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Communicating with your students and Time Management go hand-in-hand!

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating with your students and Time Management go hand-in-hand!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating with your students and Time Management go hand-in-hand!
By John Hobert Farm Business Management Instructor Riverland Community College

2 Communicate your commitment & expectations to your students!
Regular contact in regard to the total Riverland FBM Program. Assistance upon request. Personal commitment to improve the student’s farming operation. Complete confidentiality in the Farm Business Management Program.

3 Further commitments & Expectations to your students!
Accounting procedure expectations throughout the calendar year. Educational expectations throughout the calendar year. Goal setting and follow-up expectations throughout the calendar year. Personal gain from the annual farm analysis to improve farming position.

4 What does the Riverland KW-FBM Program offer students?
Accounting procedures assistance: Farm account book training. Computerized farm accounting. Annual farm records close-out and tax preparation assistance. Annual farm business analysis (FINAN) and follow-up.

5 The Riverland KW-FBM Program Continued:
Cash flow generation (FINFLO) assistance and follow-up. Decision making assistance on complete enterprises being evaluated within the farming operation. Farm tax estimation assistance. Adult computer continuing education training courses.

6 The Riverland KW-FBM Program Continued:
Marketing discussion and the development of an annual marketing plan. Goal setting carried out for short term, intermediate and long term goals. Decision making assistance relative to making changes within respective enterprises within the farming operation.

7 The Riverland KW-FBM Program Continued:
Government program information and awareness to pending or existing programs. Instruction relative to the tuition based curriculum offered through Riverland Community College taught through scheduled classes or on-site instruction. Monthly grain marketing groups.

8 The Riverland KW-FBM Program Continued:
A “friendship bond” developed with a sincere concern to improve the individual student’s overall position in farming.

9 Communicating with your FBM students!
So… do we communicate our personal and program commitments to our students?

10 Modes of communication utilized to deliver the RCC-FBM Program:
Monthly Farm Business Management Newsletter sent to all students enrolled. FBM office maintained at Kenyon. capability. Internet capability. Voice mail and texting capability. Cellular telephone maintained in FBM vehicle with voice mail capability.

11 Further modes of communication:
Monthly FBM student letter together with FBM instructor monthly calendar. Current year farm records review. Marketing plan discussion and review. Quarterly cash flow monitoring sheet review. Current events discussion and application. FBM day and evening class schedule. Computer one-on-one training.

12 Further modes of communication:
Weekly ‘JCH FBM Update.’ Commentary for the week. FBM instructor weekly schedule. Joke of the week. FBM dates of interest. Internet address of the week. Current news and views. Government programs and marketing info.

13 Time Management: “Time Management is essential to the success of your individual FBM program!” “If there was ever a job where time abuse could occur, FBM would fit the bill completely!”

14 Time Management: “You develop and control your personal schedule completely!” “It’s literally up to you to be successful or fail due to your personal time management!”

15 The Typical FBM Instructor Year: January -March
Farm analysis(FINAN) preparation. Cash flow(FINFLO) preparation. Balance sheet updating. Record close out. Tax preparation assistance. Depreciation schedule preparation.

16 The Typical FBM Instructor Year: April-May
Farm visitations: Special Topics Record follow-up and training. Cash flow(FINFLO) preparation. Marketing plan preparation. Annual FBM Banquet and farm year in review. Spring KW-FBM Advisory Board meeting.

17 The Typical FBM Instructor Year: June-October
Farm Visitations: Special Topics Record follow-up and training. Special needs of students. Grain field plots(soybeans and corn).

18 The Typical FBM Instructor Year: November-December
Farm Visitations: Special Topics Record follow-up and completion. Tax estimate assistance and preparation. Winter KW-FBM Advisory Board meeting.

19 The Typical FBM Instructor Year: January-December Activities
Monthly KW-FBM staff meeting on 2nd Wednesday of each month. Monthly Riverland FBM staff meeting. Riverland staff inservice meetings. Monthly KW-FBM grain marketing group on 3rd Wednesday of each month. FBM classes: Cannon Falls & Kenyon Selected FBM improvement workshops.

20 Time Management Methods:
So…..what are some good ways to become an “excellent” time manager in carrying out your individual FBM program?

21 Time Management Methods:
Utilize a monthly FBM calendar which is made available to your students monthly. Build in automatic dates first. Riverland Community College Staff Meetings Grain Marketing Class Staff Meetings Workshops and Conferences Build in your farm visitation schedule second.

22 Time Management Methods Continued:
Utilize a pocket calendar. Follow your schedule. Avoid reschedules as much as possible. If you must reschedule, reschedule immediately. Plan your work-day. Do not work off the seat of your pants. Plan your schedule.

23 Time Management Methods Continued:
Plan your schedule at a minimum of 30 days out. Develop your daily, weekly, monthly and annual plan as much as possible. Work a full day of every work day. Complete your farm visits in an area to utilize time and mileage restraints.

24 Time Management Methods Continued:
Develop a farm visit rotation plan. Have a purpose for everything you do. Complete tasks on a timely basis. Have a backup plan in case your schedule breaks down on a given day. Lender visits, Recruiting, Curriculum work, Newsletter development, Personal time

25 Time Management Methods Continued:
Send copies of your monthly schedule to: Regional Dean of FBM Fellow instructors FBM students Local lenders supporting your program Utilize the communication tools discussed earlier in this presentation.

26 Time Management Methods Continued:
Utilize a home office to expedite and enhance your time management. Computer with Internet & capabilities Fax Printer capabilities Utilize a lap-top computer with your work. It allows mobility to your job.

27 Time Management Methods Continued:
Maintain a ‘To Do List’ for the week Allow for family and personal time. Family activities and vacations Recreation and hobbies Personal time Family business matters

28 Kit Welchlin ‘Time Management” Suggestions:
Plan the next 12 months. Develop one system which works for you. Keep your planner close. Develop a ‘To Do List’. Do first things first. Delegate responsibilities when possible. Prioritize only two tasks daily.

29 Kit Welchlin “Time Management” Suggestions:
Know your biological clock. Allow yourself thinking time daily. Say “no” three times. Analyze errands. Minimize telephone and television. What’s the best use of my time right now? Don’t become a procrastinator.

30 Time Management Methods:
“You will be surprised what can be accomplished with a little bit of time management!”

31 It’s time to stop!

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