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July 2 – July 15, 2017 Seggau Castle, Austria

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1 July 2 – July 15, 2017 Seggau Castle, Austria
@ Graz International Summer School Seggau 2017 RADICAL DEFINITIONS: STATE-SOCIETY-RELIGION July 2 – July 15, 2017 Seggau Castle, Austria APPLICATION DEADLINE February 28, 2017

2 Academic Director Roberta Maierhofer is Professor at the Department of American Studies of the University of Graz, Austria, and Adjunct Professor at Binghamton University, New York. Her research focuses on American Literature and Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Transatlantic Cooperation in Education, Inter-American Studies, and Age/Aging Studies. Since 2007, she has been directing the Center for Inter-American Studies of the University of Graz. Roberta Maierhofer is the academic director of the Graz International Summer School Seggau.

3 ACADEMIC PROGRAM Seminar Modules in the afternoon
Morning plenary lectures Creative/Academic writing workshops Evening events/lectures 6 ECTS Credits for participation & seminar paper The summer school lasts for two weeks and the academic program is split into thematic seminars, morning plenaries and some evening events. Students will deal with the relevance and effect on global affairs of Europe/EU (emphasis on South Eastern Europe) and the Americas by attending the offered morning and evening lectures, panel discussions, and participating in one of the following modules in the afternoon.

4 TARGET GROUP Internationally oriented & highly motivated students
All disciplines  Deepen understanding of European and International affairs Interest in South Eastern Europe and North, Central, South America The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and International affairs by concentrating on the regions of South Eastern Europe and the Americas and by studying and discussing global developments and challenges within the context of collective issues reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, cultural, regional, economic, cohort and national identities.

5 Network CIII-AT-0503-06-1617 Inter-American Studies
COORDINATOR Mag. Xaver Hergenröther Institution: Center for Inter-American Studies Street: Merangasse 18/II ZIP / City: Graz Country: Austria Phone: Homepage:

6 CEEPUS Scholarship The total student participation fee is € 1.500,00 covering course costs, tuition, room & board (double or triple rooms, 3 meals per day) for the entire two weeks, and the excursion to Graz. The CEEPUS scholarship covers the entire tuition fee, which means that you only have to cover for the room & board expenses and your final payment amounts to € 380,-

7 CEEPUS funds students from the following universities:
+ Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv Unviersity + St.Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo + University of Zagreb + Palacký University, Olomouc + Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church + University of Pécs + Jagiellonian University in Cracow + Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi + University of Belgrade + University of Novi Sad + Comenius University in Bratislava + University of Ljubljana apply for SHORT TERM NETWORK MOBILITY

8 CEEPUS freemovers can apply from the following countries:

9 CEEPUS freemovers can apply from the following countries:

10 CEEPUS Students 2016

11 Seggau Castle, Leibnitz, Austria
VENUE Seggau Castle, Leibnitz, Austria Seggau Castle is located about 45km south of Graz, near the beautiful city of Leibnitz. The castle is located on top of a hill overlooking the city of Leibnitz, amidst the vineyards of southern Styria, Austria.


13 How to apply for the Summer School?
Register with the Summer School organizers: full name, name of home university, address to Fill in the online application form. Print it out and send it signed per post. Enclose: - Motivation Letter, - Letter of Recommendation (from professors directly to APPLICATION DEADLINE February 28, 2017

web: facebook: Graz International Summer School Seggau Eva-Maria Trinkaus & Ulrike Grassberger

15 How to apply for a CEEPUS scholarship?
Register with the Summer School organizers: full name, name of home university, address to Register with CEEPUS online ( Get in touch with your local CEEPUS coordinator! APPLICATION DEADLINE February 28, 2017

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