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How Ecosystems Work Chapter 3.

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1 How Ecosystems Work Chapter 3

2 Quote “You could cover the whole world with asphalt but sooner or later green grass would break through” What does this quote mean? Does the author seem to think this ability represents something good or bad about the living world? What do you think this tendency says about the natural world and humans relation to it?

3 Ecolog What does sunlight have to do with the amount of food available to a hawk, which only eats mean? How is it possible that an atom of nitrogen in your sandwich was once part of a dinosaur’s body?

4 Recipe for what? ½ bathtub full of oxygen 50 glasses of water
½ cup sugar ½ cup calcium 1/10 thimble full of salt A pinch of the following: Phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium, iron, and a mystery ingredient

5 Questions What is the mystery ingredient?
Where does this ingredient come from?

6 Energy Look at the pictures on page 56
How does the wolf depend on the sun? What would happen if the grass did not get enough sun and eventually died?

7 Terms Producer – an organism that makes its own food (autotroph)
Consumer – organisms that get their energy by eating other organisms (heterotrophs)

8 Table on page 57 Herbivore – consumers that eat only producers (plant eaters) Carnivores – consumers that eat only consumers (meat eaters) Omnivores – consumers that eat both producers and other consumers Decomposers – consumers that get their food by breaking down dead organisms

9 Case Study Read the case study and answer the questions

10 Terms Cellular Respiration – process of breaking down food to yield energy Photosynthesis – reverse of cellular respiration utilized by plants

11 Terms Food chain – a sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next Food web – similar to a food chain, but more accurate showing all of the feeding relationships


13 Terms Trophic level – each step in the transfer of energy through an ecosystem Similar to buying a CD CD cost’s $15, $5 goes to the store that you bought it from, $5 goes to the record company that produces the band, $2 goes to the band’s agent, and the band gets $3

14 Neature Walk Write down as many plant and animal species that you see on this neature walk Try to be very exact in your list, don’t just say bird, or bug, name them what you think they are You need to have roughly things

15 Neature Walk Now make a food web of your list

16 Section Review Answer the section review questions

17 Water Ecosystem Water ecosystem demo How do the organisms survive?
Where do they get their food? Where do they get their oxygen?

18 Water Cycle Water Cycle – water moving throughout earth’s layers

19 Carbon Cycle

20 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen-fixing bacteria – only organisms to use nitrogen gas directly from the atmosphere

21 Section Review Do the section review on page 65

22 Poem Life Bountiful Bright Growing Cycling Changing
Sun Plant Animal Nutrient Sinking Decaying Fading Scarce Dark Death Is this poem an adequate summary for this section?

23 Poem Choose two opposite that you learned in this section and write a poem following this format: Noun Adjective adjective Participle participle participle Noun noun noun noun

24 What if Imagine that this school is bulldozed and a tall fence is put up surrounding the school What would it look like in 1 year? 5 years? 100 years? 1000 years?

25 Terms Succession – a regular pattern of changes over time in the types of species in a community Climax community – the community that eventually forms if left undisturbed Secondary succession – succession that occurs on an area where an ecosystem had previously been Mt. St. Helens

26 Questions Why is it important when clearing land to preserve patches of the original habitat? How does this work in controlled burns?

27 Terms Pioneers – the first organisms to colonize any newly available area and start the process of succession Primary Succession – succession that occurs on surfaces where no ecosystem existed before New islands, glacier retreat

28 Case Study Read the case study and answer the questions on pages 68-69

29 Section Review Do the section review on page 70

30 Chapter Review Re-answer the ecolog questions
Do the chapter review questions 1 – 23 Read pages

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