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the core subjects: English* mathematics* science

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Presentation on theme: "the core subjects: English* mathematics* science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Y6 Parent Workshop: core subjects, assessment and what you can do to help

2 the core subjects: English* mathematics* science

3 The pupils take frequent tests in mathematics, SPAG, reading, writing and science. At the end of Y6, pupils will take FORMAL, statutory tests in reading, maths and SPAG. We use these to track pupils’ progress in order to make sure no-one falls behind.

4 FORMAL MATHEMATICS assessment consists of ARITHMETIC (written test) REASONING (two written tests)

5 arithmetic

6 arithmetic

7 reasoning

8 sample SPAG questions



11 Writing using a range of cohesive devices*, including adverbials, within and across sentences and paragraphs using passive and modal verbs mostly appropriately using a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the sentence using adverbs, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases effectively to add detail, qualification and precision Use MOSTLY correctly inverted commas Use MOSTLY correctly commas for clarity

12 Writing Use MOSTLY correctly punctuation for parenthesis
Make SOME correct use of semi-colons Make SOME correct use of dashes Make SOME correct use of colons Make SOME correct use of hyphens spelling most words correctly from the Y5 and Y6 NC word list maintaining legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting through choosing whether or not to join specific letters.

13 Useful Books

14 for parents who might like some background SPAG reading: Maths for Mums and Dads and More Maths for Mums and Dads Mike Askew and Rob Greenaway

15 for parents who want to prepare their children for the maths tests: KS2 Maths SATs Buster CGP Books There are several books in this series. They’re all very good. amazon

16 for parents who want to prepare their children for the English tests KS2 English SATs Buster CGP Books There are several books in this series. They’re all very good. Amazon

17 for parents who might like some background SPAG reading: This one is a short and fascinating go-to guide to grammar and punctuation - the best choice for an easy read. Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation John Seeley This one is a more in-depth discussion of grammar. Rediscover Grammar David Crystal

18 Handwriting Many pupils would benefit from extra practice in this
Handwriting Many pupils would benefit from extra practice in this. Handwriting Practice KS1/KS2, Years 1 – 6 books ONE (more basic) and TWO (more advanced) Carol Matchett

19 Social Media Facebook. Snapchat Instagram
Social Media Facebook Snapchat Instagram online gaming Please respect the age limits for account holders on these sites. Our pupils are the victims and the perpetrators of online bullying and other forms of dangerous behaviour.

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