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Electric circuits lesson 2

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1 Electric circuits lesson 2
Circuits to investigate how current changes with voltage for a filament lamp.

2 1. Look at these two circuits A and B
1. Look at these two circuits A and B. write down 5 things about each circuit. B A

3 What is current? What do the following words means:-
Voltage Name 2 examples of a component. What is their function (job) ? How does a component affect the flow of current?

4 Practical Set up the circuit.
Adjust the variable resistor until the voltmeter reads 1 volt. Record the current and voltage readings. Adjust the variable resistor until the voltmeter reads 2 volt. Repeat steps 2-5 increasing the voltage by 1v each time until the voltage reads 12v.

5 Conclusion Plot a graph of voltage (x-axis) against current (y-axis.)
Describe the relationship between voltage and current. Current (amps) Key Language Voltage Current increase Flow push temperature Heating effect opposition to flow Non-linear relationship Voltage (V)

6 Cross-mark – Each point is worth 1 mark
Cross-mark – Each point is worth 1 mark ! Add any improvements to help improve their explaination. As voltage increases current also increases. This is because the voltage has has provided more push for the current. However as the electrons push past the particles they produce heat causing the temperature of the wire to rise. This means that they particles vibrate more making it more difficult for the electrons to pass.

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