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The passion and death of Jesus Christ

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1 The passion and death of Jesus Christ
RUBENS, Pieter Pauwel Christ on the Cross 1627 Oil on panel, 51 x 38 cm Rockox House, Antwerp The passion and death of Jesus Christ 14 ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

2 Compendium of the Catechism
112. What is the importance of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus? The Paschal Mystery of Jesus, which comprises his passion, death, resurrection, and glorification, stands at the center of the Christian faith because God's saving plan was accomplished once for all by the redemptive death of his Son Jesus Christ.

3 Introduction Among the great mysteries of Jesus Christ’s love recounted in the Gospels, the most amazing is His Passion, Death and Resurrection. Why did Jesus die? For our salvation, that is to say, to gain for us forgiveness of our sins and to give us back the grace and the friendship of God. This way Jesus showed His love for us and also manifested the evil of sin. Among the great mysteries of Jesus Christ’s love recounted in the Gospels, the most amazing is His Passion, Death and Resurrection. The evangelists tell us about the treason of Judas, the wicked judgment before the tribunals, the mockery and the crowning with thorns. Carrying the Cross, Jesus takes the path to Calvary where He is stripped, nailed to the Cross and placed be­tween two thieves. Finally, after three hours of great pain and agony, Christ dies. After being taken down from the Cross and given to His Mother, Jesus is placed in the tomb. Why did Jesus die? For our salvation, that is to say, to gain for us forgiveness of our sins and to give us back the grace and the friendship of God. This way Jesus showed His love for us and also manifested the evil of sin. ROSSO FIORENTINO Descent from the Cross (detail) 1521 Oil on wood Cathedral, Volterra

4 Main ideas ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

5 1. Jesus Christ is the Saviour
After our first parents’ fall, man had to be redeemed. Out of His infinite love for men, God sent His Son so that we could be saved from our sins. Jesus Christ is the Son of God made man who has saved us. He and only He is the Redeemer of man. After our first parents’ fall, man had to be redeemed. Out of His infinite love for men, God sent His Son so that we could be saved from our sins. Jesus Christ is the Son of God made man who has saved us. He and only He is the Redeemer of man. GRECO, El Christ as Saviour c. 1600 Oil on canvas, 73 x 56,5 cm National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

6 2. Jesus Christ offers a sacrifice of infinite value
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Abraham obeys heroically, takes Isaac, together with a heap of wood, and goes up to the mountain to sacrifice him. But once Abraham’s faith has been tested God does not consent to the sacrifice. Isaac’s sacrifice is a prefiguration of Christ’s Passion, with the only difference being that, in the case of His Son, God accepted his sacrifice and gave Him up unto death for us. In Sacred Scripture there is a moving scene: God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Abraham obeys heroically, takes Isaac, together with a heap of wood, and goes up to the mountain to sacrifice him. But once Abraham’s faith has been tested God does not consent to the sacrifice. Isaac’s sacrifice is a prefiguration of Christ’s Passion, with the only difference being that, God did not spare His own Son but gave Him up unto death for us. EMPOLI Sacrifice of Isaac 1590s Oil on copper, 32 x 25 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

7 3. Jesus Christ, priest, offers himself
In the Old Testament priests were in charge of offering sacrifices to God. Jesus Christ, eternal priest, did not offer either things of the earth or animals. He offered Himself. Jesus Christ is at the same time the Priest that offered himself on the Cross, and the Victim of this sacrifice. In the Old Testament priests were in charge of offering sacrifices to God. Those sacrifices (products of the soil such as wheat, wine, etc. or animals) were offered for all the people. Jesus Christ, eternal priest, did not of­fer either things of the earth or animals. He offered Himself. This is the greatest sacri­fice that can be offered on earth because it is the sacrifice of the Son of God made man. Jesus Christ is at the same time the Priest that offered himself on the Cross, and the Victim of this sacrifice. BADALOCCHIO, Sisto The Dead Christ Oil on panel, 20 x 31 cm Private collection

8 4. Why did Jesus Christ offer Himself on the Cross?
Jesus Christ offered Himself on the Cross mainly for four reasons: To give glory to God, His Father. To thank God. To pay for the offence of sin. To ask God for what we need. Jesus Christ offered Himself on the Cross mainly for four reasons: To give glory to God, His Father. Man’s purpose is to give glory to God, and Jesus Christ, representing mankind, gave infinite Glory to God through His Passion and Death. To thank God. Through His passion and death Jesus Christ gave thanks to God on behalf of all mankind. To pay for the offence of sin. By sinning man made himself the slave of sin, from which he could not free himself. His soul was stained and he could not make himself clean. Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice, broke the “chains” of sin. His blood removed that stain on our souls. Jesus Christ gave His life for us so that we, dying to sin, could live the life of grace. To ask God for what we need. By offering His life, Jesus Christ makes it possible that in His name, we can always be heard by God the Father. This is why when Christ taught us how to pray, He said: All that you request from God in my name will be given to you. Ask and you will be given (Jn.16: 23-24). DAVID, Jacques-Louis Christ on the Cross 1782 Oil on canvas, 276 x 188 cm Church of St Vincent, Mâcon

9 5. The Cross in Christian life
" He who does not take up his Cross and follow me cannot be my disciple" (Lk 14:27). Jesus took the Cross on His shoulders also to give us an example by teaching us to love sacrifice. In order to be identified with Him, we have to love things that we do not like by offering them to Jesus and also, for love of Him, to look for those things that we like least. The Gospel teaches us that the disciple of Christ has to carry the Cross. “He who does not take up his Cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Lk. 14: 27). Jesus took the Cross on His shoulders also to give us an exam­ple by teaching us to love sacrifice. In order to be identified with Him, we have to love things that we do not like by offering them to Jesus and also, for love of Him, to look for those things that we like least. The Cross is not only present in churches but in many other places. It is the symbol that recalls our Lord’s Passion and Death. GRECO, El Christ Carrying the Cross Oil on canvas, 108 x 78 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid

10 Resolutions for Christian life
©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

11 Resolutions to move forward
Give thanks to Jesus wherever you see a Cross or a Crucifix, because He has died to save us. Contemplate the XIV Stations of the Way of the Cross.

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