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Welcome to ‘Supporting your child with Reading’

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1 Welcome to ‘Supporting your child with Reading’

2 Reading has two components
Comprehension Word Recognition The process by which words, information and sentences are interpreted and understood. The same applies to both spoken and written understanding. Continues to develop throughout life! Recognising words presented in and out of context. The ability to apply phonic rules - blending phonemes to decode. Quality phonics work – main approach for beginners in learning to decode ( sound out).

3 Developing word recognition skills
Phoneme (letter sound) awareness and phonics teaching Repetition and teaching of ‘tricky’ words Recognising patterns in words. c-a-t 3

4 Structure of a Phonics Session
c-a-t Review/Revisit Teach Practise Apply Children are taught phonics for 30 minutes a day, but will be expected to apply this knowledge across all areas of their learning. Year 1 children are given phonic reading books as well as their colour band book. 4

5 Example: oa Show pictures and say the words aloud Show the words
Find the spelling pattern – use phonic knowledge Share write spellings with the given pattern Write given spellings 5

6 Partners Individual Reading Reading in school.
One text shared by two readers, to discuss and question each other about events, characters or information. Partners To a member of staff, volunteer or to themselves. Individual Reading 6

7 Reciprocal Reading KS2 Guided Reading KS1
Teacher led small groups, modelling reading skills/phonics/word meanings, reading and discussing a text. Reciprocal Reading KS2 Small groups, reading and /or discussing a text.

8 Guided Reading Sequence
Introduce the text – discuss the front cover and title Read the blurb – predict what they think will happen in the text. This is where the children need to take ideas from the title and the pictures on the cover. Children to read individually whilst the teacher listens, focusing on one child at a time with a specific target in mind. Feedback is given to the child Other groups are completing reading based activities. Language comprehension can be developed very effectively through speaking and listening activities. You could download the ‘Reading Comprehension’ flyers from the dfes standards site. This is a set of three flyers containing lots of suggestions for practical ways of developing language comprehension. Remember you could use a painting, a photograph or a short film/ extract as well as a text. 8

9 Yr 1 Reading Comprehension
Year one - oral comprehension in guided reading and when reading with the children Later on this will become more formal Year one comprehension progression - Oral comprehension – discussing books Learn question words Read question Underline keywords Skim text to find keywords in the text Read around the word to find the answer


11 Yr 2 Reading Comprehension
At the end of KS1 the children sit 2 papers They are taught sets of steps to help them make sense of the text. Read the text carefully Read the question Highlight the keywords in the question Scan read the text looking for the key words highlighted Write the answer

12 Yr 2 Reading Comprehension
The children may also be asked to: Predict parts of the story Describe characters Write what they think of a character/event based on what they have already read Find words in a text to describe something Explain the author’s choice of language of a word or phrase

13 Yr 2 Reading Comprehension
The children will also practise answering different types of comprehension questions such as; short answers longer more detailed answers tick boxes ordering events matching words to their meaning/antonyms or synonyms giving opinion or thoughts about events or characters actions filling in missing information on a table,

14 Our school reading programme that joins books with eBooks
Phonics Club Our school reading programme that joins books with eBooks

15 Supporting your child with Reading.
Thank you for coming. Your commitment is very much appreciated. 15

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