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Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

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1 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012
Dr Sara Cotterall, English Department AUS Professional Day, Saturday 10th Nov, 2012 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

2 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

3 Making reading fun for your students What can research tell us?
What reasons for reading can you give your students? Motivating your students to read What kinds of texts will motivate your students to read? Providing high-interest, well-produced, enjoyable stories/texts 3. How can you make reading fun? Making reading interactive What can research tell us? Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

4 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

5 1. Motivating your students
Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

6 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

7 How can teachers make reading fun?
Provide reasons for your students to read What reasons can you suggest? Provide interesting reading materials What kinds of reading materials do you have in your classroom? Create a comfortable reading environment Provide interesting texts at an appropriate level Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

8 2. Providing suitable texts
Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

9 A Story from Fiji – The Book Flood
Research question: What is the effect of daily reading of high interest, well-illustrated children’s stories on the English language development of students in Grades 4 and 5? Mangubhai, F. (2001). Book floods and comprehensible input floods: Providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition. International Journal of Educational Research, 35, Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

10 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

11 Study design 15 rural schools, grade 4 and 5 students (English is the medium of instruction from Grade 4) 3 groups A: sustained silent reading (30 mins per day + 30 mins normal programme) – 250 new books B: shared book reading (30 mins per day + 30 mins normal programme) – 250 new books C: normal English programme (60 mins per day) - no new books Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

12 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

13 Test results Year 1 Students in Groups A and B performed significantly better on reading comprehension and grammar tests (Grade 4) Students in Groups A and B performed significantly better on reading and listening comprehensions tests (Grade 5) Year 2 Students in Groups A and B performed significantly better on reading, listening and grammar tests (Grade 5) Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

14 Findings Regular reading of high interest, well-illustrated storybooks helps students learn a second language. Why? Simple, colourful, enjoyable children’s stories Exposure to similar stories (e.g. fairy tales) recycled vocabulary and grammatical structures Purpose of reading was enjoyment Follow-up activities involved writing – reinforcement Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

15 3. Making reading interactive
Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

16 Read aloud to the class Choose an interesting story
Choose a well illustrated book (for younger students) Encourage students to predict, provide sound effects, answer questions … Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

17 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

18 Introduce your own “Book Flood”
Provide a library of high interest, colourful books Introduce a regular Sustained Silent Reading time Encourage students to choose a book in advance Make sure that you read silently too Aim for minutes per day Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

19 Introduce graded readers
Establish a class library Help students become fluent with high frequency vocabulary Schedule a regular time for reading Introduce book reviews (oral) and “book of the week” Extensive Reading Foundation website: Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

20 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

21 Read aloud students’ texts
Go on a field trip, invite a speaker, study a theme Have students write a story about it “Publish” the students’ stories Read selected stories aloud with class Encourage students to exchange their stories Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

22 Introduce reading strategies
Model the reading processes by “thinking aloud” as you read Involve the students in predicting, clarifying difficulties, identify the main idea, summarizing Allocate students to groups Assign different roles Have them read one paragraph at a time this way Check their understanding once they have finished Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

23 Conclusion Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

24 Get your students hooked on reading!
You can make reading fun by: providing (access to) interesting books scheduling a regular time for reading introducing students to reading strategies encouraging students to talk about what they are reading Get your students hooked on reading! Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

25 Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012

26 Thank you Title of presentation | date 00.00.00
Making reading fun | Nov 10, 2012 Title of presentation | date

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