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On Target? Do this on your Warm Up worksheet!

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Presentation on theme: "On Target? Do this on your Warm Up worksheet!"— Presentation transcript:

1 On Target? Do this on your Warm Up worksheet!

2 For Today: Warm Up Meiosis Quizzes
Bottle Ecosystem Design and Building Objective: I can describe how an ecosystem works by designing and building a Lindbergh bottle ecosystem.

3 Meiosis Quizzes Overall not too bad
Most people missed points for not explaining their answers thoroughly, as well as not labeling when the directions said to! If you have below a 2.0, you can retake this quiz BY FRIDAY! During lunch or after school!

4 R r t t g G R R r r t t t t g g G G R r R r t g t g t G t G R t g

5 #2 R r g G t t

6 #3 Fill in table based on #2!
Rr Round tt Short Gg Green

7 #4: Explain: Why don’t the baby peas look just like their parents?
Needed to say something about randomly getting half the genes from each parent (23 from mom, 23 from dad) THEY DO NOT MIX! Remember dominant and recessive!

8 #5: Explain: If the pea parents continue to have babies, will each baby be unique?
Needed to say something about gametes having different genes in each sex cell that are randomly placed there!

9 ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE! Build a self-sustaining, dynamic ecosystem in a bottle that models an ecosystem found near LHS. The ecosystem should be able to sustain itself (and all of its components) for 4 weeks.

10 Draw and label your plan in your lab notebook, then write an introduction explaining your design! YOU CAN USE YOUR PHONE TO DO RESEARCH ON YOUR DESIGN! YOUR DESIGN AND INTRODUCTION NEED TO BE FINISHED AND STAMPED BY THE END OF THE PERIOD! Introduction Layout (does not have to be exactly the same, but needs to include all components of your ecosystem!): We put ________in our bottle ecosystem because_________(insert scientific reason). This means we also need _____________ because __________ (think about the food web, shelter, water, oxygen, etc). What we hope to see is__________ (what do you hope to observe?).

11 Sample Introduction We observed a marsh ecosystem at Lindbergh High School. We noticed garden spiders made their webs between branches of Blue Oak trees. These spiders eat flies, mosquitos, and gnats (small flying insects). We know this because we saw these in their webs. We also observed slugs that seemed to be eating ______. Underneath the soil we found ______. Some of the plants in this ecosystem were Red Clover, Star Thistle and common grasses. We know these plants need ______ to survive and we know they are food for other organism and provide ______ to the ecosystem.

12 Our model includes: Our thinking is:

13 Step 1: Cut your bottles! Your table group needs to cut your 2L bottles into the sizes you planned out yesterday. Once they are cut, we will take them out to the Renton Park Trails to gather the materials you need to create your closed and balanced ecosystem.

14 Step 3: Assemble and Seal
Organize your ecosystem as desired, then tape every opening/joint so it is sealed.

15 ECOSYSTEM CHECKLIST: Finish assembling your ecosystem
SEAL your ecosystem up tight! WRITE all group member’s names on your ecosystem Gather initial data** **EVERYONE must record data in their own notebook!

16 Gathering Data Measure as many variables as you can in your ecosystem.
Water level Height each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism How will you keep track of OBSERVATIONAL evidence?

17 Data Table in your notebook
Date In bottle # OBSERVATIONS 4/15 DAY 1 Example: Water level 3 cm Clear, or muddy Water level Height each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism

18 On Target? Friday 4/15/16 Draw a food chain starting with the SUN for your planned ecosystem.

19 Today’s Goals: By the end of class today, you will be able to:
Create a closed and balanced ecosystem Class Activities: Step 1: cut your 2L bottles Step 2: go to Renton Park Trails and collect water/materials Step 3: Seal ecosystem

20 Step 1: Cut your bottles! Your table group needs to cut your 2L bottles into the sizes you planned out yesterday. Once they are cut, we will take them out to the Renton Park Trails to gather the materials you need to create your closed and balanced ecosystem.

21 Step 3: Assemble and Seal
Organize your ecosystem as desired, then tape every opening/joint so it is sealed.

22 ECOSYSTEM CHECKLIST: Finish assembling your ecosystem
SEAL your ecosystem up tight! WRITE all group member’s names on your ecosystem Gather initial data** **EVERYONE must record data in their own notebook!

23 Gathering Data Measure as many variables as you can in your ecosystem.
Water level Height each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism How will you keep track of OBSERVATIONAL evidence?

24 Data Table in your notebook
Date In bottle # OBSERVATIONS 4/15 DAY 1 Example: Water level 3 cm Clear, or muddy Water level Height each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism

25 Ecosystem Tower Data: TURN THIS IN. On a piece of paper:
DRAW and LABEL your eco-tower, and write an introduction. TURN THIS IN. In your notebook: Water level Height of each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism Date In bottle # OBSERVATIONS 4/18 DAY 4 Example: Water level 3 cm Clear, or muddy Get your data table STAMPED when done

26 In the near future… Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri EOC TEST 18 19 20 21 Extended
Advisory 22 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 4 5 6 9 SBA TESTING 10 11 12 13 16 17 23 24 CLASS FINAL Review final NO SCHOOL 30 MEMORIAL DAY (no school) 31 EOC TEST 1

27 Today’s Goals: By the end of class today, you will be able to:
Describe the effects of the removal and addition of wolves to the Yellowstone Park environment Class Activities: Wolves, Elks, and Aspens (oh my!) worksheet Washington Wolf Population EOC conclusion practice

28 Today’s Goals: By the end of class today, you will be able to:
Gather data on your eco-towers Begin to explain the theory biologists had about why caribou were being killed in the Artic Class Activities: Eco-tower day 6 data gather Begin watching the movie “Never Cry Wolf”

29 Ecosystem Tower Data: In your notebook: Water level
Height of each plant Height of dirt Length of any organism Date In bottle # OBSERVATIONS 4/20 DAY 6 Example: Water level 3 cm Clear, or muddy Get your data table STAMPED when done

30 On target? Thursday 4/21/16 What did the main character, Tyler, first think was killing the caribou?

31 Describe the role wolves play in the Arctic ecosystem.
On target? Friday 4/22/16 Describe the role wolves play in the Arctic ecosystem.

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