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Color’s Implications in Chinese Language & Culture

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1 Color’s Implications in Chinese Language & Culture

2 Colors in life

3 Questions: Color: a natural element, or a subjective and personal vision? Color: a universal emotion, or a culture-specific reaction?

4 Let’s guess 白手(báishǒu): white hand 黑钱(hēiqián): black money
红人(hóngrén): red person 黄泉(huángquán): yellow spring 绿帽子(lǜmàozi):green hat

5 Colors in Chinese Language & Culture
White: 白(bái) Black: 黑(hēi) Red: 红(hóng) Yellow: 黄(huáng) Green: 绿(lǜ) Others

6 White Death, funerals Evil quality Free of charge Nothing added
Wrongly written or pronounced (character) Others

7 White: death & funerals


9 White: evil quality 白脸(bái liǎn)
White face: for the crafty, evil, cunning

10 红脸(hóng liǎn) red face: for the heroic, honest and loyal

11 一个唱白脸,一个唱红脸 One play in white face, while the other play in red face: One pretends to be harsh and severe, while the other pretends to be generous and kind.

12 White: evil quality 白眼狼(bái yǎn láng) Wolf with white eyes:
person who returns kindness with ingratitude

13 White: free of charge 白饭(bái fàn) White rice: a free meal
( gain things without payment)

14 White: nothing added 白水(bái shuǐ) White water: water

15 White: in vain 白干(bái gàn): do sth. in vain 白买(bái mǎi): 白学(bái xué):

16 White: wrongly written or pronounced
白字(bái zì) White character: a character that is mispronounced or written in a wrong way, in wrong strokes

17 白手起家(bái shǒu qǐ jiā): start empty-handed

18 白头偕老(bái tóu xié lǎo): remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives

19 白衣天使(bái yī tiān shǐ): angel in white

20 Black Quality of upright, selfless Evil, sinister, malicious
Illegal, underground

21 Black: quality of upright, selfless

22 Black: evil, sinister, malicious
黑心(hēi xīn) Black heart: evil mind

23 Black: evil, sinister, malicious
黑社会(hēi shèhuì) Black society: sinister gang

24 Black: evil, sinister, malicious
黑店(hēi diàn) Black store: inns run by brigands

25 Black: evil, sinister, malicious
黑话(hēi huà) Black words: bandits’ argot, thieves’ cant

26 Black: illegal, underground
黑户(hēi hù) Black household register: unregistered household

27 Black: illegal, underground
黑市(hēi shì) Black market

28 Black: illegal, underground
黑钱(hēi qián) Black money: money obtained in illicit manner

29 Black & White 黑白不分(hēi bái bù fēn): cannot tell right from wrong
黑白分明(hēi bái fēn míng): no confusion 颠倒黑白(diān dǎo hēi bái ): confuse right and wrong

30 Red Wealthy, vigor, energy, luck Marriage, wedding Success, favored
Beauty Loyalty, faith revolution, high political consciousness importance or danger anger, embarrassment, jealousy

31 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck

32 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
China pavilion in Shanghai Expo

33 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
Fobidden City

34 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
Red belt: protect you from disasters

35 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
Couplets and 福 charactor

36 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
Red lanterns

37 Red: wealthy, vigor, energy, luck
红包(hong bao) Red bag/ envelope: money in side, to show the wish to the future

38 Red: marriage & wedding
红事(hóngshì): red matter: wedding ceremony

39 Red: marriage & wedding

40 Red: marriage & wedding
红娘(hóngniáng): red girl: matchmaker

41 Red: success, favored 红人(hóngrén): red person:
favored by other persons

42 Red: success, favored 开门红(kāiménhóng): see red when open the door:
a good beginning

43 Red: success, favored 红榜(hóng bǎng): red board:
names will be shown for good reasons

44 Red: success, favored 红火(hóng huǒ): red fire: flourishing life/career

45 Red: beauty 红颜(hóng yán): red woman: beautiful young girl

46 Red: beauty 红妆(hóngzhuāng): red costumes:
beautiful woman richly dressed up

47 Red: loyalty, faith 红心(hóngxīn): red heart: a loyal/ faithful heart

48 Red: loyalty, faith 红脸(hóngliǎn): red face:
for the heroic, honest and loyal

49 Red: revolution, high political consciousness
红军(hóngjūn): the Red Army: the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army

