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Key Stage One National Curriculum Assessments

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1 Key Stage One National Curriculum Assessments
Walter Infant School Key Stage One National Curriculum Assessments

2 National Curriculum Changes
In 2014 a new National Curriculum was published. The new curriculum was phased in, and this is the second year that it is statutory for Year 2. Children in Years 2 and 6, end of KS1 and KS2, are expected to complete assessments based on this current curriculum.

3 Assessment and Reporting
The previous National Curriculum was mile stoned with ‘levels’. These were abolished and you will find that we do not refer to them. Year 2 is teacher assessed. We plan, teach, assess and track the children’s work against a set of objectives taken from the current National Curriculum for Year 2. This is referred to as the Interim Assessment Framework. Tests, often referred to as SATs, form part of this assessment. We do not assess children exclusively using these tests. We also look at their work throughout the year. There are no ‘higher ability’ tests, and the children are expected to complete all the tests. Some children might be exempt from taking the tests. This is decided on a one-to-one basis.

4 Interim Assessment Framework
The Department for Education released a focused and objective led assessment framework. We use this to assess the children in English (Reading and Writing), Mathematics, and Science. We use this to evidence and decide if the children are working towards, working at, or working at greater depth for the expected standard. We look at the children’s work across the year for evidence against these standards. We use the children’s work alongside the SATs test results to make an end of year judgement.

5 Scaled Scoring The children will complete the tests in May.
The tests are designed to help teachers assess the children’s learning and understanding of the objectives from the National Curriculum. Once the children complete the tests the pupil’s raw score is converted into a scaled score of above or below 100. The scale will have a lower baseline, below 100, and an upper baseline, above 100. According to the tests, a child who scores 100 will be considered at the national average.

6 So, what does that mean? A child who has scored 100 is considered to have met the national standard, as judged by the tests. A child who has scored more than 100 is considered to be working above the national standard, as judged by the tests. A child who has scored below 100 is considered to be working towards the expected national standard, as judged by the tests. We do not know the pass mark for this years tests. These are disclosed by the Department for Education once everyone in the country has completed the tests.

7 The Tests Reading English – spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)

8 Reading Test The reading test consists of two papers:
Paper 1 – made up of three different text types: a short narrative, an information text and a poem. It can be between 400 and 700 words, with questions about the text. Paper 2 – made up of a longer narrative and information text. It consists of a reading booklet and a separate question booklet. Each paper is equally weighted and worth 50% of the available marks. Although the test is not timed, they should take approximately 30 minutes each to complete. The questions are designed to check the children’s comprehension of the text.

9 Reading Test Example

10 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
The SPaG test consists of two papers. Paper 1 – spellings (20 marks) Paper 2 – questions testing the children’s understanding of punctuation and grammar (20 marks)

11 SPaG Sample Questions

12 SPaG Sample Questions

13 Mathematics The mathematics test consists of two papers:
Paper 1 – arithmetic test. This paper is not timed, however, it is expected to last approximately 25 minutes. It is worth 25 marks and covers calculation methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding fractions of a number and the use of inverse. Paper 2 – reasoning, problem solving and mathematical fluency test. It covers all aspects of mathematics taken from the Year 2 National Curriculum objectives.

14 Sample Arithmetic Test

15 Sample Reasoning Test

16 How to Help Your Child First and foremost reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about. They should always try their best and be praised. Practising spellings and arithmetic work at home will always help with the children’s learning and understanding as well as reading with them each day. Discuss with your child what they have learned at school today. Make sure your child goes to bed at a suitable time to ensure a good night’s sleep and plenty of rest. They will benefit from a healthy breakfast before coming to school and a relaxing start to the day.

17 Help Your Child with Reading
Listening to your child read on a daily basis, at least 15 minutes every day. A little and often approach is best. Enjoy stories and sharing books together. Choose from a wide range of texts, which includes fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Talk about the text before, during and after reading. Discuss the character’s feelings and actions, the plot, try to predict events and discuss new vocabulary. All reading is valuable. This could be books, magazines, newspapers, poetry, comic books and the Internet. Encourage free choice. Don’t just read books taken home from school; visit the local library or bookshop.

18 Help Your Child with Writing
Practise the spellings they are given every week – try to make it fun. Encourage opportunities for writing. Write letters, shopping lists, notes, stories, diaries or poems. Write together. This will help the children see writing for a purpose and allow them to have a role model for writing. Read through the writing with the children. Discuss how they can edit mistakes. Always show praise and encouragement for their writing. Mistakes are okay to make, as writing can always be edited. Practise joined up handwriting.

19 Help Your Child with Maths
Count and Play games involving the multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10. Play mental games, including counting different amounts forwards and backwards. Encourage children to read and tell the time to the nearest five minutes. Counting, including money. Taking children and involving them in shopping. This can involve many aspects of mathematics. Look for and identify 2D and 3D shapes at home or when out and about. Cooking involves the application of many areas of mathematics. Play board games.

20 Any Questions

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