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Online Education Initiative

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1 Online Education Initiative
Lisa Sayles – Faculty DE Coordinator Cathy Cox – Director, Library and Technology Enhanced Instruction Feb. 24, 2016

2 What is OEI? 56.9 million five-year grant distributed by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. OEI is sponsored by the recipients of the grant: Foothill-De Anza Community College District, in partnership with Butte-Glenn Community College District and The CCC Technology Center at Butte College

3 OEI Overview Collaborative effort between CCCs to improve online access and success.

4 Participation in OEI 3 levels of participation in the OEI:
“Resources” include: OEI Course Design Rubric Professional Development NetTutor (reduced cost) and World Wide Whiteboard (free) Interactive Online Readiness modules Proctorio online test proctoring (reduced cost) SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Assessment (free) Vericite (reduced cost) More . . .


6 OEI Consortium Basis for the course exchange
Currently, only 24 “pilot colleges” are part of the Consortium Consortium agreement provides legal mechanism for Financial Aid, etc. Requires action by the Board to join Consortium

7 Two ways to participate: “Home College” and/or “Teaching College”
OEI Course Exchange Two ways to participate: “Home College” and/or “Teaching College”

8 “Home Colleges” Student has residency, but the college:
May not offer all courses needed for a specific degree May offer courses, but they’re impacted Student tries to get the course at the Home College, but can’t – so is transferred to the Exchange to find a section at a Teaching College. Home college gets credit for degree completion or transfer achievement

9 “Teaching collegeS” Offer specific, fully online course sections on the exchange If seats are available in those sections, students from other colleges enroll seamlessly into them Teaching college gets apportionment for enrollments

10 Course Exchange: The “MOVING Parts”

11 Course exchange Timeline
3 of 8 “full launch” pilot colleges live now Remaining 5 “full launch” pilot colleges live this semester Fall 17: Remaining 16 pilot colleges target date Initial round of financial aid automation Expanded list of eligible courses for Exchange

12 But We’re not in the pilot!
Existing Consortium members (pilot colleges) are “working out the bugs” for expansion Operating rules Member responsibilities Reciprocity agreements Solicitations of interest – likely later this year Need to see all the pieces in place – technology, courses, implementation team, etc. Earliest opportunity to participate: Spring 2018

13 Minimum Participation Requirements
College must use Canvas and single sign-on College must join Consortium and honor reciprocity agreements Course must have been offered at least once previously in Canvas Course must be submitted to and accepted by the OEI Exchange . . .

14 Exchange COurses Not all courses will be allowed in the exchange
Courses on the list chosen based on: C-ID approval Inclusion in AAT/AST degrees Student demand data Course fulfillment of transfer area requirements Specific sections included in the exchange need to be vetted and approved

15 Submitting a Course for Review
Each college develops their own process for selecting and identifying courses they want to offer in the Exchange. Faculty and course are submitted together as one unit Each faculty teaches course differently Protects individual faculty’s work and intellectual property

16 Requesting Course Review
Ensure the course is eligible Currently that means part of 24 pilot schools On C-ID Fully online in Canvas Attend an online OEI Welcome Meeting Submit a Self-Check Rubric Submit a full copy of the course being reviewed (shell with no student data).

17 Course Review Process Two Peer Reviewers (Simultaneously)
Accessibility Specialist Review One Lead Reviewer Norms and combines reviews Acts as tie breaker

18 Aligning Course Conference call – Develop a plan
faculty, peer reviewers, lead reviewer OEI Canvas course design specialist Faculty has access to instructional design team throughout process Once faculty and design team determine alignment with OEI rubric - course is entered into Exchange.

19 Discussion – OEI and the Exchange
What are some questions that you still have? What is most interesting or exciting about OEI or the Exchange? What is most concerning or anxiety producing about OEI or the Exchange? What do you imagine participating or not participating will look like for CR?

20 Resources Online Education Initiative website
Course/Student Exchange: What’s Up with That? (TechEdge, 3/10/2016) OEI Course Design Rubric,

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