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7.Calculating Units of Quantity of the Goods

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1 7.Calculating Units of Quantity of the Goods

2 Introduction Quantity of Commodity
Any business deal consists of a certain quantity of goods supplied by the seller and a certain sum of money paid by the buyer. Without a certain quantity of goods, any business deal would be groundless. Thus, quantity clause is one of the essential terms and conditions for the conclusion of a transaction in the contract.

3 Definition of Quantity of Goods
refers to the weight, number, length, volume, area, capacity, etc. which are indicated by different measuring units.

4 Examples 1 中国大米,500公吨,麻袋装,以毛作净
China Rice in gunny bags of 500 m/t, gross for net 2 中国大米,1000公吨,卖方可溢装或短装5% China Rice 1000 m/t, with 5% more or less at seller’s option 3 AAA 精密高速自动冲床机一台 AAA’s precision high speed automatic press 1 set. 4

5 Because different countries have different systems on calculating units such as length, capacity and weight, the units of measurement vary from a country to another. Furthermore, the same unit of measurement may represent different quantities.

6 1 metric ton = 长吨 1 metric ton = 短吨 1 metric ton = 磅

7 Therefore, it is greatly important for trader to know the units of measurement in different systems and the way how they are converted into another. The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System, the British System and the U. S. System. What unit of measurement should be chosen in the contract should go in accordance with the nature of goods. The units of measurement generally used in international trade are listed in the following table

8 Units of Measurement Weight
gram (g), kilogram (kg), ounce (oz), pound (Ib), metric ton (M/T), long ton, short ton, etc. Number piece (pc), package (pkg), pair, set, dozen (doz), gross (gr) ream (rm),etc. Length meter (m), centimeter (cm), foot (ft), yard (yd),etc. Area square meter (sq m), square foot (sq ft), square yard (sq yd) ,etc. Volume ubic-meter (cu m) cubic centimeter (cu cm), cubic foot (ct ft), cubic yard (cu yd) ,etc. Capacity liter (1), gallon (gal), pint (pt), bushel (bu),etc.

9 Britain/American System
长度换算 Metric System公制 Chinese System 中国 市制 Britain/American System  英美制 Meter Centimeter 厘米 Chi 尺 Yard Foot 英尺 Feet 英寸 1 100 3 1.094 3.2808 0.01 0.03 0.3937 0.3333 33.33 0.3646 13.123 0.9144 91.44 2.743 36 0.3048 30.48 0.3334 12 0.0254 2.54 0.0762 0.0278 0.0833

10 面积换算 Metric System 公 制 Britain/American System英 美 制 Chinese System
公    制 Britain/American System英     美     制 Chinese System 中国市制 Squaremeter 平方米 Square Centimeter 平方厘米 Yard 平方码 Square feet 平方英尺 Square foot 平方英寸 meter 平方尺 1 10000 1.196 1550 9 0.0001 0.155 0.0009 0.8361 8361 1296 7.525 0.0929 929 0.1111 144 0.836 6.45 0.0058 0.111 1111 0.133 172.2

11 容积换算 Metric System 公 制 Chinese System 中国市制 Britain 英 制 American 美 制
Liter 升 Chinese Liter升 Britain Gallon American Gallon 1 0.22 0.264 4.546 1.201 3.785 0.833

12 体积换算 Metric System公 制 Britain/American System英 美 制 Chinese System 中国市制
Cubic-meter 立方米 Cubic centimeter 立方厘米 Cubic yard 立方码 Feet 立方 英尺 Cubic foo 立方英寸 Meter 立方尺 1 1.303 61024 27 0.7636 764555 46656 20.643 28317 0.037 1728 0.7646 16.387 37037 0.0484 1.308 2260

13 1.Weight(重量) It is usually used for mineral products, agricultural and by-products such as wool, cotton, grains and ore products. When it is used in the contract, there are metric ton or kilo ton, long ton or gross ton, short ton or net ton, gram(g), kilogram(kg), ounce(oz), pound(lb), gram, quintal(公担), hundred (weight or cwt) (英担) , etc.

14 2.Number(个数) Constantly used for measurement of industrial products and general products: ready-made clothes, stationery, paper, toys and so on piece(pc), package(pkg), pair, set, dozen(doz), gross(gr), ream(rm), roll or coil, etc.

15 3.Length(长度) 4.Area(面积)
It is mostly used for textile products, metal cords, electric wires, ropes and so on, such as meter(m), foot(ft), yard(yd), etc. 4.Area(面积) It is often used in trade of glass, textile products such as carpets, etc. like square meter, square foot, square yard and the like. Often we add thickness in the contract.

16 5.Volume(体积) 6.Capacity(容积)
It is generally used for timber/wood, chemical gases, etc., it includes cubic meter, cubic foot, cubic yard, etc. 6.Capacity(容积) It is mostly used for grain, petroleum/oil, etc. The commonly used capacity units are liter, gallon, bushel and so on.

17 Thank You

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