50 Red: revolution, high political consciousness
小红花(xiǎo hónghuā): little red flower: for reward or encouragement

51 Red: revolution, high political consciousness
红领巾(hónglǐngjīn): red scarf: worn by Young Pioneers

52 Red: importance or danger
红头文件(hóngtóuwénjiàn): red-head file: important file

53 Red: importance or danger
红灯(hóngdēng): red light: for stop/ forbidden

54 Red: importance or danger
赤字(chìzì): red character: deficit

55 Red: anger, embarrassment, jealousy
面红耳赤(miànhóng’ěrchì): red face and red ears: for fierce argument

56 Red: anger, embarrassment, jealousy
红眼(hóngyǎn): red eyes: for jealousy

57 Red: others 红茶(hóngchá) : black tea
红尘(hóngchén) : the world of motals, human society 红豆(hóngdòu) : red bean, love pea, once used as a love token in China. 红色炸弹(hóngsè zhàdàn) : red bomb, wedding invitations

58 Yellow Power, dignity, honor Wealth, perfect
Withered, depressed, failure, death Indecent, obscene, vulgar interests

59 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
Curse of the Golden Flower

60 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
黄袍(huángpáo): yellow robe: the imperial robe

61 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
黄袍加身(huang pao jia shen): be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one’s supporters, be acclaimed emperor, be made emperor

62 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
黄马褂(huángmǎguà): yellow mandarin jacket: given by the king

63 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
金榜(jīnbǎng): golden board: issued by the king

64 Yellow: wealth, perfect
黄金时间 (huángjīn shíjiān): golden time: prime time

65 Yellow: wealth, perfect
黄金地段 (huángjīn dìduàn): golden mile: the best location

66 Yellow: wealth, perfect
黄金周 (huángjīn zhōu): golden week: the seven-day holidays

67 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
黄了(huáng le): become yellow fail

68 Yellow: withered, depressed, failure, death
人老珠黄 (rén lǎo zhū huáng): one getting old like pearl becoming yellow

69 Yellow: power, dignity, honor
黄泉(huángquán): yellow spring: the world of death

70 Yellow: indecent, obscene, vulgar interests
黄色(huáng sè): decadent, obscene, pornographic 黄色电影(huángsè diànyǐng) pornographic movie, sex film 黄色书刊/小说(huángsè shūkān/xiǎoshuō) pornographic books and periodicals, novels

71 Green Energy, hope Healthy, fine-quality, no pollution others

72 Green: energy, hope 绿洲 (lǜ zhōu): oasis hope of life

73 Green: energy, hope 绿茵场 (lǜyīnchǎng): green-grass land football pitch

74 Green: healthy, fine-quality, no pollution
绿色和平 (lǜsè hépíng): green peach an international organization for environment protection

75 Green: healthy, fine-quality, no pollution
绿色食品 (lǜsè shípǐn): green food safe food, food contains no toxic or harmful elements for human health

76 Green: healthy, fine-quality, no pollution
绿色办公 (lǜsè bàngōng): green office handle official business economically and effectively

77 Green: others 绿帽子 (lǜ màozi): green hat be a cuckold

78 青(qīng): green, blue, black
赤(chì),橙(chéng),黄(huáng),绿(lǜ),青(qīng),蓝(lán),紫(zǐ) red, orange, yellow, green, 青, blue, purple

79 青(qīng): green, blue, black
青苹果(qīng pínguǒ): green apple immature

80 青(qīng): green, blue, black
青云(qīng yún): blue cloud 青云直上(qīng yún zhí shàng): rise high to the blue cloud, quick promotion

81 青(qīng): green, blue, black
青丝(qīng sī): black hair of a woman or a girl

82 青(qīng): green, blue, black
青楼(qīng lóu): brothel in ancient times

83 青(qīng): green, blue, black
青梅竹马 (qīngméi zhúmǎ): green plums and a bamboo horse a man and a woman who had an innocent affection for each other in childhood

84 Color’s Implications in Chinese Language & Culture
—— The End —— Thank you!

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