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Ch 35 Electric Circuits Concept Summary Batesville High School Physics

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1 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Concept Summary Batesville High School Physics

2 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Circuit Schematics A schematic diagram is a symbolic representation of a circuit. A symbol represents each item in the circuit Lines represent wires (paths for charges).

3 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Circuit Symbols

4 Three Types of Circuits
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Three Types of Circuits Series Parallel Compound

5 Series Circuits Series circuits have 1 path for charges to flow.
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Series Circuits Series circuits have 1 path for charges to flow.

6 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Series Circuits Voltage may be different across different objects in a series circuit. Sum of the individual voltages = source voltage Current is the same in all parts of a series circuit. If one “goes out”, they all “go out”

7 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Parallel Circuits A parallel circuit has two or more paths for charges to move.

8 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Parallel Circuits Voltage is the same across each element in a parallel circuit. Current may vary through different elements in a parallel circuit. Sum of the individual currents = source current. If one “goes out”, the other “stays lit”.

9 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Compound Circuits A compound circuit has both series and parallel parts.

10 Adding Resistance in Series
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Adding Resistance in Series When you add resistance in series: Total resistance increases Current decreases

11 Equivalent Series Circuits
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Equivalent Series Circuits Rseries = R1 + R2

12 Adding Resistance in Parallel
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Adding Resistance in Parallel When you add resistance in parallel: Total resistance decreases Current increases

13 Equivalent Parallel Circuits
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Equivalent Parallel Circuits

14 Household Circuits Household circuits are: parallel circuits
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Household Circuits Household circuits are: parallel circuits Typically designed to carry 15 Amperes of current - maximum.

15 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Overloading Circuits Since adding resistance to a parallel circuit causes current to increase, adding appliances to a household circuit causes current in the house wiring to increase. This means wires must dissipate more heat energy (P = I2R).

16 Ch 35 Electric Circuits Short Circuits A short circuit is a very low resistance path in a circuit. A short circuit will also cause large amounts of current to flow in a circuit and overload the circuit.

17 Fuses & Circuit Breakers
Ch 35 Electric Circuits Fuses & Circuit Breakers Fuses and circuit breakers act as automatic switches in a circuit to prevent dangerous currents from flowing.

18 Ch 35 Electric Circuits The End

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