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Žarko SIVČEV EUROCONTROL Directorate Network Management

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1 IVATF/2 Montreal, 11th – 15th July 2011 FOLLOW UP TO VOLCEX 11/01 AND GRIMSVÖTN
Žarko SIVČEV EUROCONTROL Directorate Network Management European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

2 CONTENT VOLCEX 11/01 Grimsvötn EVITA
European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC)

3 Scenario: eruption of Grimsvötn
EUR/NAT VOLCEX 11/01 Scenario: eruption of Grimsvötn Newcomers:EACCC and Regulators V. ash exercise VOLCEX 11/01 13/14 Apr 11 Aim: test effectiveness of the amended contingency plan 77 AOs, 14 ANSPs, 10 CAAs, 3 VAACs, EUROCONTROL, EC & EASA Participants:

4 VOLCEX 11/01 13th – 14th April, 05.30 – 15.30 UTC
Alert: Icelandic MWO  VAAC  CFMU  Crisis Cell VA Advisory Information: VAAC Ash concentration SIGMET Measures: ANSPs  CFMU NOTAM Information exchange: CDM teleconferences EVITA prototype 14th April: decisions to perform flights made by airlines based on safety risk assessment 13th April: States act in accordance with the approach currently in force in each State 14th April: States act in accordance with the safety risk assessment approach

5 GRIMSVÖTN – May 21st – 29th 21st May – ash plume up to 20km
Eurocontrol volcanic ash procedure activated - NOP Portal, teleconferences 22nd May - EACCC activated 25th May – EVITA operational Impact: Iceland, Scandinavia, UK, Germany ~900 flights cancelled 29th May – end

6 VOLCEX 11/01 Debrief - Conclusions
Including Grimsvötn Future VOLCEX - focus, AO crisis cell, volcanologist EACCC - harmonising European response, communications/media Observations, PIREPs EASA role Data/Information Flow - VAAC, MET, AIS, teleconferences, NOP Portal NOP Portal – “one stop shop”, EVITA Reduce information overload !!!

7 Since 1st July 2011 – local training
EVITA EVITA Input: ash concentration data, NOTAM, user defined areas Output: charts, impacted flights, aerodromes, sectors Since 1st July 2011 – local training 7 7

8 Lessons learnt from 2010 ash crisis Network management expertise
May 2010: European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell EASA Network management expertise Political leadership

9 European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC)
Coordinate management of response to the network crisis affecting aviation in Europe EACCC Activated when circumstances beyond normal environment of ops are evident Airlines Members Airports ANSP Military

10 EACCC during Grimsvötn eruption
4 teleconferences held More states have adopted SRA EACCC recommends mutual recognition of SRA by NSAs EASA established central repository with accepted AO SRAs Actions: EASA Use ICAO IVATF draft guidance material to develop a reference material in Europe Organise a workshop for NSAs AOs – submit SRAs to NSAs UK and Irish CAA - work with VAAC London and other EUR MET providers on improving ash concentration charts EACCC - report to Ministers: still different approaches

11 Still a lot of work ahead …
EACCC Crisis management IN SUMMARY EVITA Changes in Europe Safety Risk Assessment approach Ash concentration charts/data Still a lot of work ahead …

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