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Proposed Project Structure for

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1 Proposed Project Structure for
UW System Institutions (excludes UW-Madison) Mercer Resources This group is compiled of Human Resources staff, specializing in titling, compensation and benefits UWO is in the process of assembling the institution’s TTC Project Team UW System Project Structure CHRO/HR Directors TTC Study Subject Matter Workgroups (Reports up to UW System) UW System Institution Project Teams DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

2 UWS CHRO/HR Directors TTC Project Steering Committee
Committee Membership: DRAFT All UWS CHRO/HR Directors Committee Responsibilities: React to recommendations from Subject Matter Workgroups Raise institution issues Responsible for institution implementation Other??? DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

3 UWS Subject Matter Workgroups
CHAIR: CHRO/HR Director DRAFT Could be co-chairs depending upon the charge Workgroup Membership: SMEs – number depends on the charge Representation from Employee Groups Staff to Workgroup (if necessary): OHRWD or Mercer Chair Responsibilities: Record information OHRWD has weekly calls with Chairs Report out to Steering Committee (CHRO/HRDs) Other??? DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

4 UWS Institution TTC Project Teams
Consistent Core Membership: CHAIR: Institution CHRO/HR Director (?) DRAFT Project Team Membership SMEs Representation from employee groups Administration Team Charge: Communication; Feedback; Other Chair Charge: Communicate institutions issues to Steering Committee (CHRO/HRDs) DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

5 Project Teams Leadership
TTC Project Comprised of 5 Phases Phase 1: Design Study Strategy Phase 2: Assess Positions and Develop New Job Title Structure Phase 3: Create Compensation Structure Phase 4: Review Benefits/Work-Life and Leave Structures Phase 5 Implement New Structures UWO TTC Project Team Leadership Laurie Textor, CHRO (UWO Project Lead-Strategy and Communications/Project Co-Chair) Shawna Kuether, Human Resources (UWO Project Lead- SME and Operations/Project Co-Chair) DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

6 Project Teams – SMEs/Project Assistance
TTC Project Comprised of 5 Phases Phase 1: Design Study Strategy Phase 2: Assess Positions and Develop New Job Title Structure Phase 3: Create Compensation Structure Phase 4: Review Benefits/Work-Life and Leave Structures Phase 5 Implement New Structures UWO Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Jo Fenrich, HR (SME in Titling and Compensation) - Phase 2 and Phase 3 Project Teams Brenda Rens, HR (SME in Benefits/Work-Life and Leave Structures) - Phase 3 and 4 Project Teams Karen Steinhofer & Shannon Lemke, HR (SMEs in Titling) Phase 2 Team Sabrina Johnson, Provost Office (SME in Compensation) – Phase 3 Project Team Katelyn Fenner, HR (SME in Benefits) – Phase 4 Project Team Jodi Anthony, HR (SME in Benefits/Work-Life and Leave Structures) - Phase 4 Project Team Jenna Roovers, HR (Project Assistant and Coordinator)-All Phases UWO Project Assistance: Jenna Roovers, HR-All Phases DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

7 TTC Project Teams Proposed Membership
TTC Project Comprised of 5 Phases Phase 1: Design Study Strategy Phase 2: Assess Positions and Develop New Job Title Structure Phase 3: Create Compensation Structure Phase 4: Review Benefits/Work-life and Leave Structures Phase 5 Implement New Structures UWO TTC Project Team Membership (for Phases 2, 3, and 4) Co-Chairs SMEs University Staff Membership Academic Staff Membership Faculty Membership (For Phase 4 Only) Members of Administration from Divisions: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Chancellor’s, IT, Communications and Administration and Finance Divisions DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION

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