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Safety & Security Abroad

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1 Safety & Security Abroad

2 US Department of State Learn About Your Destination Travel Warning
U.S. Embassy and/or US Consulate contact info Health/medical, road/airport conditions, political atmosphere Crime and security Illegal drug penalties Travel Warning Dangerous or unstable conditions US Embassy Closure or Staff Drawdown Travel Alerts Short-term conditions posing imminent risks to U.S. citizens Natural disasters Terrorist attacks Coups Anniversaries of terrorist events Election-related demonstrations or violence Work stoppages, strikes, demonstrations High-profile events such as international conferences or sports events Worldwide Caution

3 Worldwide Caution & Alert
Be vigilant: public places and using transportation.  Be aware of surroundings. Avoid large crowds and crowded places.  Particular caution during holidays.  Monitor local media and news sources. Alter personal travel and activities accordingly. Local law enforcement authorities are responsible for safety and security of visitors in their country.

4 Be prepared for additional security screening and unexpected travel disruptions.
Stay in touch with family members. Share your travel plans. Give your cell phone number to program administrators. Give your travel plans to program staff. Follow instructions and advice of program administrators. Register in STEP: the US Dept. of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.

5 STUDENTS ABROAD Travel Docs lost or stolen passports, etc.
Health prescriptions, vaccinations, etc. Emergencies crime victim assistance, etc. Embassies locations Smart Travel packing, women travelers, GLBT travelers, disabilities, etc. Check Lists & Go Guides Voting registering, absentee ballot, etc. News & Alerts travel alerts and warnings

6 Laws & Customs You are subject to laws of your host country
Actions that may be legal or minor infractions in USA may be illegal in your host country. Do not take photographs in security-related areas Illegal Drugs If you are caught with illegal drugs in a foreign country, their laws will apply to your case, not the laws of the United States. U.S. citizens from all walks of life have been tricked into carrying drugs for criminals. Beware of offers that seem too good to be true.

Know your coverage: Accident & Sickness Political Security and Natural Disaster Evacuation Services Follow HTH or letter instructions. Locate overseas doctor(s) before you leave HTH ID card: emergency numbers HTH site: General Travel Health Drug & Medical Terms & Phrases Translation Guides CityHealth Profiles & Security Profiles International News Alerts Safety Videos

8 Act like you know where you are going.
Project a confident attitude. Women: ask another woman for directions. Call a taxi in sketchy areas, and at night. Buddy system at night. Don’t attract undesirable attention. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to make a scene. Avoid sitting/waiting in empty areas. Over 75% of college rapes include alcohol.

9 To Have… contract Money & Passport BENEATH your clothing and…
ATM Card Credit Card Extra ID photos Passport Copies (signature/photo page) Medication supply: For entire semester Mobile phone contract Pay as you go (no contract) Weigh your options

10 And to Have Not… Jewelry, designer bags, irreplaceable valuables, heirlooms Unnecessary items (social security card) Uncomfortable shoes Clothing you don’t typically wear Items you can acquire abroad

11 Riskiest places to use credit cards
Non-bank-owned ATMs Flea markets Small shops/cafes abroad Non-secure on-line check-out WiFi hotspots and public computers Recurring bills and subscriptions Purchases on smart phones Unsolicited offers Strange and foreign domain extension Suspect swipe terminal

12 More Suggestions Be discreet: with strangers and what they may overhear. Do not discuss personal matters – yours or others. Minimize time in airports & train stations. Avoid revealing luggage tags, dress, baseball caps, and behaviors that identify you as American. Avoid large gathering places. Keep RD, friends, family informed of travel plans Don’t invite strangers to room or apartment Residence LOCKED: especially when you’re there. Student to Student Study Abroad Articles/Advice

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