevant form – it is normal procedure that staff must have the medication as well as the student (i.e. inhaler, epipen, prescribed medicines) If you need medication / any liquids – they must be in a small see through plastic bag self-seal – no more than 100ml of liquid. Store other liquids in your checked in luggage.

13 Spending money For the majority of time, we will not being in any place where we will need money There will also be an opportunity to buy presents / gifts when we have the stadium tour – recommend no more than 100 Euros.

14 Football Option - all or no one
“La Liga have today announced the next rotation of fixtures and the Villarreal v Atheltic Bilbao game is confirmed for Friday (Day 1) at Tickets and return transfers would be £ Please confirm if you wish for us to secure tickets.” We will need to know by Friday this week if we are going

15 Code of conduct We fully expect that no issues will arise with regard to behaviour However, as a school we have to have consent of certain rules from parents and students involved in residential trips We expect your behaviour as individuals to be impeccable – for five days you will be immersed in a life of football, something you all love – do not ruin this time for yourself, others or staff!

16 Mobile phones/electronic devices Basically normal school rules will apply
You are allowed to bring your phone, this is your own responsibility and will not be covered under the schools insurance. Other electronic devices are also not covered Portable speakers can be brought but not used on the plane or on the coach. Phones should not be used during training or in the restaurant Do not under any circumstances share your phone number or person details with training staff or teachers or ask for theirs Please check before taking photos of staff etc.

17 Emergency phone number - 07936548785
Individual details form – medical and allergies Room allocations – finalised today Code of conduct form handed in Consent form handed in Passports and EHIC cards handed in You will be given a letter prior to departure. Any questions?

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