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Faculty of science & technology

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1 Faculty of science & technology

2 A broadly disciplined faculty

3 Architecture Biology Computing science Design Physics Chemistry Teacher education Molecular biology Mathematics Engineering and Technology

4 3 277 full-time students 268 doctoral students 941 employees 11 institutions 3 institutes 7 strong research environments (2014)

5 A wide range of study programmes

6 Master of Science programmes in Engineering
Bachelor of Science programmes in Engineering Bachelor's programmes University Diploma programmes Programmes in Pharmacy Programmes in Design Programmes in Architecture Master's programmes

7 master of science programmes engineering, 5 years
Bioresource Engineering Engineering Biotechnology Energy Engineering Interaction and Design Industrial Engineering and Management Computing Science and Engineering Engineering Physics Common entry

8 Bachelor of science programmes engineering, 3 years
Civil Engineering Computer and Electrical Engineering Electrical Power Engineering - Internet based Energy Engineering Mechanical Engineering

9 University diploma programmes, 2 years
Nature Guiding Process Operator

10 Bachelor’s programmes, 3 years
Biology and Earth Science Computer Science Industrial Design Life Science – taught in English Environmental Health

11 Study programmes in pharmacy
Master of Science programme in Pharmacy, 5 years - Internet-based Bachelor of Science programme in Pharmacy, 3 years - Internet-based ”Very high quality" according to the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education in 2012 Master's programme in Pharmacy, 2 years

12 Highly ranked design education
The best design education in Europe and the USA according to Red dot ranking. (2014, 2015, 2016) One of the best design educations in the world in 2006, and according to BusinessWeek magazine. In 2008 named “Excellent educational environment” by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. More than 60 percent international Master's students.

13 Institute of design Bachelor's Programme, 3 years Industrial Design
Master's Programme, 2 years Advanced Product Design Interaction Design Transportation Design

14 Umeå school of architecture
Opened autumn 2009 Five-year programme in Architecture with an artistic profile International character Master's Programme, 2 years: - Architecture and Urban Design

15 Master’s programmes science & technology
Mathematics, Computing, Physics & Engineering Computational Science and Engineering Computing Science Physics Robotics and Control Engineering Biology, Biotechnology & Chemistry Ecology Pharmacy Geoecology Chemistry Environmental Health Molecular Biology Plant and Forest Biotechnology

16 Doctoral studies Active doctoral students: 268
Completed doctoral degrees: 48 (2016)

Close ties with the industry. Admits 12 doctoral students every 2 years. The participating company pays half the salary. Six months industry placement included. The model has attracted much attention in Europe. Participating companies: for example Komatsu Forest, Sveaskog, Domsjö Fabriker, LKAB, Astra Zeneca, Bostaden and Umeå Energi. Director: Anna Linusson Jonsson.

18 Good collaboration with industry
Influences all years spent studying in a programme Industry days – students meet companies Project courses – e.g. the Role of the Engineer in Working Life Guest lecturers Study visits Degree projects

19 Collaboration with schools
The Teknikåttan quiz (school year 8) Training days for teachers Research à la carte “The Living Question Box” ( school year 5) Science and Engineering Week Chance for work experience Student for a day (high school students)

20 Strong research

21 The faculty hosts 7 strong research environments:
Changing Ecosystems Light in Science and Technology The Environment’s Chemistry – from molecules to the ecosystem Modeling Living systems - Icelab The Dynamics, Structure and Function of Proteins Solar Fuels Plant and Forest biotechnology

22 Changing ecosystems Combines ecologic and chemical science with mathematic modelling to increase the understanding of ecosystem response to environmental change. Also studies long term evolutionary changes, for example earlier ecologic environments are reconstructed by the study of lake sediment remnants.

23 Light in science and technology
Umeå University physicists are developing a new type of lighting components using the new super material graphene. Easy to manufacture and use, fully renewable. The research can result in the production of flexible screens and printable, light emitting wall paper.

24 The environment’s chemistry – from molecules to the ecosystem
Studies the cycle of natural substances and compounds to understand how substances behave both on a molecular and a landscape level, in order to solve environmental problems in whole ecosystems. From basic research to practical application. For example scientists develop methods to sanitize contaminated soil and mining environments.

25 Modelling living systems
At Icelab scientists in math, physics and biology collaborate. They investigate living systems by using mathematical models. For example they explore how bark beetles infest forests, the speed of evolution and cooperative behavior seen between humans and animals.

26 The dynamics, structure and function of proteins
Proteins are not just something we eat – they control human, animal and plant life in detail. The scientists in this research environment seek knowledge about the structure of life by studying how proteins look, function and interact with other building blocks. Their research is also important to be able to understand different diseases.

27 Solar fuels • Scientists at KBC are trying to mimic natural photosynthesis to develop a renewable energy source. • Their goal is to develop a membrane, ”the artificial leaf” which can produce hydrogen by using sunlight.

28 Plant- and forest biotechnology
What controls the development of plants and how do they adjust to changes in their environment? Wood production, carbon flow, nitrogen uptake, plant metabolism, tree genoms etc. Model system: Arabidopsis.

29 Strategic government research areas
The Faculty has the main responsibility for projects within: Energy research Marine environmental research Researchers from the faculty participate in: Sustainable use of natural resources E-Science

30 From trees to advanced products
The Bio4Energy project aims to break the dependence on fossil fuels through green technology. The researchers study the whole chain – from how trees grow to how to refine raw materials in the best possible way. SLU, Umeå University and Luleå Institute of Technology make up the core of the project. More than 20 companies and partners in industry are involved.

31 Climatic effects on the baltic sea
Ecochange aims to provide a comprehensive picture of how climate change affects the Baltic Sea ecosystem – from bacteria to fish. The knowledge will be used to develop protection efforts for the Baltic Sea. Cooperation with Linnæus University in Kalmar, SLU and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

32 More faculty facts

33 Committe for PhD studies
Faculty organisation Faculty board Research committe Employment committe Committe for PhD studies Education committe Executive committe Dean’s Office Budget committe Departments Dean

34 Departments Umeå School of Architecture Computing Science
Umeå Institute of Design Ecology and Environmental Science Plant Physiology Physics Chemistry Molecular Biology Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics Sciences and Mathematics Education Applied Physics and Electronics

35 Research centres CMTF Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Physics
HRC2N High Performance Computing Centre North UMF Umeå Marine Sciences Centre UFM Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre UPSC Umeå Plant Science Centre

36 Revenues & costs 2016 Revenues: 1 021 miljoner kronor
Costs: miljoner kronor

37 Popular science activities
“Science Lunch” at Café Station Further education for school teachers v 44 Levande frågelådan Teknikåttan – technical quiz for 8th graders Faculty magazine “TN Magasin” (2-3 issues per year, for download at

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