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Rare Earth Element Extraction Strategy Plan

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1 Rare Earth Element Extraction Strategy Plan
GE mining Rare Earth Element Extraction Strategy Plan Introduction to Engineering Design EDGSN 100 Section 002 (Mosaic) / (Dessign team #3) (Salman Alhumaid & (Alanoud Alsubhi   & (Edem Awuku & (Kartik Kamdar & Presented to: Prof. Berezniak Date:  04/28/2017 

2 Project Objective-EDEM
Our objective was to research, develop a extraction plan that satisfied the requirements given by GE.  In addition, the team that is able to formulate the best ideas will be given a contract allowing them to start production.  Lastly, we had to consider alternatives to traditional mining methods and the use of non-diesel-powered mining equipment in the mining process.  Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 2

3 Project Background SAL
In 2012, a major REE ore deposit was discovered at the Pocono Mountain region of northeastern Pennsylvania. America was sufficient, but now China has %87.5 Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 3

4 The mine is 3km underground Mine condition 1- High humidity
Project Scope SAL The mine is 3km underground  Mine condition        1- High humidity         2- High temperature        3- Natural gas and diesel gas emissions Expectations        1- Safe and healthy environment        2- Ventilation and cooling Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 4

5 Project Sponsor-ALA Established over 100 years ago
one of the original GE businesses. With over 65 sites worldwide.  Its headquarter in Chicago.  solves the world’s toughest transportation challenges. GE Transportation builds equipment that moves the rail, mining, and marine industries. Our fuel-efficient and lower-emissions freight and passenger locomotives; diesel engines for rail; marine and stationary power applications; signaling and software solutions; drive systems for mining trucks; and value-added services help their customers grow. GE Transportation is headquartered in Chicago, IL, and employs approximately 13,000 employees worldwide. 5

6 Rare Earth Elements (REE) SAL
There are 17 different REE  Share similar traits Why they are named rare Uses: battery, display screen magnets, light, army applications sal 6

7 Mine Requirements  Block Caving Methods EDEM
The REE mine will use a block-caving mining method, since this method has a lower cost per ton than any other underground mining method.  Block-caving method requires a relatively large capital expenditure for mine development when compared to other mining methods.   Load haul dump and underground haulage trucks will be used to extract and transport the ore from the ore deposit to the surface for processing.   If other methods are used, it can significantly delay needed REE production, Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 7

8 Underground Mining Equipment: LHD ALA
 battery powered machine bucket (4,989.5 kg)11,000 lbs dimensions(L x W x H) of  (339.2 x 99.4 x 75.91 in)  while the GE LHD bucket (4,989.5 kg)11,000 lbs which can transfer more rocks and save time the GE LHD has a more compact structure with dimensions(L x W x H) of  (339.2 x 99.4 x 75.91 in) The GE LHD is more productive as it could access a tunnel of almost 76 in with its perfect height. We recommend to use the GE battery powered LHD since it is the outstanding machine, it will decrease carbon emissions and it will save time due its higher bucket capacity.    8

9 Underground Mining Equipment: ADT EDEM
After evaluating the articulated dump trucks, we noticed that the 60 was a bigger truck that could carry more loads but was slower; while the 45b was able to operate faster but was substantially smaller than the 60. Time it took each to dump one load and return to its original location (WORK):                 45b: 1.088h                   60: 1.35h From our calculations we were able to determine that the 45b was the best option because it did the least amount of work indicating that it is more efficient Since the 45b had a tier 3 engine which uses diesel it has limited harmful emissions EDEM 9

10 Underground Mining Equipment: Drilling Jumbo
Used to drill rocks Were given an option between Sandvik DD210L and DD421-60C Compared specifications such as  weight, hole size, coverage area, and major components Concluded DD421-60C is a better fit for our project KARTIK 10

11 Known Parameters and Assumptions
REE Concentration uniform throughout ore REE worth $10,000 per ton extracted Haul Truck Ramp from extraction level to surface: 15.3 km long, 20% gradient All draw points provide continuous flow of ore: no hang-up, downtime, etc. 100 draw points Average distance between draw point and haul truck pickup: 30 m Fine-to-medium grained sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate and reasonable stable through 90% of the ore Estimated drainage into the mine: 10 gallons per minute Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 11

12 Extraction Strategy Plan Tasks
Airborne Contamination Stewardship Environmental Management Occupational Health and Workplace Safety  Operating Costs and Productivity (sala) Local Community Engagement Waste Management and Disposal Mine Closure and Rehabilitation Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 12

13 Extraction Strategy Plan: Task #5 operating costs and productivity
The GE Battery Powered LHD In 8 hours = 92 round trip.  each round trip is 2.3 tons of ore.  In one continuous eight-hour work period is $2,116,000 of ore The total dollar amount of ore extracted using four LHDs per one continuous eight-hour work period is $8,464,000 0$ FUELS  Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) Operation and Productivity:      Load-Haul-Dump mining equipment will be used to transport the ore from the Draw Points to an ore transfer point at the exaction level where the ore will be transferred into articled trucks which will then take the ore to the surface for processing.  Average distance from the draw points to the articulated truck transfer point is 300 meters or 600 meters round-trip.  Assuming that the LHD travels at a speed of 7.6 km/hour during the entire round trip; and that LHD loading and dumping time is equal to 10% of the total round-trip travel time.  The total cycle time for a LHD, including round-trip travel time plus loading and dumping time is 5.2 minutes.  Using the total cycle time, the maximum number of round trips a LHD can make in one continuous eight-hour work period is 92 round trip.   The GE battery powered LHD had a tramming capacity of 11,000 lbs (5.5 US tons).   Assuming the specific weight of the unprocessed extracted ore is 4,880 lbs/cubic yard (2.4 tons/cubic yard).  The number of tons of extracted ore one LHD can carry per each round trip is 2.3 tons.    The RRE ore is worth $10,000 per ton extracted.  The dollar amount of ore that one LHD can carry in one round trip is $23,000.  The total dollar amount that a LHD can carry in one continuous eight-hour work period is $2,116,000.    The total dollar amount of ore extracted using four LHDs per one continuous eight-hour work period is $8,464,000.  Assume that LHD consumes 30 liters of diesel fuel per hour (say 8 gallons per hour) and the cost of diesel fuel is $3.00 per gallon;  the cost of diesel fuel used by one LHD per one continuous eight-hour work period is $192.  Assume that four LHDs are simultaneously used in the mine;  the total number of gallons is 256 gallon  and total cost of diesel fuel used is $768  per one continuous eight-hour work period. There for the recommended GE LHD is the best option since it is battery powered machine.  13

14 Extraction Strategy Plan: Task #5 operating costs and productivity
The path is 15.3 km and %20 grade The articulated truck is AD60 8 working hours ~ 5 trips 1 Payload  = 65 tons of ore 1 load = $650,000 of ore In 8 hr = $3,250,000 In 8 hr = $348 diesel  Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 14

15 Project Conclusions Block caving mining method using GE battery powered LHD, underground articulated dump truck AD45b and drilling jumbo DD421-60C Several potential negative impacts on environment and humans so steps taken to prevent them Caps and covers methods used for waste management High temperature inside mines calls for cooling systems Chain link or weld mesh held by tensioned mechanically anchored rock bolts, to prevent falling of loose rock. Mine closure and reclamation is important and different methods are to be used Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 15

16 Closing Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 16

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