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COSA Committee Meeting

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1 COSA Committee Meeting
June 22, 2017 Mark Jensen Economist Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Environment (504)

2 Socioeconomic Impacts of OCS Infrastructure: Shifts in Recreational Behaviors
BOEM Information Need: BOEM needs to better understand the recreational uses (such as fishing and diving) of offshore oil and gas platforms. This information will be used in environmental documents, such as the upcoming decommissioning environmental impact statement (EIS). The study will also inform Rigs-to-Reefs decisions. Date Information is Required: To support the decommissioning EIS, most information would be needed by late 2018.

3 Background: Hiett and Milon (2002)
Hiett and Milon (2002) estimated the overall scales of recreational fishing and diving, and the associated economic impacts. This study estimated that 20 percent of private boat fishing, 32 percent of charter boat fishing, 51 percent of party boat fishing, and 93 percent of recreational diving occurred near oil and gas structures. Hiett and Milon (2002) did not examine certain subcategories of these activities, such as the scales of recreational fishing and diving that occurred in state versus federal waters. This study also did not examine site-specific determinants of recreational uses of OCS infrastructure.

4 Background: Evolving Recreational Uses
Since the Hiett and Milon (2002) study, there have been various changes and events that could have altered recreational behavior along the Gulf Coast. Changes in technology, economic conditions, and decommissioning. The number of platforms in the GOM has decreased from a peak of just over 4,000 in 2001 to approximately 2,100 in 2017.

5 Background: Platform Map

6 Study Objectives Assess recreational demand for OCS infrastructure and Rigs-to-Reefs sites. Identify key factors for structures particularly suitable for recreational activities. Identify behavioral shifts resulting from removal of obsolete OCS infrastructure. Aggregate existing information sources into a coherent framework.

7 Methods: Overview A small-scale study ($200K) that would:
1) Satisfy current information needs 2) Develop a longer-term plan for obtaining quantitative information regarding recreational uses of offshore platforms

8 Methods: Summary Small number of interviews
Examine existing data sources Analyze the feasibility of incorporating the study objectives into existing data gathering efforts Mapping analysis of platform trends and recreational variables

9 Methods: Interviews Could be conducted individually or though a workshop Would involve recreational participants and relevant organizations (e.g. State Rigs-to-Reefs officials) Would provide qualitative information regarding recreational usage patterns, and would inform examination of existing data

10 Methods: Existing Data Efforts
National Marine Fisheries Service’s Marine Recreational Information Program State-specific recreational fishing data gathering programs (Texas and Louisiana) National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) National Survey of Recreation and the Environment (USDA)

11 Relationship to Strategic Science Questions
This study will entail improved analyses of: Cumulative decommissioning trends Habitat alteration arising from decommissioning Integrated uses of social science methods Mapping technology and recreational uses Methods to monitor recreational uses over time

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