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Nasal Breathing Warms air Humidifies air Filters air

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Presentation on theme: "Nasal Breathing Warms air Humidifies air Filters air"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nasal Breathing Warms air Humidifies air Filters air
In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are)

2 Improves oxygen tension in every cell in the body
Nasal Breathing In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Improves oxygen tension in every cell in the body

3 The diaphragm contracts and draws air into the lungs
Nasal Breathing In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) The diaphragm contracts and draws air into the lungs

4 Nasal Breathing In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Oxygen passes into the blood stream and carbon dioxide passes out of the blood stream

5 Nasal Breathing In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) In mouthbreathing children the enlarged tonsils and adenoids help warm and filter the air

6 Breathing is Mainstream
In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) It is not alternative or complemantary

7 We have all studied this before!
This is not New What we teach is based on the Physiology which is studied by every dentist. This is a subject which is usually done very early on in the course. By the time the degree has been completed it has been largely forgotten. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) We have all studied this before!

8 We have all studied this before!
Normal Breathing 8-10 breaths per minute at rest In and out through the nose 4-5 litres of air per minute Driven by the diaphragm No movement of the chest or shoulders Silent In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) We have all studied this before!

9 To deliver oxygen to body cells To remove excess CO2
Respiration To deliver oxygen to body cells To remove excess CO2 In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Why do we breathe?

10 Atmospheric content: 21%
Oxygen Body requirement: % Atmospheric content: 21% In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are)

11 It does not have to be stored It is always available
Oxygen is Cell Food It does not have to be stored It is always available In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are)

12 Atmospheric content: 0.03%
Carbon Dioxide Body requirement: % Atmospheric content: % In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are)

13 Produced as a product of exercise and digestion
Carbon Dioxide It has to be produced by the body and is stored in the blood and the lungs. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Produced as a product of exercise and digestion

14 Produced as a product of exercise and digestion
Carbon Dioxide In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Produced as a product of exercise and digestion

15 Chemical Balance There is always enough oxygen but we have to produce and store carbon dioxide In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are)

16 Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide
Triggers breathing by activating the medullary sensor In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide

17 The Breathing Trigger The constant messages of low CO2 cause the medullary response to reset itself at a lower level, effectively lowering the “breathing ceiling.” In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) The trigger is reset at a lower level as a result of chronic hypocapnia

18 Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide
Facilitates the release of oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide

19 Discovered by a Danish physiologist in 1903.
Carbon Dioxide Discovered by a Danish physiologist in 1903. Subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize for his work. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) CHRISTIAN BOHR The Bohr Effect

20 Carbon Dioxide The Bohr Effect states that as CO2 levels in arterial blood drop the strength of the bond between oxygen and haemoglbin tightens resulting in reduced Oxygen availability to cells. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) CHRISTIAN BOHR The Bohr Effect

21 Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide
Maintains blood pH by buffering with bicarbonate or carbonic acid In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide

22 The optimal pH range for efficient oxygen transport
The pH CO2 Link In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) 7.45 to create the oxyhaemoglobin bond 7.35 to release the oxyhaemoglobin bond. The optimal pH range for efficient oxygen transport

23 The Oxygen Transport System
In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) The optimal pH range for efficient oxygen transport

24 Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide
Prevents smooth muscle going into spasm In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Four major Functions of Carbon Dioxide

25 Low carbon dioxide leads to smooth muscle spasm
300,000 kms of tubes in an adult In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Low carbon dioxide leads to smooth muscle spasm

26 Low carbon dioxide leads to smooth muscle spasm
This is the major cause of shortness of breath as experienced with “asthma” It also causes spasm in all other smooth muscle tubes in the body and is one of the major culprits in disorders of the circulatory and digestive systems. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Low carbon dioxide leads to smooth muscle spasm

27 Two Effects of Hypocapnia
Less oxygen available to the cells Smooth muscle spasm In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Hypocapnia is low carbon dioxide in the blood

28 Leave the cap off and they go flat
Carbonated Beverages Consists of water with salts, sugar and CO2 under pressure In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Leave the cap off and they go flat

29 Blood is a Carbonated Beverage
Also consists of water with salts, sugar and CO2 under pressure In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) BLOOD Leave your mouth open and the blood goes flat

30 Leave your mouth open and the blood goes flat
Fizziology This programme is all about fizz. How to make it How to keep it How to measure it In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Leave your mouth open and the blood goes flat

31 Leave your mouth open and the blood goes flat
Fizziology Mouth breathing children (and adults) have low fizz in the blood. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Leave your mouth open and the blood goes flat

32 Mouthbreathing = low fizz = Hypocapnia
Talking too fast Sighing Yawning Frequent deep breaths In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Mouthbreathing = low fizz = Hypocapnia

33 Hypocapnia Causes Low SaO2
Hypocapnia prevents the pH of arterial blood reaching the optimal level of 7.35 for Oxygen release and results in low SaO2 This in turn reduces oxygen flow to tissues and is a major cause of chronic tiredness In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) SaO2 is the measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in the plasma, not how much oxygen is in the blood

34 Hypocapnia Causes Low SaO2
To increase SaO2 we need to increase the fizz not increase the oxygen. There is always enough oxygen in the blood. In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) SaO2 is the measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in the plasma, not how much oxygen is in the blood

35 Mouthbreathing Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Low CO2 from mouth breathing can cause snoring, sleep apnoea, disturbed sleep patterns, constant tiredness and a lack of energy In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Mouthbreathing = low fizz

36 Mouthbreathing Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Central Sleep Anpoea In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Mouthbreathing = low fizz

37 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) The tongue falls back and obstructs the airway

38 Obstructive sleep apnoea is the brain trying to keep you alive!
Central Sleep Apnoea Nightime hypocapnia fails to activate the trigger and so breathing stops In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) Obstructive sleep apnoea is the brain trying to keep you alive!

39 Tubes and Cells CELLS In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) All dysfunctional breathing needs to be addressed by breathing retraining

40 This then becomes the new breathing habit
Breathing Retraining We need to put more fizz in the blood more often to reset the breathing trigger In attendance will be: Minister for Health Minister for Fisheries and aquatic resources (former dentist) Defence secretary Commanding officers of the navy, army and air force Inspector general of police all provincial directors of health all regional directors of line ministry of institutions (not sure what these are) FIZZ This then becomes the new breathing habit

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