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Presentation on theme: "ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS"— Presentation transcript:

Symptoms: @ Vomiting and watery diarrhea @ Fever (38.5°C) and dehydration. Causes of gastroenteritis: Bacterial: @ Salmonella spp. @ Enteropathogenic E. coli @ Camp. jejuni @ Shigella spp. @ Vibrio spp.


3 Viral: @ Rotaviruses: commonest in children @ Enteric adenoviruses (types 40 & 41) @ Astroviruses (star-like in morphology) @ Norwalk virus


5 Lab. Diagnosis of Gastroenteritis:
Viral: @ Stool electron microscopy. @ PCR to determine the viral genome. @ ELISA to detect viral antigens in stool @ Latex agglutination for viral antigens Bacterial: @ Microscopy @ Stool culture @ Biochemical reactions @ Serological typing.


7 Norwalk Virus @ Discovered its association with a gastroenteritis in Norwalk (USA) @ Causes gastroenteritis in all ages. @ Spread is by eating shellfish and water @ Aerosols of forced vomiting increase transmission


9 Rotavirus Gastroenteritis
Presentation: @ Vomiting, watery diarrhea Lab. Diagnosis: @ Electron microscopy to detect rotavirus @ Rotavirus will not grow in tissue culture @ PCR to determine the viral genome. @ ELISA detection of antigens in stool @ Detection of viral antigens by latex agglutination.


11 FOOD POISONING Symptoms: @ Nausea, diarrhea @ Abdominal pain, cramps Provisional Diagnosis: @ If any member of family have had similar symptoms. @ If patient ate anything that might cause the illness. @ If patient had a meal in a party.


13 Aetiology of Bacterial Food Poisoning
Divided according to formation of toxin: Preformed toxin: @ Formed in the food before ingestion (gives more vomiting), associated with: # Bacillus cereus # S. Aureus # Cl. Botulinum


15 Toxin production in vivo:
@ Due to multiplication of the organism and production of toxin inside the body (gives more diarrhea), associated with: # Cl. Perfringens # Bacillus cereus # Enterotoxigenic E. coli # Vibrio spp.


17 Tissue invasion: @ Associated with: # Camp. jejuni # Salmonella spp. # Enteroinvasive E. coli Other Causes of Food Poisoning: @ Norwalk virus. @ Heavy metals


19 Food Varieties causing Food Poisoning
@ Clostridium perfringens : Contaminated meat, meat soup. @ Staph. aureus: Contaminated poultry, eggs, mayonnaise @ Bacillus cereus: Contaminated cooked rice. @ Salmonella: Contaminated poultry, raw eggs.


21 @ Campylobacter jejuni:
Contaminated milk, poultry. @ Norwalk virus: Contaminated shellfish. Prevention of Food Poisoning: @ Consuming pasteurized milk @ Selecting healthy hens @ Consuming well-cooked meat and rice @ Adequate cooking of eggs, poultry, fish


23 Lab. Diagnosis of Food Poisoning:
@ Vomitus microscopy & culture: useless @ Stool culture and food ruminants for: Salmonella, Vibrio, Campylobacter, S. aureus, E. coli, Cl. perfringens @ Norwalk virus is diagnosed by: Electron microscopy, PCR, ELISA, Rapid latex particle agglutination. @ Epidemiological investigations of food poisoning outbreaks.


25 Salmonella Food Poisoning
@ Due to Sal. enteriditis, Sal. dublin, Sal. typhimurium, Sal. agona. @ Most of these are from animal sources @ S. enteriditis type 4 causes food poisoning due to contaminated eggs. @ Salmonella food poisoning is mild, and self-limiting @ But it can cause neonatal meningitis and septicaemia.




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