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Societal Impact of Computing

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1 Societal Impact of Computing

2 Standards/Objectives
Standard 5: Societal Impacts of Computing (Woven throughout the course.) Students discuss how computing enables innovation in a variety of fields and the impacts that those innovations have on society. The proliferation of computers and networks raises a number of ethical issues. Technology has had both positive and negative impacts on human culture.  Objective 1: Students will be able to identify ethical behavior and articulate both sides of ethical topics.  Communicate the legal and ethical concerns raised by computational innovations Objective 2: Students study the responsibilities of software users and software developers with respect to intellectual property rights, software failures, and the piracy of software and other digital media.  Analyze how social and economic values influence the design and development of computing innovations. Discuss privacy and security concerns related to computational innovations.  Explain the implications of communication as data exchange.

3 Journal Entry – 1-8 Type your answer below. Below, list as many computer-based communications mechanisms as you can: o Volunteers provide examples from their journal entry. Post the responses. o Prompt students as necessary with examples. * Internet-based communication ( , chat, Facebook, Internet telephony) * Telephone-based communication (cell phones, texting, “landline” telephone service) * News and information “on demand”

4 Communications Methods
Type your answer below. Let's look at the different ways you can communicate with others. The methods are: * Texting * Phone call * Talking in person * MySpace / Facebook * Twitter * How would life be different if you could only communicate 1 on 1 instead of with multiple people at once? How would life be different if you could only communicate in person? * Communication Methods Activity o Students complete Communication Methods Chart. * Students work in pairs (option to have each pair complete one sheet for both or each complete one). o Take a poll for each category to see what form of communication is most popular for each scenario. o Have a few students share their answer to “Why you chose this Method” for each scenario. o Have a few students share their answers to 1-2.

5 Communications Methods Chart
Let's look at the different ways you can communicate with others. The methods are: * Texting * Phone call * Talking in person * MySpace / Facebook * Twitter * For each of the following examples, fill in the table below with which method you would choose for the given scenario and why. * Communication Methods Activity o Students complete Communication Methods Chart. * Students work in pairs (option to have each pair complete one sheet for both or each complete one). o Take a poll for each category to see what form of communication is most popular for each scenario. o Have a few students share their answer to “Why you chose this Method” for each scenario. o Have a few students share their answers to 1-2.

6 Scenario to communicate
Complete the chart, below. Scenario to communicate Method chosen Explain your choice Breaking up with a significant other Asking parental permission to do something that they will likely say “no” to Figure out when and where to meet a friend to see a movie Gossip about someone who could hear you if you spoke Gossip about someone not around you Getting help on homework Feedback on a big decision (like what color prom dress, what game/phone to buy) Announce you met someone famous Complain about your parents Mourn someone you lost Buy something from someone you don’t know well Choices: Texting * Phone call * Talking in person * MySpace / Facebook * Twitter *

7 Impact Of Changes To Communications On Society
Imagine life without some or all of the computer-based communications mechanisms that we now take for granted. List some of the consequences of an absence of technology (for example, without cell phones, the ability to instantly reach anyone goes away). Type your answer here: Based on these consequences, draw conclusions about the impact of the presence of the communications mechanism.(For example, if the absence of cell phones means the absence of the ability to instantly contact anyone, then the presence of cell phones means that we now have the ability to instantly contact anyone. One conclusion we can draw is that we have less privacy than we used to.) Type your answer here:

8 Watch: A School Project

9 Privacy Activity Choose a scenario on the next slide.
Answer the questions on slide 12.

10 Taken from: Exploring Computer Science—Unit 1: Human Computer Interaction

11 Taken from: Exploring Computer Science—Unit 1: Human Computer Interaction

12 Privacy Activity - Answer your Scenario questions here:
My Scenario: My Questions/Answers: Type your answers above.

13 Journal 1-8.2 Type your answer below. Write a paragraph discussing privacy issues on the internet and their impact on human lives.

14 Citations Created by Dawnene Young, 2015
Exploring Computer Science—Unit 1: Human Computer Interaction

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