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Outlook: The NZ Economy and Markets
June 2017 Outlook: The NZ Economy and Markets David Croy Senior Interest Rate Strategist Security Classification All title slides must be classified. If ‘Restricted’, each content slide must also be classified. To determine the classification and handling requirements of information we must consider the consequences resulting from inappropriate or unauthorised handling such as fines, fraud or damage to our reputation. More information is available on the Security and Fraud Hub on Max. The following provides high level guidance: Types of Security Classification: Public information is widely available without consequence; Internal information like that found on max, would have insignificant consequence if inappropriately disclosed; Confidential information such as divisional business plans or commercial contracts would have minor or moderate consequence; and Restricted information such as global financial performance information would have major or severe consequence if disclosed. INSTRUCTIONS If the classification required is ‘Restricted’, ensure that the classification appears on all slides - follow the steps below: Go to the Header & Footer button in the ANZ Ribbon. Tick Date and time and type ‘Restricted’ in the Fixed box. Make sure you type the same in the Footer box. Click on Apply to All. This will show ‘Restricted’ in both the title and content slides. If the classification required is ‘Public’ / ‘Internal’ / ‘Confidential’: Tick Footer and edit accordingly. Public
Leading indicators like confidence are solid
ANZ Consumer Confidence and ANZ Business Outlook Source: ANZ, Roy Morgan
Net migration not expected to fall rapidly … yet
Annual permanent and long-term migration Bazaar – statistics nz – LABOUR MARKET AND POPULATION – EXTERNAL MIGRATION … Graphs sheet, cell B500 Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ
Tourism is going gangbusters …
Tourist arrivals j/philip/tourism/Visitor spend contribution.xlsx Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ
And we are building houses at full speed…
Residential building consents Bazaar – Stats NZ – industry & sectoral – building consents – CHARTS sheet Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ
… although that has not been fast enough!
Regional housing imbalances Source: ANZ
House price growth is cooling, thankfully
Regional house price inflation j/Property Focus/Housing analysis .xlsx CHARTS sheet Source: REINZ
Bank funding and claims growth
Banks need to ration credit & charge more for it as there are now limits on foreign funding Bank funding and claims growth Bazaar – Reserve Bank data – credit data – CHARTS sheet – cell Q47 Source: ANZ, RBNZ
But why isn’t inflation making a comeback?
Capacity indicators and inflation J: Chart Packs/QSBO Sheet: Non-tradable inflation VS CU Cell: H30 (the one using adjusted non-tradable inflation, not headline) Source: ANZ, QSBO, Statistics NZ
Pricing intentions suggest it will …
Capacity indicators and inflation CHART PACKS - QSBO Source: ANZ, QSBO, Statistics NZ
... as does employment growth
Employment growth and wage inflation J:/Sharon/Charts that Matter/Contributing material…/HLFS employment vs LCI wage inflation Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ
Anyway the Reserve Bank is not convinced
The RBNZ is in no hurry to hike. Inflation assumed to peter out again. Bank funding needs and costs are increasing. This has led to a de facto tightening of monetary conditions, with rates creeping higher and credit proving harder to get. Upshot: New Zealand interest rates could rise because things are good (RBNZ raises the OCR) or things are bad (global funding markets tighten up). So it isn’t as simple as optimist vs. pessimist.
OCR on hold for a while yet
ANZ OCR forecast against market implied forward 90 day rates and RBNZ 90 day bill projections Charts that Matter – NZD vs GDP growth and GDT dairy prices Source: ANZ, Bloomberg, RBNZ
Higher retail rates buying the RBNZ time
Changes in New Zealand interest rates since Sep 30th Charts that Matter – NZD vs GDP growth and GDT dairy prices Source: ANZ, Bloomberg,
Long end: all eyes on the US
What happens in the US is more influential than what happens locally. As we have noted in past editions, long-end rates are more correlated with US (and global) rates than the OCR – see charts to the right. Although the RBNZ is expected to remain on hold, we expect the Fed to tighten in June and September, and expect US bond yields (which are back near lows for the year) to end the year almost 1%pts higher than they are now. Some of this will be absorbed via NZ/US spread compression, but the net result is still one of higher long-term interest rates in New Zealand. 10yr NZGS Yield Changes vs 10yr US Treasury Yield Changes since 2000 10yr NZGS Yield Changes NZD 3mth BKBM Changes since 2000 Source: ANZ, Bloomberg, NZFMA
Long end: 5 and 10 year swap at lows but biased higher
We expect global (and US) bond yields to rise, with New Zealand swap rates to follow suit. While US and European political uncertainty has potential to cap global bond yields in the short term (given flight-to-safety buying and allocations out of equities and into bonds) our forecasts have US bond yields and New Zealand swap yields all rising gradually over the next year. Key drivers include gradually increasing (and more synchronised) growth and rising headline inflation across the developed economies. Developed Economy GDP Growth (Annual %) Developed Economy CPI Inflation (Annual %) Source: ANZ, Citibank, Bloomberg
NZD: Best in class (overall!)
Charts that Matter – NZD vs GDP growth and GDT dairy prices
Terms of Trade at a 40+ year high
New Zealand Terms of Trade Charts that Matter – NZD vs GDP growth and GDT dairy prices Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ
Trump’s rhetoric speaks to a weaker USD
The US economy by-and-large absorbs the global savings pool. Current Account Imbalances - % of World GDP Source: ANZ, Bloomberg, IMF
China is in the firing line
The US has a fundamental savings imbalance and it has become a political issue for Trump. Political rhetoric around “currency manipulation” has stepped up. Such rhetoric calls for other currencies (China and East Asia being the obvious ones) to be allowed to strengthen against the USD, not weaken. For this to happen more reform is required across Asia. Country Breakdown of the US Trade Balance Source: ANZ, Bloomberg, IMF
Presented by David Croy
Thank you Presented by David Croy
We can’t ignore house price levels forever
Source: Demographia, ANZ
Pick the problem: house price to income
Source: ANZ, REINZ
Auckland house sales and days to sell J property focus housing analysis charts y25 Source: ANZ, REINZ
Household debt ratio at record high
Household debt and serviceability Chart packs/housing (house prices vs…) Source: ANZ, RBNZ, Statistics NZ
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